20 uniques to final clickbank sales page but no conversions?

by Ivraim
18 replies
Hi there guys,

I had a question that does not seem clear to me; i hope someone has some great advice they could share for my situation.

I am trying to market this book online. great-secret-life (dot) com

I have launched 2 different types of campaigns.
- Google adwords (1163 targeted unique clicks)
- Paid solo ads (250 targeted unique clicks)

I have all my links tracked and the "Clickbank confirmation page" shows 20 people from different countries clicked on the link to buy the book - the final payment page.


No records of sales have been found until now, which is weird that people are definitely clicking to buy it, but are clicking off and changing their mind and the paying page. Is there something im doing wrong?

I have checked the clickbank page with a fake credit card provided by clickbank, and the test comes up fine with a 'sale notification' sent to my email. However when I try to search for my book in the clickbank market place "The Great Secret Of Life" narrowing down to only 2 pages, I cannot find my book anywhere on sale?

Is this a clickbank problem? or is my book simply not converting at the clickbank payment page? seems odd =/.

Any help would be amazing because I've have toiled.. and toiled..

Ps: at the bottom of the clickbank payment page it says "affiliate= none" - obviously because im selling my own book...right?

God bless.
#clickbank #conversions #final #page #sales #uniques
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Ivraim View Post

    I have all my links tracked and the "Clickbank confirmation page" shows 20 people from different countries clicked on the link to buy the book - the final payment page.
    Is that figure of 20 the number of order-form impressions or the number of order-form submissions?

    If it's "impressions" then it doesn't necessarily mean they're clicking "to buy": there can be several other reasons for people looking at the order page.

    It's a little puzzling, either way, but they're completely different situations: only 20 order-form impressions from that number of visitors would be rather surprising although no sale from 20 order-form impressions wouldn't necessarily be a surprise at all; on the other hand, no sale at all from 20 order-form submissions would be extremely alarming and almost certainly an indication of a problem at ClickBank's end.

    Originally Posted by Ivraim View Post

    Ps: at the bottom of the clickbank payment page it says "affiliate= none" - obviously because im selling my own book...right?
    Right - if you're "just selling it as the vendor". (Vendors can also sell through their own, separate affiliate-link, if they want to, but it sounds like you're not doing this? And I'm not suggesting that you should be doing it - just clarifying!).

    Originally Posted by Ivraim View Post

    when I try to search for my book in the clickbank market place "The Great Secret Of Life" narrowing down to only 2 pages, I cannot find my book anywhere on sale?
    The first sale processed should result in the product being listed in the Marketplace, I think ...
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  • Profile picture of the author Ivraim
    Well thanks so much for your help. I was thinking of reducing the price of the book and trying Google ads once more.
    But before i do that, i have contacted clickbank to see if everything is working correctly.

    The 20 unique clicks were impressions, that's really weird that they would click off once it asks for Paypal or credit card. Anyway... other than reducing the price and trying again, could you suggest any other testing methods?

    By looking at the amount of demos that have been downloaded i can see this book is appealing to people.
    The landing page has definitely given me a list building funnel.
    But how to make a sales conversion?

    Thanks again for your quick response.
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    • Profile picture of the author Harvey Segal
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      The first sale processed should result in the product being listed in the Marketplace, I think ...
      This was previously the case.
      Accounts are now listed in the Marketplace on the next rebuild after the activation fee is paid i.e within 24 hours of activation.

      Ivraim, it would seem the account has been delisted - which happens if there have been no sales for 12 weeks - although you should have received an email from ClickBank with an option to re-enlist it.

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    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by Ivraim View Post

      Well thanks so much for your help. I was thinking of reducing the price of the book and trying Google ads once more.
      But before i do that, i have contacted clickbank to see if everything is working correctly.

      The 20 unique clicks were impressions, that's really weird that they would click off once it asks for Paypal or credit card. Anyway... other than reducing the price and trying again, could you suggest any other testing methods?

      By looking at the amount of demos that have been downloaded i can see this book is appealing to people.
      The landing page has definitely given me a list building funnel.
      But how to make a sales conversion?

      Thanks again for your quick response.
      This is not weird AT ALL. It's perfectly normal. You will find a lot of people click over to the order form before even reading much of the sales page so they can see right away what price the product is and whether or not it's worth investing their time reading the rest of the sales page.

      There is nothing amiss here. Just keep on keeping on.
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  • Profile picture of the author wrs6
    what's new about your product i watched a documentary movie "the secret law of attraction" and i read a book about it a long time ago 2010
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny12345
    Hi Ivraim,

    Welcome to the forum.

    With the pleasantries out of the way, let's get down to business...

    OK... so you've got over 1,400 clicks with NO SALES, right?

    Well, frankly, it's not surprising. Not at all. In fact, if you had ANY sales I would be UTTERLY SHOCKED.


