HITS stands for "how idiots track success" is that true?

by Fadiz
11 replies
I just watched 90 mins free course from appsumu All your software in one nice little burrito | AppSumo.com about using google analytics with Andrew Warner (Mixergy founder) and Justin Cutroni from webshare, other than it was really good course about the advantages of using google analytics, I heard something that made me laugh
HITS stand for "how idiots track success" well it is kinda funny but it's true as well, should we track our marketing success by how many hits we got? sales? emails collected?
how do you track your success ???
Just something to think about
#hits #how idiots track success #stands #track success #true
  • Profile picture of the author MidlandsMarketer
    Website A: 500 UVs a day- 0 sales

    Website B: 100 UVs a day- 10 sales

    Which website is succesful?

    Simple really

    Currently working on something awesome!

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  • Profile picture of the author vivi62
    sales and earnings tell you how successfull your website is after all you cant spend visits.
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    • Profile picture of the author Fadiz
      You can't spend visits lol
      Originally Posted by vivi62 View Post

      sales and earnings tell you how successfull your website is after all you cant spend visits.
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    • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
      I agree - I track my website success by how many sales I get not how many visitors it gets. After all, sales is what equals the money not the amount of visitors.
      My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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    • Profile picture of the author slayer0x59
      It is really quite funny and true. The success of a site is not how many hits we get but how many sales we did.

      SEO/Webmaster/WordPress/Drupal site builder


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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Originally Posted by Fadiz View Post

    how do you track your success ???

    Gross sales + Net profits.

    That definition of HITS is accurate (how idiots track success).

    A lot of people track success by Unique Visitors as opposed to dollars earned, and that is foolish.

    But those who track Hits are really missing the big picture, because Hits is a reference to every file pulled from the server. If a page is loaded that has 10 images on it, then that is 11 Hits in the site analytics software.

    Hits climb faster than page loads and unique visitors, and anyone quoting Hits as a proof of success is grasping at straws to justify what they have done.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Capitalist_Pig
    I suppose hits are a valid metric for judging success or failure, if you're trying to get your work in front of as many eyes as possible.

    Myself, I'm here for the money. Therefore, I judge my results in dollars. If I put in $100 and 40 hours of work, and I get back $2000, I consider that a success. If I am using a scalable input (read: "paid traffic"), then I'm calling that an incredible success, and I'm pouring that $2000 back into traffic as soon as it hits my hands. If it's not a scalable source (read: "organic SEO"), then I'm optimizing that process until it takes as little of my time as possible to continue. I'm just as happy with $100 / month for two years as I am with an instant $2,000.

    I go into this much detail to make a point - it isn't always about money in your pocket - it's about scalability, duration, and the time input required to maintain the income source. Making a boatload of cash is great, and it'll let me go out and buy a new car without financing it. Making a sustained few thosand dollars a month means I can quit my day job and spend my time with my family and working on building that income stream. The key in this business is building recurring income streams, in my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jim Nariel
    Well you obviously need to measure what is working and what is not working and test out your content on your website.

    It seems this relates to people who purely focus on this and not on the other very important part of yoru IM business

    Things like delivering value to your customers and deliverying content etc etc
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  • Profile picture of the author JD Ways
    DEPENDS on the business model! Sometimes visitors only CAN be money and somtimes sales only CAN be money! But usually SALES is king!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Track your internet marketing success by how many sales you get. Hits doesn't mean anything. Especially non targeted hits.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidaviniker
    Originally Posted by Fadiz View Post

    I just watched 90 mins free course from appsumu All your software in one nice little burrito | AppSumo.com about using google analytics with Andrew Warner (Mixergy founder) and Justin Cutroni from webshare, other than it was really good course about the advantages of using google analytics, I heard something that made me laugh
    HITS stand for "how idiots track success" well it is kinda funny but it's true as well, should we track our marketing success by how many hits we got? sales? emails collected?
    how do you track your success ???
    Just something to think about
    The concept that HITS STANDS FOR "HOW IDIOTS TRACK SUCCESS" seems superficially correct. However, I am reminded of the comment by many grandparents, including myself, when contemplating the fantastic wonders of their grandchildren. "Having grandchildren is so wonderful and so much easier than having children. Cannot think why we did not start by having grandchildren."

    Of course the number of hits do not necessarily translate into paying clients. But without 'hits', you will have no paying customers. In the grand scheme of things, the more hits you have the more opportunity you have for paying customers and also to increase incoming quality links, that push your pages up the Google rankings that lead to more hits and more chance of paying customers. Like grandchildren, the benefits are there for those who nurtured their children.

    The first step in Internet Marketing is to increase the 'hits'. Nurturing 'hits' to convert to business is the second step.
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