Help me get up in the morning! (working from home)
I've been lurking about on this forum for some time but now I feel I'm ready to join, for real

Anyways, I'm currently unemployed, which means I'm working from home, on my affiliate website. I've had a couple of full-time jobs where I've been working 8-5 without any problem.
But working from home is really hard for me, I have a really hard time getting up early in the morning. I guess it was no problem to get up back when I was employed, since you know you have to be there or else you'll get fired.
I know this may sound like a silly problem, and I guess it is but I really feel like I get more work done when I'm up in the morning, since there's not really much else you can do at that time, compared to evenings.
So far I've tried to have an extremely loud and annoying alarm signal. I've tried to have my alarm clock far, far away. I've tried to have a window open so all the noise from outside would wake me up and many other things but none of them seem to work.
So please, if you have any tips&suggestions for me on how to get my lazy ass out of bed then I'd be extremely thankful!
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