Monetizing a dating website

19 replies
I am Andra and this is my first thread. I have a quick question and I would really appreciate your help.

I own a dating website - SuperLoveTips dot com. I basically provide dating site reviews and relationship tips. I've started to write content on this site and promote it about one year ago. I haven't had enough to promote it properly. I have about 300 unique visitors a day. The problem is that I don't know how to monetize it.

My Adsense account was banned a few months ago, so I don;t have too many options left. I've tried to use Adbrite, but my application was denied because they've said that the site has adult content. My site doesn't have adult content! It is designed for people of all ages.

I've also tried to promote affiliate programs in the dating niche (ex: Anastasia Dating), but no one has signed up or the leads were considered not valid. Now I'm promoting a few Clickbank products, but no one buys them.

Please can someone give me a few ideas on how to monetize this site (affiliate programs, CPA networks, etc)? I don't understand why all advertisers say that it has adult content. Since I don't have any other options left, I'm willing to sign up with a program that runs adult ads. I just don't know what are the best networks to sign up with.

Thank you in advance!
#affiliate programs #cpa #dating #dating website #monetizing #monetizing a site #website
  • Profile picture of the author T086
    A lot of CPA networks have plenty of dating offers.

    check for a list
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  • Profile picture of the author Jit Lim
    CPA is one way, also consider giving away a free report to generate leads to your website for future email marketing purposes. Consider free traffic sources from YouTube or Facebook, you can also try paid traffic sources such as PPC or PPV. Good luck!
    "Take Inspired Action!"
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  • Profile picture of the author imfusa
    Try to do the following: Close your adsense account with the Google account, wait 14 days until it gets permanently deleted and try again creating a new account for google and google adsense. It might do the trick. I know that Google is being a bit discriminating with the "Countries on Development". They ban the account for no reason.
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  • I do not see a twitter link on there. Work on getting all those people on your site to sign up for your Twitter account.

    Use this plugin to forward your blog posts :

    You should start gaining Twitter followers pretty fast from just your blog, and then more if your Twitter account is set up and pushed correctly.

    Your Twitter account can in a way, replace building a list to market to. Your followers will get the good information, then every so often send a tweet about some great offer. These Tweets will have a higher conversion rate than banners on your site because you have gained the "trust" from your followers. Just keep the content good, do not over blast crap offers, and you should be making money soon. A friend of mine is cracking $10k/month doing exactly this in a similar niche as your own.

    Also, when you get a good amount of followers, you can sell Tweets to other people/companies.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Yes, as someone else has said, CPA networks have dating offers.

    I use PeerFly and they certainly have some. Getting someone to click on a CPA is easier than making a sale, so it's worth a try. It's not as easy as AdSense, but easier than making a sale

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Build a list and then offer your subscribers dating and relationship products as an affiliate. There are bazillions of such products.
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  • Profile picture of the author SkillDan
    Andra - Do you collect email addresses of your visitors? If so, then you should begin immediately communicating with them, adding real value with advice that is targeted to the dating niche. Then offer products/services to them...occasionally. They can be your products, or others. Just sent you a PM with one suggestion.

    Hope this helps - Dan
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  • Profile picture of the author clarajames
    Post some affiliate network on your site and you will definitely earn from this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew1122
    send me a PM if you still looking,i have something available for romanian adult/dating site users
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  • Profile picture of the author casharjun
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  • Profile picture of the author elexmedia
    Another good alternative: use BuySellAds.
    BSA could give you advertisers that will put your banner ads on your site and pay you monthly.

    If your site still not be approved by BSA, you better to build list first. Build list, share good tips/ stories, build relationship, and promote dating affiliate products to the list. I think list building is your best option if you can't make money from advertisement on your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author BlueXephos
    The first option for monetizing a website is Google Adsense. Find the most suitable keywords for your niche, write article with these keywords.
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    • Profile picture of the author TelZilla
      Originally Posted by BlueXephos View Post

      The first option for monetizing a website is Google Adsense. Find the most suitable keywords for your niche, write article with these keywords.
      If you would have read the original post, you would have seen that their adsense account had been banned.

      Yes, adsense is an option for some, but there are many more lucrative ways to monetize a site than adsense.
      Don't get so wrapped up in making money that you forget the important things in life.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew1122
    The OP is from Romania,you can get no cpa offers there,also why would you contet lock a dating site???Anyway,i got no pm from OP so im leaving the thread
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  • Profile picture of the author andymac12345
    Approach the sites directly and go for some CPM deals.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Create a squeeze page, create a free report, generate leads, cloak your affiliate link, email your list every 3 days, and fill autoresponder account with at least 30 emails.
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  • Profile picture of the author casablancas
    Hot Topic Media Affiliates

    You're welcome ;-)
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