Help me get up in the morning! (working from home)

52 replies
Hi everyone!

I've been lurking about on this forum for some time but now I feel I'm ready to join, for real It may seem needy to ask for your help already but I hope I can return the favor some time!

Anyways, I'm currently unemployed, which means I'm working from home, on my affiliate website. I've had a couple of full-time jobs where I've been working 8-5 without any problem.

But working from home is really hard for me, I have a really hard time getting up early in the morning. I guess it was no problem to get up back when I was employed, since you know you have to be there or else you'll get fired.

I know this may sound like a silly problem, and I guess it is but I really feel like I get more work done when I'm up in the morning, since there's not really much else you can do at that time, compared to evenings.

So far I've tried to have an extremely loud and annoying alarm signal. I've tried to have my alarm clock far, far away. I've tried to have a window open so all the noise from outside would wake me up and many other things but none of them seem to work.

So please, if you have any tips&suggestions for me on how to get my lazy ass out of bed then I'd be extremely thankful!
#home #morning #working
  • Profile picture of the author Maxwell Stinson
    I would say that you just need to re-adjust your body clock. Your habits, as it seems, are currently composed of sleeping in.

    You need to start forcing yourself to get up early in the mornings. I'm sure all the noise your alarm and the cars and whatnot outside are helping, however, you just really need to get back into being a morning person.

    Hope this helps. Give it some time and your body should just adjust itself.
    B2B telemarketing: lead generation & appointment setting -- that's my game! Click here to learn more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Irwin Dominguez
    I think after some time your body will adjust. In addition, I don't know how you're currently "keeping the lights on", but maybe when you're struggling to pay the bills that will light a fire under you too.

    If you have an iPhone you can also try this app: App Store - Wake N Shake Alarm Clock Pro

    Good luck - I'm going to be in your shoes very soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sceeter
    I must say, that app looks quite interesting, I'll try it tonight!

    Anything to boost my progress in IM!
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  • Profile picture of the author WinstonTian
    Get someone to shine bright light at you. Maybe
    you're waking up in a dim place. That sets the
    brain for "sleeping" lol

    I don't use an alarm clock anyway... I usually
    work through the night (early morning actually).

    Winston Tian

    The Beginner's Doctor

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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    Forget all this nonsense... I'll be straight with you.

    If you don't have a why powerful enough that it keeps
    you up late and wakes you up early... or the determination
    and drive to do what needs to be done... then you should
    go get another job. This isn't for you as a full time venture.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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    • Profile picture of the author Muhsin Aziz
      Originally Posted by Tsnyder View Post

      Forget all this nonsense... I'll be straight with you.

      If you don't have a why powerful enough that it keeps
      you up late and wakes you up early... or the determination
      and drive to do what needs to be done... then you should
      go get another job. This isn't for you as a full time venture.
      Totally agree with you Tsnyder.
      We gotta stop making excuses and focus on getting results.
      If your why factor is powerful enough, nothing else matters.
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    • Originally Posted by Tsnyder View Post

      Forget all this nonsense... I'll be straight with you.

      If you don't have a why powerful enough that it keeps
      you up late and wakes you up early... or the determination
      and drive to do what needs to be done... then you should
      go get another job. This isn't for you as a full time venture.

      It's really just manning up and knowing that s*** needs to be done. People that become unemployed have to realize that they have a higher calling in life and the time is now.

      Self-motivation, or better yet, passion for what you do is what will get you through the challenges that await in IM or any venture for that matter.

      Nobody holds a gun to my head and say I should work on my business. Nobody is forcing me to write articles, do videos, submit links, etc.
      IM is the very reason why I get up in the morning (or afternoon, hehe).

      You have to love giving value to people and you have to really be excited about it. You have to think beyond merely paying your bills and putting food on the table and think up to the level of 'who can I benefit or give value to today?' kind of philosophy in your business (home-based or retail)

      Like I once said, those who care only about themselves end up working for others. Those who care more for others will have others working for them!

      Anyway Sceeter, time to get up and start adding value to people (and make more money doing it! believe me, getting up will start to feel a lot better once you get up to this stage)

      Blogging With Attitude - Michaelangelo Flores Official Blog

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    • Profile picture of the author Sceeter
      Wow, I didn't expect so many answers, I actually expected this topic to be removed since I thought it was too OT. Anyways, thanks a lot everyone for your responses! I've read them all and I'm very thankful.