    Because your sales page doesn't have any sales copy! None. Zero. Zip. All I saw was what looked like a 2 minute and 20 second re-cut of The Secret movie trailer.

    And then you've got a buy button. Sigh...

    So you expect people to pay $19.95 without knowing anything about your product? (Seriously... that's the plan?)

    Well, unfortunately, marketing just doesn't work that way. (Man, I wish it did.)

    And, to compound the problem, you've got a button that promotes your affiliate program right in the center of the page.

    No, no, no...

    That button DOES NOT belong there.


    Because that button tells people your page is really about marketing and selling them stuff. (With certain exceptions, affiliate links should be subtle. It should be at the bottom of the page. Don't worry, affiliates know where to look.)


    Let me confess that I did NOT click the "like" button. And I didn't enter my e-mail address, either. Maybe doing so would have taken me to a wonderful sales letter on Facebook or delivered an AR series to my e-mail box. (I sincerely hope so.)

    But, if the main page of "great-secret-life.com" is intended to do the selling... game over. Do not pass go; do not collect $200. You lose.


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  • Profile picture of the author AnnaMolly
    Yea, perfectly normal. Also, most people will click through a few times before they part with their money.
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  • Profile picture of the author jrpventures
    this is just part of IM. Sometimes you just don't get the sales you think will come. Hang in there

    Read the rules -- no affiliate links allowed.

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Your website is very weak. A pretty meaningless Youtube video with an optin box. There is nothing there that would get people to take action. You also say the book takes 1.5 hours to read which is probably turning people off. People want things instantly, they don't want to see it's going to take them 1.5 hours to read... even if it does.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ivraim
    Thank you all for your great responses, I have taken huge consideration and have decided to completely change the structure of the site. Will update you guys once everything is complete and will hopefully get a second opinion.

    To your happiness & success always.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ivraim
    Ok so here we go for take 2. The website has completely been restructured, hope that someone can give me some feedback, i would be interested to know your opinions.
    PS. squeeze is converting well.

    great-secret-life (dot) com

    Thanks for listening.
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  • Profile picture of the author YourProfessional
    It still doesn't look professional.

    Looks like you rushed the sales page. You definitely need to put more effort into it. Sales pages should take time...
    Honest, No-BS Reviews Of WSOs...
    I test products... before I give my final review.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ivraim
    Hey Jovana, - Great site btw.

    Thanks for your feedback, can i ask what you think is missing...?
    I will be adding testimonials after i get permission from their testifier.

    Squeeze page is definately converting well, but now im looking to make sales, to support my sponsoring habit =).

    Can you suggest anything? is it the design? does it need another video? more info ?...

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks again warriorforum members =)

    Here is the site again: great-secret-life (dot) com
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  • Profile picture of the author Brandon Sean

    having order-form impressions and zero sales is common, so don't worry about it

    I'm guessing some people just click the buy button of of curiosity

    I have a clickbank product where some affiliates are making me some sales, and some of their stats has about 50 plus order form impressions.. yup.. and 1 sale and then I have some that have less than 20 order form impression and there is a sale.

    So It really depends
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  • Profile picture of the author Ivraim
    Im thinking even if you did want to help me, you don't want to opt in to see the sales letter... so here is the extention: great-secret-life (dot)com/index2.html
    thanks again WF members any help is praised.
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    • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
      Hi Ivraim,

      Just checked out your sales page.

      Hmmmm. Wondering - how it is converting now?

      Yes, it now has copy, but the copy is too hard to read. It's in huge blocks, some of it in tiny print, plus it's without enough white space and subheads.

      It also doesn't really draw the reader in. Of course, maybe the squeee page does some of that, but still...

      Address your reader more directly. Ask about their problems etc. that you're going to solve. Or talk about their problems.

      And when you get to your bullet points - focus on what's in it for THEM!

      I'm not sure that the fact that profits will be donated is a huge sales point, but it sure shouldn't be the FIRST bullet. Put it as the last one, maybe, and instead start the bullets with specific benefits.

      You're promising the solution to EVERYTHING for 7 bucks. That seems a bit unrealistic.

      How are you going to deliver that?

      Put it in short and specific paragraphs (not all the details but some sense of the kind of info they can expect).

      That's just my first impression.

      I'd suggest that you read some other Law of attraction type offers on Clickbank, and you'll get a good idea how to do these letters.

      Good luck.


      FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

      Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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  • Profile picture of the author alvinchua91
    my opinion is that I don't understand what I am going to be getting if I were to purchase your product
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    • Profile picture of the author LanceThompson
      Yeah me too not sure what i'm getting for the money. Wow great video though. This might be better suited for Kindle rather than Clickbank. The clickbank might be weird for some.
      ►This system pulled in over 25,000 sales in 2013 right under your nose and you probably laughed at it. But while you were laughing we were laughing all the way to the bank. Some to the tune of 6 and 7 figures. This year 10 times...

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