Why do I look Like an Axe murderer in a webcam window?

by oda
20 replies
Hi Warriors,

I'm just planning a FULL launch of my membership site and part of that is holding Regular webinars and interacting with members to answer questions, develop ideas etc etc.

Anyway I was playing around with different systems and I just look terrible in a webcam!

Now I'm not a Brad Pitt, But I do not "have a face like a dropped pie" either.

I've tried a few different things and i'm just not happy with the way I look on a webcam. Really In some lighting I tried I look like I'm going to come through the screen hit you in the head with an axe and steal your hard drive.

Any suggestions for
"How to look like Brad Pitt in your Webinars and have everyone mesmerized by your outer beauty while hanging off your every word"

Well Just how to NOT look like a weirdo at least.

Thanks Warriors.

#axe #murderer #webcam #window
  • Profile picture of the author JC Alexandre
    Can you post your picture here so that we can tell you what need to be change Perhaps you need more powder on ya face >?

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    • Profile picture of the author oda
      Originally Posted by JC Alexandre View Post

      Can you post your picture here so that we can tell you what need to be change Perhaps you need more powder on ya face >?
      My Picture is Fine:
      But on a webcam I look like my evil twin. I hve no idea about lighting or anythng like that, could that be the issue?

      I even tried brushing my hair, having a shave, Putting My teeth in and Wiping the spit off my chin. Still Not happy.

      Is a STILL Image OK? I mean if your chatting away for 15 minutes or more answering questions verbally what do you show the webinar viewers during that time?

      Sorry to sound like a Paranoid Idiot, I have just never done webinars and really want them to work. The content will be based on what people want with the first few being all about my style of list building using the form FREE squeeze page.

      The content is solid, I have left webinars because its hard to focus when your looking at a logo or Still image for a long period of time. I know that adding that visual element helps with information retention.

      Whats the alternative to using your actual LIVE cam during longer "chat periods" in webinars?

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  • Profile picture of the author CCK
    Are you holding an axe? That may be causing you problems so switch to a small knife or hammer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Premier Plugins
    Images are pointless if your content is knocking it out of the park.

    If your content is exceptional, looking different from everyone else gives you a massive edge. Don't waste it being timid.
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  • Profile picture of the author David G Ford
    Hard to comment without seeing a pic but lets face it.. as per the earlier comments - if your content is good your appearance wont matter to anyone.

    You could put some vaseline on your webcam .. I understand that is how Hollywood used to pull off a soft focus on aging stars .. may work lol
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  • Profile picture of the author azmanar
    Originally Posted by oda View Post

    Hi Warriors,

    I've tried a few different things and i'm just not happy with the way I look on a webcam. Really In some lighting I tried I look like I'm going to come through the screen hit you in the head with an axe and steal your hard drive.

    Any suggestions for
    "How to look like Brad Pitt in your Webinars and have everyone mesmerized by your outer beauty while hanging off your every word"

    Well Just how to NOT look like a weirdo at least.

    Thanks Warriors.

    lol .... roflmao

    I hate my face too. But then, if I hate my own face, there is no reason for others to like it. So, let's try very hard not to in future.

    And I've seen more brutal looking talking heads online than mine. They could chirp away without shy, fear or embarrassment. And got pretty good responses too from the good content they gave.

    One other way is use CNN style static photo while the VO runs.

    So get your best photo, do a VO and run it like a Video Slideshow. That could do the trick.
    === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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  • Profile picture of the author wbgclient
    I suggest you to focus on what you say and what information you provide. If it is not necessary, don't show a video of you but of your desktop. It depends on your topics.
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    Any suggestions for
    "How to look like Brad Pitt in your Webinars and have everyone mesmerized by your outer beauty while hanging off your every word"
    A face-lift perhaps?

    James Scholes
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    lol ... sorry, I just had to laugh. I don't know what to suggest, but you wouldn't be the first to hold a webinar and look like an axe murderer at the same time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gail_Curran
      Experiment with more light sources - one in front (behind the webcam), one at the side, one higher side and back. Reposition the webcam so you can look comfortably forward. Wear a nice shirt and colorful tie. Smile and have fun.

