Buy a Solo Ad, but where?!

35 replies
My biz partner and I are completely confused when it comes to getting quality leads, and there seems to be 1,000 solo ad places out there, so what gives?

If I were to start my research, where would we start? What terms would we search to find a good solid solo ad / ezine?
#buy #solo #solo ads #solo ads for sale
  • Profile picture of the author livitweb
    There are tonnes of places that you can get qualifies leads and solos. I found clickbank and here on the warrior forum to be the easiest. Yes you have to shop around a bit. There is also - just be wary of the cheap $$$per clicks. You are after quality as it pays off in the end. You shouldn't pay more than $20 - $30 for a hundred quality clicks.
    Hope that helps.

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    • Profile picture of the author Sarafantrys
      warrior for hire is a good starting points to look for solo ads, perhaps there are more suitable places as well.
      Originally Posted by livitweb View Post

      There are tonnes of places that you can get qualifies leads and solos. I found clickbank and here on the warrior forum to be the easiest. Yes you have to shop around a bit. There is also - just be wary of the cheap $$ clicks. You are after quality as it pays off in the end. You shouldn't pay more than $20 - $30 for a hundred quality clicks.
      Hope that helps.
      I didn't know you can buy on per click basis, that's interesting! I thought solo ads are usually sold on "per 1000 submissions" basis.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Autrey says I need at least 100 people or so subscribing.. Subscribers as in, in my aweber account? 100 opt ins? what counts as a subscriber?

    The good thing about this business is that "People don't succeed cause they aim too high and miss, no, they aim too low... and hit. Most people don't aim at all." (Les Brown)

    Not us... Not marketers. We live far above mediocrity. Always keep this in mind at all times..

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  • Profile picture of the author davidsu
    You could try Reed Floren Solo Ads' List:
    Reed Floren's Solo Ad Directory

    She has listed solo ads which are provided by reputable internet marketers and warriors. The solo ads in the list sure give high conversion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brandon Sean
    here is a wso I will probably buy soon

    Im not related nor do i credited for the link above in anyway

    He gives you his top 10 list of solo ad vendors, I think thats a pretty good deal

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    • Profile picture of the author robestrong
      If I were you, I'd use safe-swaps. Just me.
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  • Profile picture of the author ThereIsAlwaysHOPE is good. been using it for swaps and solos.

    Try it. You can find solos on this forum and on as well.

    One advice, don't buy in bulk too early. Test your funnels first and only buy from reputable sellers. Don't make the same mistakes that I made when I first started.
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  • Profile picture of the author hazyl lee
    I hav been buying solo ads from safe-swaps. It is good.

    Just a safety tip for you.

    Always start buying solo ads from small.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Autrey
    Safe Swaps says I need to build a list of 100+, and that if I dont have that, I need to buy a solo. But when it says 100 subscribers, does that mean my lead list? Does that mean aweber lead list? sendfree lead list?

    The good thing about this business is that "People don't succeed cause they aim too high and miss, no, they aim too low... and hit. Most people don't aim at all." (Les Brown)

    Not us... Not marketers. We live far above mediocrity. Always keep this in mind at all times..

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    • Profile picture of the author angiedc
      Originally Posted by marketforus1 View Post

      Safe Swaps says I need to build a list of 100+, and that if I dont have that, I need to buy a solo. But when it says 100 subscribers, does that mean my lead list? Does that mean aweber lead list? sendfree lead list?
      What autoresponder are you using? Are you using Aweber? Then you need to have at least 100 people who have already opted in for your offer(s) on your "subscriber" list.

      Solo ads can be a quick way to build a list, so that's why they suggest you go buy one if you don't have any subscribers yet.

      Check out my latest blog post here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Autrey
    And also, what's a small product I can sell, or re-sell? I am in the empower network and am enjoying all the content, should I start there? or maybe try a smaller product? We just want to get some revenue going.

    The good thing about this business is that "People don't succeed cause they aim too high and miss, no, they aim too low... and hit. Most people don't aim at all." (Les Brown)

    Not us... Not marketers. We live far above mediocrity. Always keep this in mind at all times..

