If you had $1000 and had to start again...

by Niche_Boy Banned
25 replies
If you had to start your internet marketing venture all over again, with just $1000 but had the knowledge you have now, what products/method would you use to start earning a passive income online?

Here's what I've thought of so far:
Going the wordpress bloging niche route...
Buying a site Flippa....

Basically I am in this position and want a but don't know what route to take.

I know I need to buy a domain so maybe that's where I'll start...

Your help is really appreciated. I am poor but have come across some money and want to spend it wisely so I can start earning a living online.
  • Profile picture of the author alfid
    I would probably try to buy two sites from Flippa. Just do your research and make sure you get two good ones and make it count!
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    • Profile picture of the author Niche_Boy
      Originally Posted by alfid View Post

      I would probably try to buy two sites from Flippa. Just do your research and make sure you get two good ones and make it count!
      Unfortunately Flippa doesn't have any sites for sale in my niche.
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    • Profile picture of the author NBaller
      Originally Posted by alfid View Post

      I would probably try to buy two sites from Flippa. Just do your research and make sure you get two good ones and make it count!
      You'd really have to watch yourself here. There is a reason that most people are selling sites on Flippa...

      I would utilize Flippa and a team of experts to build a website from scratch that brings in money. I would then, potentially, sell the site on Flippa. With a $1000 budget, you can go very far with this idea.
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      • Profile picture of the author lukedidit
        Originally Posted by NBaller View Post

        You'd really have to watch yourself here. There is a reason that most people are selling sites on Flippa...
        Very much, be very careful what you pick up there at the moment. A lot of sites got hit badly by Penguin and were put on flippa. The traffic stats they are showing are for the month before the roll out by Google.

        If you do look at any sites on there make sure they give you a fresh view of the last months traffic back dated from today.

        Personal preference, but when I look at flippa I tend to use a filter to remove stuff less then six months old. There is lot of stuff under six months which may look promising to an inexperienced user, but the niches they are in are often quite very competitive and need some really solid SEO (also to add SEO is little up in the air at the moment, esp for new sites). You're really just buying an overpriced domain and wordpress install, which worse still might be carrying some penalties.

        The best thing you could get from flippa is an aged site. Those are the gems I look for. Esp something from 2007 back, they tend to get serious bidders going after them though and so go for 1 to 2k +
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  • Profile picture of the author alphadude
    It is hard to say because what worked 3 years ago won't neccessarily be working well now. Unless you know what you are doing, forget Flippa. Most are not going to sell something that is doing well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    Simple. I'd go for affiliate marketing through article syndication. Runs me about $25 per month to start so I get to pocket the other $975 for pizza .
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    • Profile picture of the author Niche_Boy
      Originally Posted by Joe Robinson View Post

      Simple. I'd go for affiliate marketing through article syndication. Runs me about $25 per month to start so I get to pocket the other $975 for pizza .
      What exactly is article syndication?
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by Niche_Boy View Post

    If you had to start your internet marketing venture all over again, with just $1000 but had the knowledge you have now, what products/method would you use to start earning a passive income online?

    Here's what I've thought of so far:
    Going the wordpress bloging niche route...
    Buying a site Flippa....

    Basically I am in this position and want a but don't know what route to take.

    I know I need to buy a domain so maybe that's where I'll start...

    Your help is really appreciated. I am poor but have come across some money and want to spend it wisely so I can start earning a living online that I've always wanted to.
    Lots of people would kill for $1k in this economy. That said, if you have gone the niche blogging and website flipping routes, maybe you should try ghostwriting (check out Ghostwriting Cash dot com) or opening your own PLR store (see PLR ATM dot com).

    Good luck,
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    • Profile picture of the author Niche_Boy
      Originally Posted by Miguelito203 View Post

      Lots of people would kill for $1k in this economy. That said, if you have gone the niche blogging and website flipping routes, maybe you should try ghostwriting (check out Ghostwriting Cash dot com) or opening your own PLR store (see PLR ATM dot com).

      Good luck,
      How have her products helped you over others?
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    No offense Niche_Boy but this question has been asked a dozen times already, the answers are still going to be the same...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author Luke McCormack
    Depending on the niche, I would go the list building route. Why? Because I want to try and capture every visitor to my site and market to them again and again whilst building a relationship.

