What do you find the best way is for creating backlinks?

1 replies
I use article marketing and blog commenting but I notice that some sites have thousands of thousands of backlinks. There is no way that they can do this manually themselves and I was just curious what everyone does to create their backlinks. How are people ranking 1 in google in less than 6 months creating over 20k in links.

Is it the bookmarking software or they paying for a service. Oh and I dont want to leave out my RSS feeds. It just seems that I have been creating backlinks but most never show up. Just curious what everyone does or thinks about this subject.

#backlinks #creating #find
  • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini

    Check out the 2 posts I made about generating backlinks in my WF Blog... the 2 links are in my sig... should be enough backlinking strategies to keep you busy for a while...



    Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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