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  • Profile picture of the author getty
    My website has been newly introduced to this industry and am curious to know if you're interested in buying advertising spaces in the near future? If you could leave a viable contact detail I'll be able to give you a nudge when there are publishers ready to publish ads!

    At the moment my system supports Display, Text & Video ads and currently serving 40 publishers.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    a good place to start is reeds directory site and also buy solo`

    theres plenty of ads there to get you going

    but what you do have to bare in mind is you need to test things yourself so that you can build your own list of profitable solo ads

    your funnel is the most important part though when using solo ads so make sure your squeeze page converts well and you have a good OTO in place too

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    • Profile picture of the author robs132
      Originally Posted by paul nicholls View Post

      a good place to start is reeds directory site and also buy solo`

      theres plenty of ads there to get you going

      but what you do have to bare in mind is you need to test things yourself so that you can build your own list of profitable solo ads

      your funnel is the most important part though when using solo ads so make sure your squeeze page converts well and you have a good OTO in place too

      Yeah good points Paul.

      Sometimes it is daunting to make sure your squeeze and funnel is setup to get the best results, but it is definitely a project worth doing
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  • Profile picture of the author Ahmed Auf
    Of course Reed's is the best place to buy solos.
    Also but I didn't really try buying solos there just swaps.

    Also is a good place to start out with cheap solos you can get a solo as cheap as $1.34, but I've never tried them so I don't know about the quality.

    what I suggest is getting some cheap solos and build a list of 100 then go to safe swaps and start swapping to grow your list everyday.
    However you must test your funnel first to optimize conversions, choose a high converting offer, squeeze page and OTO.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew NY
    There's quite a bit of them out there. Definitely search around these forums for them. I think soloaddirectory and safe swaps are really good. That's what I have read about at least.

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    I will guide you the whole way there.
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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20 is a great site and I just purchased a solo ad recently and these are the results from one single purchase:

    Bought 50 Clicks for around $15 and had 7 sign ups.

    Not bad for a few minutes work of setting a simple Email up and sending it to the Solo Ad seller.

    Also you can look at the specific details of the owners list as they explain what kind of list they own and whether it is good for FREE offers or not etc.

    This way you can decide which list owner is best to go with and they even have stats next to the owners profile so you can check to see what others have said about their service.

    Hope this helps my friend!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Mogul
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Autrey
    Some people are saying Empower Network is promoted so much that the solo ad list owners won't even let you promote it on their list. What is something else I can promote as a front end product then a lead-in to EN or another big ticket item we may sell? Does ZNZ do well or is that also over-promoted? PM or respond here, thank you.

    The good thing about this business is that "People don't succeed cause they aim too high and miss, no, they aim too low... and hit. Most people don't aim at all." (Les Brown)

    Not us... Not marketers. We live far above mediocrity. Always keep this in mind at all times..

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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Autrey
    Also, do I need hosting to build a squeeze page? I know html fairly well and know how to implement forms and install cool blinking images and what not. Can I find a free one somewhere or is it worth the trouble to get hosting?

    The good thing about this business is that "People don't succeed cause they aim too high and miss, no, they aim too low... and hit. Most people don't aim at all." (Les Brown)

    Not us... Not marketers. We live far above mediocrity. Always keep this in mind at all times..

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    • Profile picture of the author Sean Doody
      I can vouch for safe-swaps too.

      I have bought two ads from them and I am really happy. You get to see reviews and chat to the vendor before buying so all's good


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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Autrey
    This is a huge help everyone. Thanks a lot!

    The good thing about this business is that "People don't succeed cause they aim too high and miss, no, they aim too low... and hit. Most people don't aim at all." (Les Brown)

    Not us... Not marketers. We live far above mediocrity. Always keep this in mind at all times..

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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick Batty
    did anyone mention safe-swaps.. haha

    Ya, I find it pretty good to.

