I'm coping a recent post I made on a marketers WSO sales page, when that wasn't the place for this discussion. So I copied the post here, and deleted it there. You can gather my opinion from my post.
"...this underscores my disagreement with dime sales in general. Somebody is always paying more than the last guy - until the price is maxed out (or until the perceived max value is reached and people quit buying). So how then are dime sales fair? Usually it's fear of paying more (if you wait, or even have questions about an offer) than the value of the offer that drives a dime sale. The guy paying $9 is rewarded for being quick, while the guy who comes in last pays $27 because he didn't know about the offer (or maybe because the list owner held off mailing an offer to his list because X% of $27 is more than X% of $9 AND the list owner knows that the value is there so people will pay a higher price)!
So, how is asking someone to pay $27 for a product that may have been sold just a few hours before for $9 "fair.?" Answer: it's not. Ironically, it has very little to do with the true "value" (your products are easily worth $27, if not more) of a product, but more to do with "fear of loss."
As a marketing gimmick dime sales are incredibly effective. For "fairness," dime sales suck. "Fair" is pricing a product for value, and then subtracting a discount for people who are WF members.
JMO, and I'll probably buy volume one anyway because the value is there. However, I hope you understand why I'm not totally convinced by the reasoning behind your "fairness" decision. Not that it matters, it's totally your decision, I'm not the first person to object to dime sales, nor will I be the last. I've also seen plenty or marketers responses to similar anti-dimesale arguments, such is "it's an effective marketing tactic," or "you don't have to buy," etc.
Bottom line: nobody enjoys feeling like they just "missed out or had to pay more" just because they were unable to be first to the pay button. Better (IMO) to price an offering at a fair price first, and let people make a buying decision based on value instead of fear of loss.
How do you feel about Dime Sales?
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