When you Can't Be the Cheapest
Well, I am going to be selling a physical product online, where in reality I only have one competitor (maybe two, but really just one real player). Ironically they are also local to me, but these are nation-wide sales.
My competitor manufacturers this product and sells it for about $330, free shipping. I too am manufacturing this product, and could also sell it for $330, but honestly I think they are getting it all done for a bit cheaper than I am. I realistically think I need to sell it for $350-$360, but honestly think I'd need to sell it for $380ish to get the profit margin I want. I would say the two products are essentially identical... and to make it any better would also cost more money.
What kind of things do you guys do USP-wise, when you simply can't be the WalMart on the street, offering things for dirt cheap prices? I'd love to hear some ideas.
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