    A few tips though.. when you search for a solo provider on their platform.. have a good look at the written reviews leave. Not just the thumbs ups, but the real written reviews. That can tell a lot about how people really felt about a solo providers service.

    Then, if or when you get to the point of doing Ad Swaps, always look over the swipe from you partner and rewrite it in a way that suits your style and what you list is accustomed to from you. There are a lot of garbage generic swipes there. Also.. always check that their links are working and that it's something you feel good about promoting.

    Just a few thoughts based upon my experience on the site.
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  • Profile picture of the author stockcertified
    I was hoping to hear a fresh place to advertise our 30k+ investor lead list. But I guess its a good thing that every one keeps saying the same sites


    We have bin networking on the old ezine list sites but the bounce rate has bin pretty high to reach list owners for JV partnership / ad swaps.

    Get Stock Certified Now! Social Media Tools to Trade Stocks With 87.54% Accuracy! Earn 75% to 100% commission on $97 membership. JV Invite Page for ad swaps, webinars & content requests.

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    • Profile picture of the author Vtoy
      Most lists are abused, yes you may get opt-in's but I don't find them to be quality leads. Now I'm not saying this applies to everyone, what I'm saying is if you're looking for a quality leads, or a good solo ad provider, it's better to contact people directly that don't have their solo ad services advertised everywhere. At least in my opinion.

      So I guess what I'm saying is, if you have a good email list, and offering solo ads, PM me!

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      • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
        Originally Posted by Vtoy View Post

        Most lists are abused, yes you may get opt-in's but I don't find them to be quality leads.
        This is why I've been hesitant to go down the solo ad route that everyone recommends. I just keep asking myself why these sellers are ruining their lists for pennies basically compared to what they could be earning, and the only answer I can come up with is they wouldn't UNLESS the list pretty much sucks already.

        Think about it....if conventional wisdom is correct, and the accepted average really is $1 per month per subscriber by selling things to them, would you risk your 10,000 subscriber list...or 20,000, or bombarding them 3..4...5 times a week with someone elses solo ads for a few hundred bucks per week compared to what you should be earning? I wouldn't.

        Of course, I could be missing something, because this is an area I'm not very familiar with. Maybe someone will fill in the blanks for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author benjigbird
    safe-swaps is the best from personal experience


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  • Profile picture of the author dannn1
    I know it's been said already, but safe-swaps dot com is one of the best solo ad directories. There is a monthly fee, but I think it is well worth it. Each solo ad seller has a profile page with comments from previous buyers, it has a reliability index, and other various measurements of how good the solo ad seller really is.

    You can also do ad swaps on the site once you have built up your list, and the same metrics apply for rating people who do ad swaps.
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  • Profile picture of the author timb98133
    I have several resources I use for solo ads. PM me & I can send you a few links!
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  • Profile picture of the author kaper7
    Network with folks that have a list and make them an offer. You will find fresher leads that way . Be sure to provide quality free offer with real value. First impression is a lasting one so spend the time or money and get a product that you will pay for and offer it for free in exchange for opt-in.

    Be sure to continue to offer value after the initial optin and don't force people to unsubscribe by saturating their inbox with irrelevant offer after offer. Instead do find related solutions from time to time and offer it to your list. When you master this, your list will wait in anticipation for your mail.
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    • Profile picture of the author hugofortin

      I'm suprise that no one mention it before, but I think directoryofezines dot com is a good resources. I might be wrong, but I use it before and it wasn't that bad.


      Are you FRUSTRATED because you have no LEADS for your MLM company? Don't make any MONEY from your MLM company? If you have answered YES to these questions, please visit my blog for advices on how to have leads and make money in this Industry.

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  • Profile picture of the author erwin78
    Hi everyone,
    there are thousand places to buy solo ads but I would recomend to start small and if the vendor will deliver good stuff than buy more. And I think this is a good way to start and get confidence.
    So do the good work.

    See you on top.
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  • Profile picture of the author ladytos
    I use Reed Floren's solo ad directory too and I've had some results as well as some poor results. So it's about testing first with small ads before placing bigger ads with any solo ad provider.
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