20 uniques to final clickbank sales page but no conversions?
I had a question that does not seem clear to me; i hope someone has some great advice they could share for my situation.
I am trying to market this book online. great-secret-life (dot) com
I have launched 2 different types of campaigns.
- Google adwords (1163 targeted unique clicks)
- Paid solo ads (250 targeted unique clicks)
I have all my links tracked and the "Clickbank confirmation page" shows 20 people from different countries clicked on the link to buy the book - the final payment page.
No records of sales have been found until now, which is weird that people are definitely clicking to buy it, but are clicking off and changing their mind and the paying page. Is there something im doing wrong?
I have checked the clickbank page with a fake credit card provided by clickbank, and the test comes up fine with a 'sale notification' sent to my email. However when I try to search for my book in the clickbank market place "The Great Secret Of Life" narrowing down to only 2 pages, I cannot find my book anywhere on sale?
Is this a clickbank problem? or is my book simply not converting at the clickbank payment page? seems odd =/.
Any help would be amazing because I've have toiled.. and toiled..
Ps: at the bottom of the clickbank payment page it says "affiliate= none" - obviously because im selling my own book...right?
God bless.
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