      Originally Posted by Tsnyder View Post

      Forget all this nonsense... I'll be straight with you.

      If you don't have a why powerful enough that it keeps
      you up late and wakes you up early... or the determination
      and drive to do what needs to be done... then you should
      go get another job. This isn't for you as a full time venture.
      I don't think you understood me completly, let me elaborate. I know it may sounds like I'm a lazy person, I rather sleep than work since I have a lazy-overall-attitude. But that's wrong, trust me I love working and when I'm up I'm very effective and get things done. Lately I've been going up from bed very late but then again I tend to compensate for it at nights. I'm just in a bad habit right now, and I would like to start getting up early instead, since I think I would get even more work done. Hence I was asking for advice on how to actually get up, not if this is the right career for me.

      In the beginning of the thread I got a suggestion to get the iphone app "Wake N Shake". So I downloaded it and set it to 8.00AM. And I must say, it was a living nightmare. A super loud alarm went of, you cant lower it and you cant "skip" it and click the home button. And the only way to turn it off is to shake the mobile a lot, until you reach the top of the meter. I think you can set it to Painful or Merciless mode, I went for merciless. And I got to realize why it had that name :p Anyways, it actually worked, after shaking my phone for like 1 minute I was pretty much awake. So thanks a lot for that suggestion.
      Maybe it was as simple as that to get me up, I guess we'll see.

      edit: Yeah I agree with the ones saying that I have to treat it like a job, and that's one of the reasons I'm doing it. I feel like it would make me taking it even more seriously and being more effective.
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    • Profile picture of the author curtisrk34
      Originally Posted by Tsnyder View Post

      Forget all this nonsense... I'll be straight with you.

      If you don't have a why powerful enough that it keeps
      you up late and wakes you up early... or the determination
      and drive to do what needs to be done... then you should
      go get another job. This isn't for you as a full time venture.
      I do agree, but working from home is a hard transition. I will admit that I struggle with it at times. You must understand that until you want success more than sleeping, eating, and even breathing, than it will not manifest for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
    Who says you have to get up early in the morning?

    I get up when I want and work when I want. (or not).

    As long as it gets done that is all that matters.

    Adjust your thinking.
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    • Profile picture of the author Des Lau
      Sounds like you need this:


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    • Profile picture of the author MP80
      Originally Posted by Tim_Carter View Post

      Who says you have to get up early in the morning?

      I get up when I want and work when I want. (or not).

      As long as it gets done that is all that matters.
      I agree.. Why fight it?

      One of the great things about working from home is that you can set your own hours. Work out when your most productive time of the day is, and go with it. Personally, I rarely wake up before 10am, and sometimes as late as 12 or 1pm!

      On the other hand, if you have a family or someone else to consider, perhaps your problem is more switching off, or getting to bed at night. In that case I would suggest establishing a bed-time routine (lockup, brush teeth, etc) and doing it a couple of hours before bed, say at 10pm. Then have a bit of wind-down time before making sure that everything (computer, tv, etc) is switched off by midnight when you hit the sack.
      Before you do ANYTHING else in your day - do at least ONE thing that brings money into your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author HFlame7
    The simplest form of motivation is to tell yourself, "If I don't wake up and start implementing ways to make money, I'm going to be broke!" That works for most of us
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  • Profile picture of the author emarion1114
    I suggest that before going to sleep, put a glass of water next to your alarm. Drink the whole glass when you get up and turn the alarm off. The water in the morning provides your first dose of water to get your mind and body going.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sandor Verebi
      Hi Sceeter,

      You got some really applicable advices above.

      Let me to suggest a revolutionary solution. If you have a dog, then teach him to take off the covers at six in every morning.

      Anyway, I second Tsnyder. Change your mindset, my friend.

      All the best,


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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I don't agree with those telling you to change your mindset. I think your mindset is spot on. You should be treating this just like any other real job. Get up just like you would for any other job. Have a shower right away and get dressed. Resist the temptation to go straight to your computer in your pajamas. You need to set a clear distinction between home life and work life otherwise you will never get anything done.

    One of the things I found helped me was to leave my shutters open of an evening. That way the natural light that comes into my bedroom of a morning wakes me up gradually. That is nature's alarm clock and that is how we accustomed to wake up naturally. Do you think cave men used alarm clocks?