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  • Profile picture of the author Yulia from DNP
    Its all about your charisma, when you know what you are talking about and you are a charismatic person, you can look like a dead cat and no one will care, you need to have confidence .
    Yes its easier to look like Brad Pit so you wont have to worry about what you say too much), cause you think everyone will listen and be like- " yeah he is so cool" right?)
    Not exactly, believe me .
    what you are is - aware of yourself too much.And i understand that its a little disturbing when you think you look better in reality then in a webcam.
    I wouldn't be so nervous about that if i were you.
    If you still want an advice about that- sometimes its all about the lightening, Try different rooms.

    Yulia borova
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  • Profile picture of the author andynathan
    Maybe you could make that into a theme for your membership site. Something like "how to be an internet marketer like an axe murder". Or even better, "do you want to cut your costs on XYZ, then join here..."

    Or my personal favorite, "We would kill to have you in our group."

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  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    1. Most of the people on your webinar will have never seen you before, so you'll look completely normal to them. It's entirely likely that you're seeing a mirror-adjusted image of yourself, and that it's slightly off from what you're used to seeing because it's backwards to you. You look a little different because a human face is not perfectly symmetrical. I had that problem with my webcam software at first, there's probably a setting you can change to flip the picture.

    2. If you're content is knocking it out of the park, what you look like isn't going to matter too terribly much to the people that matter.

    3. If you want to people hanging on your every word, maybe look into ways to improve your charisma.
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  • Profile picture of the author Challendge
    The way that you look rarely has an impact on how your customers feel. If it did, then I'd be a Billionaire by now

    my webcam makes my head look crooked and no one else can notice. It's like a scratch on your new shoes.....it's the size of a meteor in your mind and unnoticeable to everyone else.

    I also find that I don't sound at all like I expected. Many people have told me that this is the case for them as well lol
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  • Profile picture of the author oda
    You guys are the BEST Thankyou very much for all the feedback.

    I have devided to just do it say "screw it" if everyone leaves I'll just pretend they didn't record the whole thing and use it anyway.

    Again Thankyou for all the great comments, Its nice to laugh at 8.26am Its a great start to the day.

    I have ordered some charisma and am waiting for it to download. (It was a WSO)

    again thanks all!

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
    There have been numerous scientific studies about presentation and image.

    If people cannot get past your presentation, then they will not get to your product.

    What I am saying basically, is that you need to put your BEST foot forward, don't half/arse things, like some do.

    I am not saying that you have to be super professional, just do your best and look your best either in your casual or professional clothing, put your best foot forward.

    It's obvious to you, that you need to do some lighting corrections, which makes sense.

    There was a guy selling WSO's recently about Video Email Marketing, I forgot his name but he taught in his WSO about how to cheaply get good webcam recordings and what type of lighting was needed and why it was needed.

    I think he is a fireman. Someone may be able to chime in on his name.... or the WSO he was/is selling, it wasn't much money.

    Either way, make sure your video is engaging, not repelling, that it at least adds to your product, and does not take away from it, and especially that your audio sounds great.

    My response has nothing to do with your personal looks, that really doesn't matter, (unless your the elephant man) sorry if that offended anyone, but had to clarify, because that may matter, even if no one wants to admit it.

    What I am saying has to do more with presentation, and quality. And the desire to give your product the best chance to be a success.

    It seems so many Warriors give the impression, and I hope its just an impression that it's ok to be doing things less than the best. Even a few in this thread.

    Which is not a great idea or game plan for someone who truly wants to succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrinternational
    Ask yourself are people here for me as a model/moviestars/brad Pitt lookalike or are they here for content, if your content is good people will come back.

    Now, there are somethings you can do to make yourself look better on film, like lighting for starters, you need at least three light sources to avoid shadows and make every thing come together. You can check out youtube for tutorials on lighting.

    Makeup if your skin shows up oily on cam.

    If you have a double chin or whatever imperfection you do not like, search youtube for tutorials on how to edit or make it look better.There are tons of professionals on there with very helpful technical tips for your needs.

    Now if you do all that is mentioned above and still feel uncomfortable, it may not be how you look but how you feel about yourself. At witch point I will suggest a psychologist to help you out on how to send the right signals across.

    To your success,

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  • Profile picture of the author moonzombie
    Lightning makes a big difference! And location of the camera.

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