    I would therefore therefore set up squeezepages on a domain and drive traffic through solo ads and giveaway events if in the IM niche. Would set up a OTO to recoup investment.

    Would spend $100 on professional squeeze page design, $400 on solo ads and upgrading in giveaway events and then tweak sales funnel and spend the remaining $500 next month pklus any money I had recouped with OTO.

    Best regards

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  • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
    Originally Posted by Niche_Boy View Post

    If you had to start your internet marketing venture all over again, with just $1000 but had the knowledge you have now, what products/method would you use to start earning a passive income online?
    I'd buy an ad here on the Warrior Forum that taught new posters how to use the search button and see the other 15,254 posts today asking this very question.

    -- j

    Posting About Life & Video Games:

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  • Profile picture of the author CyborgX
    I haven't thought of that like that way. But if I had that kind of money i would spend my time of this very forum and see what would be more beneficial for me. And start doing that right away.
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  • Profile picture of the author GMT
    I know exactly what i'd do, i'd find expired domains with some age, related to free ebooks I have, buy those and toss up landing pages to give them away to build my list. The two primary focuses most likely being marketing(making money, SEO, facebook etc..) and weight loss. Then i'd join some of the better CPA networks, and clickbank. I'd invest some in traffic methods(facebook, adwords and craigslist ads) as well as SEO methods to rank on Google. As my lists grow i'd advertise offers and products related to the list. Rinse and repeat.
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  • Profile picture of the author devogolf
    Spend the $1,000 on list building and getting those subscribers to like you...the money will follow. As soon as you stop chasing money the money will come to you. Best advice I was ever given...!!!

    There is more information and some great FREE stuff over at http://www.allandevlin.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    I would get something that converts really well build my list then forward the traffic to the killer offer.
    Traffic source would be all paid traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    Originally Posted by Niche_Boy View Post

    If you had to start your internet marketing venture all over again, with just $1000 but had the knowledge you have now, what products/method would you use to start earning a passive income online?
    Well if I am allowed to take the knowledge that I have now into this scenario, than this question is easy.

    I'd create a WSO and bump the **** out of it. Not saying I can't afford bumps in the forum... but with $1000 instantly in my bank account it would be the motherf***ing mother load!
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author JerryKuzma
    Business-wise, I would NOT spend $1000 right off the bat....that is not good business sense.

    Every biz needs running capital, so start by investing $100-200, and keeping a healthy reserve.

    I know that doesn't fully answer the question, but it is the best perspective to use when investing in a new biz.

    Hope that helps,

    Jerry K
    N Ireland

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    "How to Make Money by Writing Short Books and Articles"
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  • Profile picture of the author jthom804
    Pay for a trainer who will get you on the right track.
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  • Profile picture of the author monister
    well i pay for establishing a company and indulging in selling and buying stuff ,offline mostly,its a old model that works nevertheless
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  • Profile picture of the author JerryKuzma
    Be encouraged.....you got a lot of great advice above....just don't spend too much money in the beginning....

    All the best,
    Jerry K

    ***********GRAB THIS FREE REPORT! *******
    "How to Make Money by Writing Short Books and Articles"
    Discover over 27 different ways to EARN by writing high-quality content from home!
    CLICK HERE to get your FREE copy!

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  • Trusting that the $1000 has been spent by now, we're wondering how it all went?
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
    "I LOVE The Song! The Vibe Is Positive And Firm!" - Kymani Marley. (Son of Bob Marley).

    "Very High Quality!" Jeremy Harding - Manager / Producer. Sean Paul.
    "They Are FANTASTIC!" - Willie Crawford.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I would try to turn that $1000 into a $200/month steady income. Then i would advertise all over the place, get a job to advertise even more... then eventually use the sales and profits to use as advertising money... instead of dipping into the savings to run ads.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
      Originally Posted by JohnPhillips991551 View Post

      you should probably try 'marketers in black' strategies, wso to find them, they will help you set up your business.
      Thread's 3 months old (and a repetitive thread on top of that). Let them stay in the archives where they belong.
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