Best Backup to Paypal

26 replies
I'm not paranoid.... But just want to be ready. Another one bit the dust today; a good friend has been using Paypal for 10 years, not one single dispute ever. Ever. (She's not in the make money niche, maybe that's why).

But she got notice from Paypal that they were limiting her account, or something along those lines. She does dropshipping and they deemed it high risk. She runs a high 5 figure amount through that account each month. They are going to take a portion of each payment and hold it for 120 days, from now on.

So, this isn't at all a "bash Paypal" thread, I just use them as well and simply want to know where people go if you get in trouble and you are indeed in the MMO niche area? I know there is Clickbank, jvzoo I think is another, although maybe they use Paypal? I'd just like a good, non-Paypal option, that has the ability to work with affiliates as well. Thanks.
#backup #paypal
  • Profile picture of the author payment proof
    Wow, that sucks. Sorry that happened to her.

    Maybe something like Alert Pay would be an option?
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholl08
    I've used Paypal (still do) and know many people who have had similar interruptions to service or holdings. It's frustrating.

    You could get a "real" merchant account and use Alternatively, I've used google checkout in the past.

    The problem with things like google checkout is, at least when I tested it, it actually made my website have a lower conversion rate than paypal. More people know, already have an account with, and prefer paypal.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Clickbank but then you will deal with a higher refund rate most probably. Apart from that the most sensible backup solution is your own merchant account. If Paypal deems her business activities too risky then there's nothing to say other payment processors won't as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author sovereignn
    Google checkout is pretty good!

    Paypal is still #1 though even though they're such a hassle
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  • Profile picture of the author AlphaRosa
    Paypal is good because its so widely used and accepted. Is she using a Paypal business or Paypal personal account? Too many people use the personal account thinking they can get away with it when they actually have volume to support the business account.
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  • Profile picture of the author LegionNate
    Thanks guys. I should have clarified. She is just finishing setting up a new merchant acct. for her dropship business, so she's fine.

    I was taking her situation and applying a "what if" scenario to myself. I too use Paypal, no problems yet, and want to know what people think as a good back up NOT for a dropshipping website, but specifically for a MMO site where you sell your own products, and want to have affiliates.

    One person mentioned Clickbank, I appreciate that, thanks. Any other ideas?

    Do you have Buyer IM leads? We have sales floors with Great DPL. PM me.

    The Warrior Forum

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  • Profile picture of the author Des Lau
    The absolute least you can do to prevent the dreaded Paypal email is verify your Business account with them. If you are just starting out and receiving money, their alarm bells ring at the $700 mark, and at the $1k mark, they'll freeze your account until you can verify your account with appropriate documents.
    They can still freeze your account after that because if you are receiving large frequent payments they'll deem your account to be in the 'high risk' category.

    I've just today signed up for Payza (formerly Alertpay) and so far have been impressed and disappointed at the same time.

    (At the time of writing this) the site is really user friendly and fresh, but to verify my account, I can't link up a bank account because I'm not in either UK/Europe or....New Zealand - WTF!, how random, NZ! (no disrespect to our Kiwi compatriots)....No USA or Australia or even Asia.

    So I then go to the alternative and try to verify a Credit Card, all good until I press submit, but it states my Address is invalid....I triple checked, 10 times checked every detail but it still won't let me I gave up....It must be a bug in the system as it's only been out for 4 days therebouts.

    Anyways, I guess we'll be all slaves to the merchant...Paypal..

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    • Profile picture of the author azmanar
      Originally Posted by Des Lau View Post

      The absolute least you can do to prevent the dreaded Paypal email is verify your Business account with them. If you are just starting out and receiving money, their alarm bells ring at the $700 mark, and at the $1k mark, they'll freeze your account until you can verify your account with appropriate documents.
      They can still freeze your account after that because if you are receiving large frequent payments they'll deem your account to be in the 'high risk' category.

      I've just today signed up for Payza (formerly Alertpay) and so far have been impressed and disappointed at the same time.

      (At the time of writing this) the site is really user friendly and fresh, but to verify my account, I can't link up a bank account because I'm not in either UK/Europe or....New Zealand - WTF!, how random, NZ! (no disrespect to our Kiwi compatriots)....No USA or Australia or even Asia.

