The Perry Belcher Button with roll over effects for PayPal

17 replies
How to Create PayPal Buttons Using The Perry Belcher Button With Roll Over Effects

Perry Belcher revealed his payment button at The Belcher Button | Perry Belcher. Split tests showed an increase in response of 35 to 320% over any other buy button tested.

In his blog post titled 'The ULTIMATE Submit Button REVEALED! Putting all the Pieces Together...' Eric Graham (The Copy Doctor) revealed that using roll over effects on a button can increase response rates by up to 46.5%

So if you use the Belcher button, roll over effects could increase your sales even more.

How do you do it, especially if you are using PayPal, and have no idea how to use Javascript?

The trick is to use CSS to control the roll over effects, and use a modified Belcher Button. Here's how:
  1. Edit the Belcher button and delete the red border to reveal a transparent background. Save the button as a .gif with transaparency.

  2. Add the new gif image to your PayPal code as the payment button.

  3. Wrap your PayPal code in a <div></div> and use CSS to control the background color and the hover color of the div.

You can view a working example here

Here is the HTML code you will require:

1) The CSS code - add this between the <head></head> tags or to your existing CSS.

<style type="text/css">

.pbtn {
margin: auto;
background-color: #ff0000;
width: 460px;
height: 221px;

.pbtn:hover {
background-color: #00cc00;


2) The form code - add this to your sales page:

<div class="pbtn">

<form action="" method="post"> ...
the rest of your PayPal form code goes here
... </form>


Important notes:

1) Use the correct DOCTYPE in your webpage HTML because the roll over effect may not work if browsers run in Quirks mode. I used this:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

2) Make sure you use the correct image width and height as the div width and height or you'll end up with the background color spilling out from the edges of the payment button.
#belcher #button #perry #roll
  • Profile picture of the author Kalidasa
    I have been trying for weeks to find out how to do this. Thanks! I just hope my limited technical ability will let me actually make it work.

    Feel better. Natural back pain relief Kalidasa's Self Adjusting Technique.

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  • Profile picture of the author Valeriu Popescu
    Gooooood... but there is a BIG difference between an order button and one for a free offer.

    As I always said, TEST yourself and DO NOT count on others.


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    • Profile picture of the author Colin Evans
      Originally Posted by Kalidasa View Post

      I have been trying for weeks to find out how to do this. Thanks! I just hope my limited technical ability will let me actually make it work.
      If you encounter problems just let me know and I'll help you get it working.

      Originally Posted by Valeriu Popescu View Post

      Gooooood... but there is a BIG difference between an order button and one for a free offer.

      As I always said, TEST yourself and DO NOT count on others.

      You're right... Testing is important.

      The basic concept behind the CSS controlled Belcher Button can be used for any button, and it's easy to change for split testing different colors, buttons etc.

      Sig not working today - too hung over...

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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
        Besides changing the border color you could test a saying.

        For instance, if you're selling something i the fitness niche you can have a similar "buy now" button that changes to "lose weight now" or something similar ( I know its not the best eample but it's all I could come up with off the top of my head).
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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    Colin, that's pretty cool what you've done there but I dunno about leaving off the dashed red border. Perry Belcher tested that and found the addition of it increased sales too. He says he exhaustively tested every element of the button. Is there a way to have the rollover as well as the dashed border? That would be très cool.

    I quite like Kevin Hubcap's idea for the text changing on rollover too. Son of Belcher Button?
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  • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
    If you want the Becher Button with the mouse over ability and able to change the verbage and pricing on the fly, visit:

    Belcher Button: Redux |

    It also links the entire order area - even the background and takes about 30 seconds to install to your order pages.

    Yes, it's my blog but no opt-in is required to download it.

    Screw You, NameCheap!
    $1 Off NameSilo Domain Coupons:

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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    I tested Eric Graham's button and found it did NOT work
    with Internet Explorer - in fact when implemented
    according to instructions on the blog the button not
    only did not change border colors, it invalidated the
    "clickability" of the graphic, making response for the
    IE user impossible.

    I didn't check every detail. As soon as I uncovered
    this issue I posted a comment on the blog where
    the method was explained (comment was not
    published), and discontinued use. I'm still playing
    with it on one form I have... and can't say the button
    feature always fails with IE7, but I am concerned
    about the issue, obviously.

    Always test these sorts of things for cross-browser
    compatibility. You could be running ads 40% or more
    of your visitors are unable to act on.
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  • Profile picture of the author TroyNotes
    I created a version you might be interested in. I call it the Ultimate Belcher Button, another member called it BABB (Bad A** Belcher Button)

    - it has animated rollover and press
    - works in every major browser
    - it scales up and down (recreated in Flash/vector)
    - it's half the size
    - adjustable price text
    - it's free
    - it's cleaned up (no dithering)

    I"m still to new to post links here but you can find it easy just by searching google for "Ultimate Belcher button UBB"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1285891].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author milan
      Originally Posted by TroyNotes View Post

      I created a version you might be interested in. I call it the Ultimate Belcher Button, another member called it BABB (Bad A** Belcher Button)

      - it has animated rollover and press
      - works in every major browser
      - it scales up and down (recreated in Flash/vector)
      - it's half the size
      - adjustable price text
      - it's free
      - it's cleaned up (no dithering)

      I"m still to new to post links here but you can find it easy just by searching google for "Ultimate Belcher button UBB"

      That's what I call a good first post Thanks Troy. Here is the link
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      • Profile picture of the author TroyNotes
        Wow Big Thanks for linking people up, I've already had like 20 people from the Warrior Forum get it!

        Got a request to add sound for the rollover/rollout and mousedown/up so it's going to get even better!
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  • Profile picture of the author ab420
    Thanks Colin, it works perfectly!
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  • Profile picture of the author mmurtha
    Hey you guys - you rock!

    Thanks for all the directions to the different effects.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    This thread was originally resurrected by a spammer, but I must admit, this thread was worth resurrecting for once.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author XXXXXXXX
    Thanks to TroyNotes for a great tool!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Snow_Predator
    I personally wouldn't rely on the Belcher Button. He claims that it worked well for his own niche or niches.

    Firstly, just because it worked for him in his own unique circumstances (niche, method of communication, product for sale etc), doesn't mean it will work for me. I tried it in the weight loss niche and it didn't work nearly as well as a simple large text link saying 'Click Here To Buy *Product Name* For $*Product Price*'

    The Belcher button may look nice, attractive and clickable, but that's no reason to suggest it converts better than something more simple. Just like a flashy website tends not to convert as well as a simple one.

    Also, Belcher claims to have tested this button to death with excellent results, but who knows if these claims are true?

    Bottom line - do your own testing and see what works best for your own unique situation
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    • Profile picture of the author ServerBite
      Originally Posted by Snow_Predator View Post

      Bottom line - do your own testing and see what works best for your own unique situation
      Amen to that!

      I have lost count of all the guru recommendations I´ve tried only to find that their tactics was just applicable to their special situation.

      But most often the faulty recomendations come from people who aren´t selling anything, just theorizing over marketing and regurgatating what they´ve read or heard and making a living as "advisors".

      But thats a different topic!
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  • Profile picture of the author wepwrorce
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