Site w/lots of downloads: Nanacast/AmazonS3 vs. DLGuard/Wishlist/AmazonS3

by tomcam
15 replies
Product has been done for weeks and am uncharacteristically stalled getting the site itself up. It consists of 30 video files (about 8 to 80 megs each) and 15 PDFs. Would like the option for customers to view online or simply download.

Seem to have reduced options to Nanacast or DLGuard/Wishlist, with Amazon S3 hosting. At this point money is less important to me than doing the best thing for customers as quickly as possible. Am using a one-time fee membership site approach because I like being able to content the audience if there are corrections or updates.

Any thoughts on strengths/weaknesses of each approach?

P.S. Videos are big because I hate it when I can't see what's going on. In a day with most customers having broadband, is there a compelling reason to but lower quality but smaller files up?
#dlguard #downloads #memmbership site #nanacast #nanacast or amazons3 #site #w or lots #wishlist
  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for your interest in DLGuard!

    I can't comment on the other packages, but just thought I'd clarify for you:

    DLGuard can actually handle all of your memberships needs. While DLGuard can integrate with Wishlist, you don't actually need it.

    DLGuard will integrate directly with Amazon S3 too.

    If you'd like to discuss a few ideas in detail, please feel free to open a ticket over at DLGuard - Download page protector, create expiring download links, I'm happy to help!

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I can only speak from direct experience. I have the same sort of setup whereby I deliver products full of videos, downloads, softwares, scripts, etc.

    I run them all through the ONE membership software, Digital Access Pass, and host all my files on Amazon S3.

    That combination has worked great for free. DAP is a very robust script that will do almost anything you need it to do and they keep updating it with new features and suggestions from members... so it's well supported.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I just don't feel it right when threads like this are created asking for general opinion from users and then they get infiltrated by the product owners spruiking their own individual service options.

    Clearly if you own one of the types of services the OP is talking about then your view is extremely biased and helps no one. The OP is looking for advice from real UNBIASED people who have used real solutions in their business. He's not stupid, he can read your websites.

    No offense Sam and Josh but your posts are nothing more than a sales pitch for your services and I'm struggling to see why you guys think it is ok to blatantly self promote your services so freely on this forum when no one else is allowed to do the same. Josh even went as far as to include testimonials in his post? I mean 'cmon, seriously??!! Any other users and they would be banned for this sort of nonsense.

    To the OP, be careful and make sure you only base your decisions off of REAL experiences from REAL people... such as my post above. I've got nothing to gain from my recommendation but DAP has been an awesome tool for my business and my members absolutely love it's ease of use.
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    • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      I just don't feel it right when threads like this are created asking for general opinion from users and then they get infiltrated by the product owners spruiking their own individual service options.
      I agree, especially as there has been a forum provided for this type of thread:
      Internet Marketing Product Reviews & Ratings
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      • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
        Originally Posted by lgibbon View Post

        I agree, especially as there has been a forum provided for this type of thread:
        Internet Marketing Product Reviews & Ratings
        Where the owners are not allowed to post a thread, Les. The OP could have posted there, but that's not on the product owners where he chose to start his thread.

        Maybe the deleted post was over-the-top to set Will off, but I must say that I don't see anything at all wrong with Sam's answer here. It has always been understood that you can answer specific questions with your product as a possible solution, at least in the five years that I've been a member.

        As long as they are clear that they are the owners, what's the big deal?
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        • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
          Originally Posted by Tina Golden View Post

          As long as they are clear that they are the owners, what's the big deal?
          That's very much open to abuse, as some product owners
          regularly trolls posts with the slightest mention of their product, then answers them all at once flooding the main forum with them.
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          • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
            Originally Posted by lgibbon View Post

            That's very much open to abuse, as some product owners
            regularly trolls posts with the slightest mention of their product, then answers them all at once flooding the main forum with them.
            Then they get slapped back with a ban for whatever length of time. That usually doesn't happen with long-time, active members like the two that posted here, though.

            I'll bow out of this one, since I don't have a dog in this fight, as people say. I don't use either product. It just feels like Sam and Josh were sucker-punched, I guess.
            Discover how to have fabulous, engaging content with
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            ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    Infiltrated eh... So product owners don't have insights worth sharing about their products? It would be a shallow world if experts on the industry were banned from participating in the social discussions surrounding their products. In fact the owners themselves generally have more expertise in the topics in general than the layman and have quite valuable insights to share. Also they are uniquely qualified to help people understand if their product fits the needs described.

