Building a List OUT OF IM/MMO!!!! Traffic Sources?
Yes, very lovely, but for people who are stuck in the IM niche. Sorry, but personally, I think it's far harder building a list in a niche out of IM... Building a list of people who DON'T KNOW ABOUT IM.
So what do you do for traffic to build up your NON-IM lists?
Here's a few to get us started:
1. Youtube - I post up a lot of videos to get them noticed. Even if each video only brings 1 subscriber a month. If I can get 100 up a week, that's say 400 subs a month and then I can just leave them to mature.
2. PPC - Not something I'm a fan of, but have done before, I have used PPC on Adwords and Facebook to build up an initial list who I can test the water with. If I can make money off this trial list, then the money I make off them goes straight back into PPC and then I just keep going.