Leading people to a sale like the PIED PIPER - they don't even realise it

4 replies
Hi Warrior Ganster rappers

I don't know why, but this took me ages to understand, but once you get the hang of it, it makes sales a lot easier.

I could never understand why I could get people to a website with certain keywords, but they wouldn't buy a product related to the keyword itself. I then realised the importance of how closely related the thing you are promoting is to the original keyword they type. Once there is that disconnect, you've lost them.

First, an example of what I was doing wrong:

I would find a keyword like "How to lose weight fast" (this could be a video, an article, an adword campaign), then when people came to the site, I would try and sell them an ebook about dieting, which could be on building a special diet, an exercise program or whatever..,..and not make any sales (or very few).

Go back to the keyword, "How to lose weight fast", it is more likely they are NOT looking for a diet, or a change of living habits, they probably want diet pills, or even surgery or some kind of quick fix.

Here's an example of what is much more likely to work, and notice how the keyword follows all the way through the process.

Keyword from Adwords: protein shake for weight loss
Person lands on a landing page which is a post all about a protein shake, how it will benefit you. Then, in the post, link to a squeeze page where you can opt in to get the recipe of this shake. Then, in your email sequence promote an ebook or book off amazon all about diet shakes.

The important thing about this is you need to put up something in front of the visitor which relates to what they searched for. Sounds obvious, but I was missing it....

....it all comes back to the reason why a person goes on the net, to search for a specific solution.

haha, I remember my very first website, which was all about baby shower invitations. I did quite well selling invitations as an affiliate for tinyprints. However, I then spent ages putting links to strollers, cribs etc on there thinking that people going there to buy invitations would also want to buy gifts for the shower. However, if that was the case, they would have typed "baby strollers" or "baby shower favors". So, can you see how that all seems related (which it is), but it wasn't what the person was looking for at that specific time.

Anyway, hope this helps.

#leading #people #pied #piper #realise #sale
  • Profile picture of the author inspiredguy
    Great observation, Phil.

    Another technique to help guide the visitor is to relate to their problem and build up the emotional tension, then lead them to your awesome solution to their problem.

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    • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
      Originally Posted by inspiredguy View Post

      Great observation, Phil.

      Another technique to help guide the visitor is to relate to their problem and build up the emotional tension, then lead them to your awesome solution to their problem.

      Good one Karl. Well, as you know, we typically buy with emotion rather than logic (or we try to justify why we are locigally making the purchase lol). The other day, my 6 year old daughter kept asking me to buy a mini fold up camper chair. I knew it was a waste of money, but in my head I thought "well, I've not bought her anything for a while, and she's been well behaved, so it's ok". Well, obviously I justified to myself why it was ok to buy it, and there was an emtional attachment invloved.


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  • Profile picture of the author Certitude
    Hi Phil,

    It may sound really obvious but it's little things like this that make a big difference.

    Most people desire things because of an emotional response. Then they use logic to justify the purchase.

    Have you ever read CashvertisingCashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman? If not check it out!
    “We Dream And We Build. We Never Give Up, We Never Quit.” ~ Jeremy Renner as Carmine Polito in American Hustle
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    • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
      Originally Posted by Certitude View Post

      Hi Phil,

      It may sound really obvious but it's little things like this that make a big difference.

      Most people desire things because of an emotional response. Then they use logic to justify the purchase.

      Have you ever read Cashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman? If not check it out!
      I heard that book mention recently by chad from traffic black book, I will pick it up as it sounds good!


      It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
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