Interesting Method For Money Making With Whitehat CPA
I find this one of the easiest methods to make money. It's whitehat.
I did this when I started out and it gave pretty good results, test it out, let me know if it worked for you.
Apply at some CPA company. I like working with maxbounty.com. An employee will call you for your application. Apply at a few other networks coz that way you will have more offers and will be safer in case you get banned. Tell the employee that you'll be doing landing pages and you are a PPC expert.
Make sure you read every company TOS.
Find a gadget related offer. Example free iphone. Register a domain, I use namecheap.com. Get some hosting. I use tmzhosting.com and know the owner, they are good.
Do a quick landing page. Place an image of an iphone, place a link to your offer and use a php redirect if you want to and create user sense of urgency. You are going to do that by writing something like - "FREE Iphone (linked) - 4 Left Only".
The link points to your offer.
Depending on how much it pays - preferably 1-2 bucks, you only need 80 people to enter their emails or whatever to make you $100. At a conversation rate of 8% you need 800 visitors to make $100. Make sure the offer is easy to complete.
Those landing pages can have a conversation rate as high as 30% if done right and they receive targeted visitors.
Then the traffic part comes.
Here's a quick article I found on the warrior forum that's really good about traffic generation - Simple ways to build up your traffic
By experience forum traffic is the easiest and quickest. Get on a gaming forum, edit your signature and post useful posts. Make sure you act good with the community and not spam. Once you earned the $100 lazy freaking damn bucks throw them into adwords and rinse and repeat.
Don't know how to use adwords? Use google.com
Once you've made your $100 create 10 other sites like that promoting other offers and outsource people at $1-2/hour. You'll have a $1000 day in no-time.
I hope you might consider this.
"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
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