I'm On the Verge of Committing IM Suicide!!! (My Girlfriend Made Me!) Read on...
Sorry for the dramatic headline, but I needed to get your attention.
I need to tap into all the brilliant IM minds here on the WarriorForum!
But it is so true... I'm on the verge of jumping over IM cliff...

Basically, my girlfriend went away to Peru for 10 weeks, and we made a pact!...
She told to make sure I had made a profit of at least £100 by the time she gets back. This would be a way for her to understand that the IM business is not a joke and it WORKS!!! And also prove to me that I'm not wasting my time as well... :rolleyes:
"Pretty easy!" I thought... and I went on about my business...
Well, fast-forward 7 weeks down the line and with 3 weeks to go until my girlfriend gets back, I still haven't made a single penny or a cent!
I'm in a real panic right about now...

As you could probably imagine I've just wound up focusing on my J.O.B...
I've bought a couple of ebooks here and there and I even striked up some top-notch coaching early on in the year but I eventually had to leave that... I was spending more money per every two weeks than actually taking any action and I was making no money on my investment at all... :confused:
So the question is... WHAT DO I DO???
The thing is I know IM works... I've seen all the countless testimonies, I've even spoken to guys that are doing pretty well making an honest income online and I've seen the proof for myself...
I must admit I think I've passed the stage of "Information Overload", I think I am now in the phase of what many call "Analysis Paralysis".
I've got all the info, I'm just obsessed with doing it perfect and getting it 100% and not failing... I think I'm nearly at the "Fear of Failure" phase.
So guys, I call on you to please give me some advice...
I have the info but I don't know where to begin?! (Does that make sense?)
Please help a fellow Warrior out! I'm not a newbie, I'm a MAYBIE!

Help me to turn into a SURELIE! (yeah sorry that was pathetic! :p)
I don't want my girlfriend to come back in 3 weeks time and see that I've made NO PROGRESS AT ALL!!!
I would like to come back and be able to give a testimonial that I pulled in £xxxx in 3 weeks! I KNOW IT'S POSSIBLE!!!

Do you know of any thing that will FAST-TRACK me into making money online with little to no cost up front and also at the same time be something I can build upon for future profits in the future?
I am aware of article marketing and niche marketing.
Thanks in advance for your advice!
Michael Masade Jr.

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