    As others have mentioned you will need to get your body clock back into a routine. It will take a bit of time but it's definitely worth doing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      I don't agree with those telling you to change your mindset. I think your mindset is spot on. You should be treating this just like any other real job. Get up just like you would for any other job. Have a shower right away and get dressed. Resist the temptation to go straight to your computer in your pajamas. You need to set a clear distinction between home life and work life otherwise you will never get anything done.
      Well I disagree with this.

      In order to be productive you have to feel like working, For me, I can not work in the morning. This is my relax time.

      If I feel unmotivated I don't try and work. But when I do feel motivated I go full guns. And that is usually at 7:00 PM.

      I know what works for me, so that is how I work.

      If you are not a morning person don't try and force it. There are 168 hours per week. Work the 25 - 40 that you are most productive in.

      Look at the regular job market with flex time and job sharing. The corporate world is getting it too. (slowly)
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      • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
        When I first retired I started sleeping in for the first couple of weeks but I quickly got myself out of that habit. It is so easy when you don't have to get up for anything. Think of this as your JOB and that you HAVE to start by a certain time.
        My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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        • Profile picture of the author dannn1
          It gets a lot easier when you have a real drive and motivation that is pushing you to keep moving forward and get up early. When you get that feeling, staying in bed for longer than you have to makes you anxious to get going with your day in a way.

          When I was first starting out that's what happened to me. I actually couldn't sleep for more than seven hours each night because I felt like I was wasting time sleeping that I could be spending doing something productive for my business, my education, my health, or my family.

          Actually getting that drive is another story. It sort of comes out of nowhere in a moment of inspiration I guess.
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  • Profile picture of the author Britt Malka
    I get up, when I want, and I enjoy that, but I prefer to get up early (which is by 9AM in my terms, but I often work late).

    I think it might help you if you have some concrete goals to get up for. If you - before you go to bed - write down three tasks you have to do the following day, you'll know WHY you have to get up. Be specific. "working on my website" isn't specific enough. This is an ongoing job.

    Then, yes, leave the shutters open, so the daylight streams in, and when it wakes you up, you think about the exciting things you have to do that day, and you get up without problems.
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  • Profile picture of the author coljwood
    My advice is this. Set your alarm for a time that you feel that you should be getting up. You don't have to set it too early for the sake of it, if you feel you shouldn't be getting up till 10am then don't.

    When that alarm does go off however, do not hesitate. You've set this alarm because this is the time you need to get out of bed, so do it. I haven't snoozed my alarm for years now, and despite at times being very, very tired I usually shrug it off after a shower. I shower first thing, before breakfast, before anything, I find this wakes me up best.

    The key is not delaying things, no thinking "another 30 minutes" or anything like that, that 30 mins could easily turn into another 30 mins, and so on.

    Dont think about it, just get up and switch on!
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  • Profile picture of the author lovboa
    Make it a habit to slap yourself in the face as hard as you can every time you sleep past the time you set the alarm to.

    Soon, you will subconsciously start slapping yourself in the face and realize that you don't like this. You will begin to think of a way to stop the slaps from hitting your face every morning.

    And before you know it, your body will naturally adjust itself to waking up on time and avoiding the slaps from reaching your face.
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  • Profile picture of the author peewhy
    Mental attitude has a lot to do with the success of working from home.

    "I have an office at home", convert an area or room as your commercial area and treat it as a business.

    This doesn't mean you clock on/off 9 to 5 but don't slob about in PJ's - get dressed for work.

    Forget the TV and other homely distractions.

    I've just invested $7500 in a studio at the rear of my garden, I'm a 'Patio Commuter' !!

    It took a while from a spare room to own detached building but I got there through thinking that I am at work ...not working from home, I got dressed and went to work!!

    I hope this helps
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    • Profile picture of the author coljwood
      Originally Posted by peewhy View Post

      I've just invested $7500 in a studio at the rear of my garden, I'm a 'Patio Commuter' !!

      It took a while from a spare room to own detached building but I got there through thinking that I am at work ...not working from home, I got dressed and went to work!!
      This is the sort of thing I aim for eventually. I've spoken to people that go out and rent offices etc after earning a bit of money but I will always want to work from home. It comes down to convenience more than anything, and then obviously expense. I lose two hours each day currently travelling back and for to work, two hours I could spend on something more productive.

      At the moment I do my IM work from my room, and it can be very easy to lose concentration with so many distractions around. I aim to get myself a nice room sorted, with no distractions and everything I need to get the job done.

