How Do You Make A YouTube Video Go Viral?

10 replies
We all know that viral marketing is huge and can make huge profits. We also know that YouTube is huge and if tapped into in the right way it can earn massive incomes.

The question is, how do you make a YouTube video go viral? Sounds like a silly question but most of the viral videos out there are so obscure that most of us would never have predicted how they would be received by the viewing public.

I'd love to hear from anyone who has an insight into how they predict what will be viral,or is it just trial and error?
#make #video #viral #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author CBusiness
    Most the people on top of YouTube regularly are using Mobile views to raise their ranks in searches.

    A real viral video doesn't go big for only 3 days and die b/c it's GREAT CONTENT. Notice most major Youtubers video only does big numbers for like 4 days... It's b/c that front page feature and a major boost from mobile views bots.

    Youtube was trying to work to stop MObile views but i dont think they've done it yet.. Not completely.. they stopped it for short periods but new codes came out

    Real viral videos get discovered and continue to grow over a period of time.. SUPER VIRAL videos get major TV / News coverage.......... and still, with all of that coverage, they dont always Spike like some the Youtubers

    Youtubers who aren't getting that HIGH LEVEL OF EXPOSURE but a million views on first week of reviews, 9 of 10 are fake mobile views with a few real ones on top.
    Buy YouTube Views, No Way! ! ! Force Youtube Videos To Go Viral. Contact Me For eBook or check my WSO
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    • Profile picture of the author seanicasia
      It's gotta be really out of this world, bizarre or reaaaaaallly funny. Something extreme.

      Standard stuff that are 'pretty good' won't go viral per se, at most a few shares.

      Depending on your niche, you've got to really think out of the box and see what can you do that's so wacky or insane that people will take one look and go 'oh my god'.

      I know not ALL viral videos are like that, but if you think about it, it makes sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author kochtgr
    There are many things that could make a video go viral, of course first is the content of the video but there are many things that could help a good video go viral, I have published recently a post on my blog about how you can make a video go viral which I believe will help you check it out How to Make Any Video Go Viral
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  • Profile picture of the author CBusiness
    simple , but cool read there my friend!
    Buy YouTube Views, No Way! ! ! Force Youtube Videos To Go Viral. Contact Me For eBook or check my WSO
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  • Profile picture of the author CBusiness
    I have a HUGE SECRET about Youtube that I wont release without being compensated for ( 3figure compensation )

    It's actually somewhat common sense BUT people dont know how far you can take it.

    It can make a video grow for a long time.
    Buy YouTube Views, No Way! ! ! Force Youtube Videos To Go Viral. Contact Me For eBook or check my WSO
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  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    Most videos that go viral tend to be quirky and have nothing to do with marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Marty S
      Originally Posted by Martyn Wilson View Post

      We all know that viral marketing is huge and can make huge profits.
      The premise of your OP is exactly what confuses a LOT of new Youtube marketers, because it is so misleading. Most videos that go viral are in fact NOT profitable at all because they rarely result in real sales for typical niche marketers.

      If you set out to try and make a viral video for your online marketing, you are doomed to be wasting time because the odds are stacked against you. How many marketers do you think try to make a viral video? Let's just say THOUSANDS - conservatively. How many do go viral? (Hint: You'll only need one hand to count them.)

      In my experience (500+ youtube videos, 4 million views), no matter how hard you think about it, you will NOT know which of your videos will be popular while you are making them. And in fact, opposite results of what you expect to happen are more common.

      Originally Posted by Martyn Wilson View Post

      We also know that YouTube is huge and if tapped into in the right way it can earn massive incomes.
      We don't know JACK. It's like anything else. Its's so easy to say big words like "Massive", but that only comes from hard work and selective, persistent targeting of certain keywords in niche markets. What would you really rather have - A viral video that get's a million views in 3 months but targets no specific audience whatsoever, OR 25 videos each ranging from 250 to 10,000 views targeting a specific niche with related keywords, and has a CTA such as a sign up process to your aweber? (HINT: You can build a full time income with the 25 videos).

      STOP with the VIRAL marketing crap already. Niche marketers can be so much more profitable and effective by targeting a niche, creating really helpful videos for their viewers and having a solid CTA process. You can absolutely OWN a niche this way using Youtube, and build a real business while doing so.

      How to make a viral video... or not. | Video
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      • Profile picture of the author Martyn Wilson
        Marty S

        Thank you for your comments and, you are absolutely correct. My comments about massive profits from viral videos are not based on any personal experience as I do not use YouTube for marketing purposes. My comments were based on heresay and the many people selling products that promise huge profits from viral videos. I should know better by now not to believe everything I hear and read.

        My post was aimed at getting those who claim to be earning from viral videos to step forward and share some details. Suprise suprise, there aren't any!
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  • Profile picture of the author danatur
    Could anyone tell how can you promote a site through youtube?
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