1 replies
Just a quick question b/c I want to make sure that I get it right....

I I have a service say writing articles, creating videos, php programming or what ever and not an actual already made product, can I put it in the WSO section or does it have to go in classifieds? I'll cut warriors a break on price, but it looks like there are so many more people that hit the WSO section rather the the other.

Let me know.

#classifieds #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman

    Check out the sticky rules in each area. And that should help you make up your mind of which one to go with 1st.

    Frankly, I would spend some time building your reputation prior to doing either one. The WSO forum does have more viewers every day, but you also have a lot more competition when you launch a product in there. Which in turns means you will get driven down the page more quickly.

    Whereas with the classifieds, you have less competition and your ad will stay on the 1st page longer. But that can be offset by fewer views. Your choice my friend.

    The Old Geezer
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