How are you making money with Twitter?

30 replies
If you are actually making money with Twitter, I'd like to get some ideas from you.

Thanks in advance.

Joe Mobley
#making #money #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author davidsu
    I promote my ecommerce site to my Twitter followers. So every time I have new items I tweet it, people come to the site, and some traffic makes sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author WritingService
    i also use twitter but only for social relationship

    i wanted to know how making money from twitter
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  • Profile picture of the author Bluestarace
    Assuming that your followers are real and active, there are several platforms you can use to monetize your followers. Here are some: mylikes,, izea and Twittad.
    The more active followers you have, the more money you will make.

    Hope this helped

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    Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.~ Walt Disney.
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    • Profile picture of the author jwmann2
      You should have a tweet button on every single page in your website that has content. Readers should always be able to share your information to their followers. It is so easy to target your audience on Twitter, take someone in your niche and start interacting with their followers. But make it seem as if you're there to have fun and interact and are not there for business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sabrina001
    I got 1,000+ followers on Twitter. But it seems difficult to increase the number now. I want to know how I can increase my followers and drive traffic to my website.
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  • Profile picture of the author peewhy
    I don't think Twitter itself makes money for IM but it certainly plays a very important part in our toolbox.

    You can't use Twitter to make money without a number of genuine followers (as opposed to a million bought from Fiverr).

    You then need to creat such a powerful Tweet that not only will it dive massive traffic to your website (that's the key), the Tweet needs to be so powerful that your followers will re-tweet, and their followers will re-tweet.

    Getting your twitter activity to go viral is the way to generate revenue via Twitter.

    I hope this helps.
    Marketing & Promoting Websites Since 1994 for open and honest WSO reviews
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  • Profile picture of the author ElaineHenderson
    The only way I know to make money from twitter is by using a third party site, which will be posting ads on your twitter account and you will be paid for every ad posted. You need to have a lot of followers in order to earn a good amount per day.

    Even thought, twitter can help you promote your website/products and help you increase your earnings this way.
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  • Profile picture of the author williamk
    Yes, I make money with twitter too. Its tough now. But with targetted traffic you will definately make sales.
    I think you should go and find some good WSO on how to target the twitter traffic properly. The one I did was one with Yahoo pipes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gregory Campbell
    I drive enormous traffic with Twitter. Yes, tough but worth the effort
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  • Profile picture of the author SocialMediaNuke
    Well Joe , I am Driving 3,000 targeted visitors per day to my offers making $$$ a day and when I mean targeted I mean surgically targeted like "anyone has Toshiba Satellite i7" ,
    the first few second that tweet on twitter I reply with my review page [Amazon site].

    surely there is the great cpa offers. :-)

    hope that helped
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  • Profile picture of the author BlueXephos
    EasyTweets is an excellent tool for monetization because it allows managing multiple accounts and has amazing capabilities.
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  • Profile picture of the author carlpicot
    The main thing is to look at peoples interests and target them as you would do in any traffic generation method.

    If you get a tool like Easy Tweets (paid for application) you can create multiple Twitter accounts and filter your tweets to suit different followers needs.

    For instance if you are into hang gliding, you could look for people with that interest to follow and when you tweet about it you will have more chance of them following you.

    Hope this helps

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    • Profile picture of the author CyborgX
      I have a pretty good method of making money on Twitter... It's a pretty good money making method, considering it isnt TOO time consuming and there's 0 risk

      The only requirement I ask is that you have a twitter account with 15,000+ REAL followers. You could have 100,000 fake won't make any money at all. So 15,000 is a REQUIREMENT for anybody that wants to get in on this method. The more people involved, the more you earn.

      NO it is not affiliate marketing, MLM, survey, paid downloads..
      NO you do not have to sell anything
      YES it's completely free
      YES you do need real followers.
      YES you can earn a good amount of money if you meet the requirements.
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      • Profile picture of the author IonaRussak2512
        Can you actually make money with twitter
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  • Profile picture of the author denysapu
    I've never earn money directly by tweet or with my twitter account.
    In fact it is difficult to keep track of whether visitors from Twitter (where I am active) buy something on the site.