      So I then go to the alternative and try to verify a Credit Card, all good until I press submit, but it states my Address is invalid....I triple checked, 10 times checked every detail but it still won't let me I gave up....It must be a bug in the system as it's only been out for 4 days therebouts.

      Anyways, I guess we'll be all slaves to the merchant...Paypal..

      I really thought I was the only person on earth having that kind of problem with AlertPay. lol.

      It keeps saying my address is INVALID.

      My address has a forward slash - "/" .

      When I changed it to dash, it was accepted.
      === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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      • Profile picture of the author Des Lau
        Originally Posted by azmanar View Post


        I really thought I was the only person on earth having that kind of problem with AlertPay. lol.

        It keeps saying my address is INVALID.

        My address has a forward slash - "/" .

        When I changed it to dash, it was accepted.
        You might have cracked it azmanar! I will try that because my address also has a "/" in it...Imagine how many lost customers they've had for the same issues we've both experienced

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        • Profile picture of the author azmanar
          Originally Posted by Des Lau View Post

          You might have cracked it azmanar! I will try that because my address also has a "/" in it...Imagine how many lost customers they've had for the same issues we've both experienced
          Yup. AlertPay lost thousands of prospects from Malaysia and Australia, with forward slashes in their addresses.

          I had that problem many months ago and you faced it recently.

          So we know, AlertPay isn't aware of it until today.
          === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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          • Profile picture of the author Des Lau
            Originally Posted by azmanar View Post

            Yup. AlertPay lost thousands of prospects from Malaysia and Australia, with forward slashes in their addresses.

            I had that problem many months ago and you faced it recently.

            So we know, AlertPay isn't aware of it until today.
            It did the trick What a major flaw - I can't even find a 'contact us' button to notify them :rolleyes:

            Also I was allowed to 'register' for their Pre-paid card advertisement even though I'm not in the US/Canada (which were their only options)!

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  • Profile picture of the author Bon-Bon
    Plimus is another option you can try it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author benjigbird
    For that industry I would say Payza (Alertpay) as long as they have got their credit card processing sorted. For non-physical products I use regnow and recommend them. Fees are way lower than paypal also.


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  • Profile picture of the author matrixmgmt
    Try just started using them and I'm very happy.
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  • Profile picture of the author timmylang
    moneybookers or payza

    try those. the most well known and reputable alternatives.
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  • Profile picture of the author ug
    Very good question. What is the backup plan.

    PayPal allows two type of payments.

    1.PayPal to PayPal
    2. Credit card payments.

    For credit card payments you can use online payment system. They are very reliable and the support is excellent.
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  • Profile picture of the author thester
    You could also set up other back up paypal accounts in close relatives names.
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  • Profile picture of the author warezQQ
    Payza is a decent alternative but... nothing beats paypal, and I don't think this will ever change.
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  • Profile picture of the author hassan007
    Here are some pretty great PayPal alternates.....

    2Checkout (accepts paypal)
    Plimus (accepts paypal)
    ClickBank (accepts paypal)
    AlertPay Now Payza
    MoneyBookers Now Skrill
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  • Profile picture of the author Dragonfire Wealth
    I use Merchant Inc and have no complaints whatsoever. Stay FAR away from AlertPay they're into all that HYIP stuff, and don't accept New Yorkers.
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    • Profile picture of the author azmanar
      Originally Posted by Dragonfire Wealth View Post

      I use Merchant Inc and have no complaints whatsoever. Stay FAR away from AlertPay they're into all that HYIP stuff, and don't accept New Yorkers.
      HYIP = ?

      Definitely not High Yawler In Paris.

      Most probably High Yield Income Program.

      Just guessing.
      === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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  • Profile picture of the author UAEW is very old company
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    Also take a look at A friend of mine uses them and hasn't had any problems.

    Edit - they might be just for UK users
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  • Profile picture of the author CashExpert
    For me the best alternative to Paypal would have been "Liberty Reserve". It's so easy to use but the down side is that not many people are using it.
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  • Profile picture of the author jpete
    If you can, setup your own merchant account... I have not looked back...
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  • Profile picture of the author Ayesha F
    2checkout is a better alternative
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