    What is not desirable is asking feedback about specific solutions and not getting answers regarding specific solutions from people who have experiential insight into those solutions.

    I personally use my solution to create and deliver content and files matching the model the OP is seeking to create. I have been using my own solutions to do that since 2006. I have helped many publishers consulting them as they developed their businesses to do the same thing over many years. Every day I interact with and provide services to publishers who are building and automating the same model. We help them deliver their products and services to hundreds of thousands across the globe.

    All that certainly makes me qualified to offer my insight. I hope others will as well... Wether they are a product owner or not.

    What would the warrior forum be if product owners were banned from conversations regarding their own products or regarding topics they are more experienced in than most other members.

    I have had the same posting style and participated in the exact same way since I joined this forum in 2003. I, like the OP and yourself, am an online publisher of info products and membership sites in multiple niches. I happen to also own and Successfully USE one of the services the OP asked specifically about. So while you endorse another solution just as pationately as I USE and endorse mine... my insights and opinions are designed to contribute value to the discussion for some reading... You may not think so but They do nonetheless.
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  • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
    I used a free HTACCES script that I had modified called DEADLOCK.

    Spent a couple hundred making it how I wanted it but it beats monthly fees and is what I wanted - exactly.

    Screw You, NameCheap!
    $1 Off NameSilo Domain Coupons:

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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Wow Will, I really don't understand your anger.

    The reason I commented here was because Tom asked about a DLGuard/Wishlist combination. The point of my post was to let Tom know that he didn't need both.

    People share information about solutions they use in forums all the time - it's a great way for other people to get good quality recommendations. But as a product owner, if the information I see isn't totally correct, or I think there may be a misunderstanding about my product, of course I'll comment. What business owner wouldn't?

    What if someone commented about your WSO in the main forum but said to make $297 you had to own a copy of Dreamweaver. Would you step in (or infiltrate, as you call it) and say, "Hey guys, just letting you know you don't actually need Dreamweaver if you don't have it"? Or would you ignore it, and let the OP go out and buy Dreamweaver? Wouldn't keeping quiet about it actually be a whole lot worse?

    Again, I honestly don't understand your anger and hostility towards my post. And while you may have started a paragraph with "No offence guys", your misinterpretation and misrepresentation of both what I said and my intention behind it is quite frankly offensive.

    I usually get thanked by people when I offer to help, as decent customer support is so hard to come by on the internet, and so I'm really struggling to understand your stance.
    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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  • Profile picture of the author jayspann
    This is one of those rare times I agree with the product owners

    Tom did ask about their products specifically so I think it only fare that they get to throw their two cents in.

    While I would give a little more weight to the review of a third party comment... to think that if someone was talking about me/my product and not to respond is just silly
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  • Profile picture of the author williamk
    I also think you should try out dlguard. My friend has told me good things about them. Alternatively you may also make a password protected forum to safeguard your data and files.
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    • Profile picture of the author tomcam
      Thanks, williamk-I have decided to go with DLGuard. It's awfully complicated, but they all seem to be.
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  • Profile picture of the author williamk
    I also think you should try out dlguard. My friend has told me good things about them. Alternatively you may also make a password protected forum to safeguard your data and files.
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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    I totally agree that product owners shouldn't come in and drop sales promos into threads. That's why when I comment in threads that specify my product, I try and do so in an informational way only - not a promo or sales push.

    Saying that a product owner can't post in a thread about his own product is counter-productive. Like Josh said, if specific questions are asked, who knows a product better than the product owner?

    And how far could this be taken? Should an author of an ebook about flipping websites be banned from posting replies in any threads related to flipping websites? Or should he only be banned from replying when the thread asks specifically about his own ebook?

    I remember the days when internet marketing giants used to post here regulary, and CEO's from huge internet companies used to drop by. Is this something we really want to disuade? How can this forum possibly benefit by driving away product owners and professionals in their field?

    Blantant advertising is quite rightfully against the rules. But answering questions or clarifying misunderstandings to benefit the community - isn't that what a forum is for?

    I'm still baffled by Wil's response, but the Op of this thread appreciated my help, and that's what I'm here for.

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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