    Don't worry be happy!

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  • Profile picture of the author zicer
    There is sooooo many ways to make money with Twitter! I see that so many people just don't see that opportunity so i will be making eBook about that very soon to explain from my experience how to use Twitter right way to convert it into steady income. It is possible, tested by me and it works. So i will announce it as soon it's finished. But let's make few examples here:
    Depend on how many followers you have, you can use job microsites and Fiverr to sell tweets, i used to sell on Fiverr: Tweet to 30.000 followers + repin 5 pins on Pinterest + like them all to my Facebook friends. And so on... But there is a lot more ideas that work, too many to mention here right now
    Visit My Blog, who knows maybe you find something interesting :)
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    Making money with Twitter DIRECTLY is very difficult! HOWEVER....

    Instead of using Twitter to sell, if you use it to promote your blogs or facebook pages where your offers are, you will see more traffic which will lead to ultimately more sales.

    So look to Twitter to build up your followers and add valuable Tweets while throwing in links to your blog posts intermittently. That's really the best approach to take with Twitter.

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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    I go to Buy Ads | BuySellAds and purchase a sponsored tweet within my niche at a reasonable price.

    Take note: Not all of their followers are real people. Most use Grow Your Twitter Network - Twitter Followers, Users & Apps Directory | Twiends or YouLikeHits - Free Twitter Followers, YouTube Views, YouTube Subscribers, Website Hits to accumulate followers.

    Just for your info. Hope this help
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  • Profile picture of the author sprice
    Sending traffic to my website, which in turn has ads and such.
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  • Profile picture of the author LukePeerFly
    I use Twitter primarily to drive traffic to my other sources of income. One example of this is simply tweeting about the new articles I post on my blog. That drives visitors to my blog who in return may subscribe to my mailing list or click an ad. The trick with Twitter is to get legit followers who are engaged and don't spam them into no longer being engaged

    ^ My Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author Diesell
    Twitter is not the best traffic to make any sales...that are my thaughts though. But to get traffic to your site, yeh thats a good get clicks for sure!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark72
    I build up accounts with tweetadder and then tweet out a couple of CPA offers per day.

    If you tweet out 8 - 10 value tweets for every ad tweet you shouldn't have any problems.
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    • Profile picture of the author phenry
      Hi Team,

      Your download link would not open
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Cavan
    Twitter is a very viral system as you may know. What I have done was put a description about the keyword I am using with a small call to action in there At the bottom of the description, I add my website link.

    Once I create the description, I then search for users who either tweeted about my keyword(s) or have that keyword in their profile and follow them. I follow 1.5 users for every 1 that is following me. There has to be a good solid ratio of followers for your account to keep building. the idea here is not to pitch your deal or product but start tweeting quality content about your keywords which are solution based.

    I will do this and also add links to the latest articles on the subject providing rich information. As you get more followers who see this good information they can relate to, then they will start looking at your twitter page drawing traffic to your website.

    The traffic will come and I use Twitter for list building. After they subscribe to my list, they are redirected to my business site. The good thing here is they have to register to get to my site which creates a solid lead for my autoresponder mail sets. I am currently testing twitter with this method and my followers are growing. I have the marketing software for Twitter which streamlines my efforts making everything that much easier. My account is on autopilot.
    New World SEO-Tips, Tricks, and Strategies By Steven Cavan

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  • Profile picture of the author phenry
    Joe , I would like to get into the mix , but I can't get in
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    A long time ago I used to drive traffic directly to my Fiverr gigs (and fiverr clone sites) so they could buy social media fans and followers. Conversion rate is pretty low though, Twitter users aren't in buy mode.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gruzin
    do you need to get more followers? I can do it for your for efordable prices you spend $ and you get $$$
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    I drive traffic to my Blog, Youtube Videos, Articles, Press Releases and my Website using Twitter. On each of these content platforms, I have either a lead capture, banner ad or shopping cart to make a sale. Done Deal.....

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  • Profile picture of the author sniperdomi
    Tweeter is great to drive traffic to your site. the money from your site.
    That's what i'm doing with tweeter.
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