      It's surprising how work space can affect your mental attitude. At the offices I work at currently we have a seperate area with work pods, seemingly isolating you from all distractions (despite there actually being a fair more people around you.) I'd say i'm about 10 times more productive when I work from this area.
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  • Profile picture of the author ElaineHenderson
    Hi Sceeter, I also feel better if I wake up in the morning and open my computer instant of working in the afternoon. I had the same problem, you only have to press a bit your self, the feeling that there is no one there to complicate about the time is relaxing you, but you need to be stronger.

    I created a place where I only work, on this desk I only sit to do my daily online work. It's pretty helpful, I suggest you to try it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gerald Arno
    Originally Posted by Sceeter View Post

    Hi everyone!

    I've been lurking about on this forum for some time but now I feel I'm ready to join, for real It may seem needy to ask for your help already but I hope I can return the favor some time!

    Anyways, I'm currently unemployed, which means I'm working from home, on my affiliate website. I've had a couple of full-time jobs where I've been working 8-5 without any problem.

    But working from home is really hard for me, I have a really hard time getting up early in the morning. I guess it was no problem to get up back when I was employed, since you know you have to be there or else you'll get fired.

    I know this may sound like a silly problem, and I guess it is but I really feel like I get more work done when I'm up in the morning, since there's not really much else you can do at that time, compared to evenings.

    So far I've tried to have an extremely loud and annoying alarm signal. I've tried to have my alarm clock far, far away. I've tried to have a window open so all the noise from outside would wake me up and many other things but none of them seem to work.

    So please, if you have any tips&suggestions for me on how to get my lazy ass out of bed then I'd be extremely thankful!
    Work less, but be more focused and productive.

    Many newbies think they need to work 12 hours a day to make a full time income. That is at the very best incorrect. If you work right, you can get done more in 2 hours than most people get done in 12 hours.

    The difference makes always you and how you work.
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    • Profile picture of the author coljwood
      Originally Posted by GeraldGigerl View Post

      Work less, but be more focused and productive.

      Many newbies think they need to work 12 hours a day to make a full time income. That is at the very best incorrect. If you work right, you can get done more in 2 hours than most people get done in 12 hours.

      The difference makes always you and how you work.
      I find too many people disregard the importance of planning. If you you get to work knowing exactly what to do and when to do it, you will save yourself a countless amount of hours.
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  • Profile picture of the author geek12
    If you want to get up in the morning you should go to bed earlier
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  • Profile picture of the author imkaren
    I am a believer of "the Law of Attraction" and this kind of spiritual self-motivation things. There were times that I also got similar problem and so I tried to talk to myself before sleep. Ask the "inner me" to wake me up when it is the right time.

    Why I said "right time"? Because if you do need long rest, means your body needs to repair first. After that, you yourself will get up earlier when you feel well.

    Don't push too hard, just listen to your inner and talk with your inner kid or higher spirit. Let them help you and you just relax.

    Sorry for my poor English and hope in some way I did the help.

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Chronic IM
    Hello! Practice yourself in waking up for a certain time til your body adjust to your daily schedules. Cause when you do something for such a period of time, your body adapts with your condition. So just practice waking up at a certain ime.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndyBlackSEO
    When working from home you really need to treat it like a real business because "it is" a real business. I myself prefer o work from home and from now on plan on doing so. I have my own office but that is also used by my staff for my offline business so I find it hard to concentrate when they are on the phone or clients visit etc.

    I personally never get distracted at home. I don't have the TV on. I never feel the need to watch TV or go on the Xbox. In fact.. my business usually distracts me out of hours from doing the things that "other people" do socially.

    What you need to do is give yourself some inspiration. If you haven't already, see if you can use a specific room as your office. Create an office type area where you will work on. Maybe put a whiteboard up and write your weekly tasks on it.

    The only person to get you out of this pattern and into a solid working pattern is you. Set a time to be at your machine... grab a cuppa and get on with building your online business. Afterall... working at home 'for yourself' in many peoples views is far better than working for someone else. So many benefits so why wouldn't you want to set a real routine and get down to business. You have the time, so use it wisely.
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  • Profile picture of the author Smalls91
    Good music, bright lights, and lots of coffee (or redbull) always worked well for me.
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    • I really feel like I get more work done when I'm up in the morning, since there's not really much else you can do at that time, compared to evenings.

      To me, it sounds like what you're saying is, "I have to work this morning because tonight I'll be off having fun. But I don't really want to work, not enough to get out of bed."

      I've never had any problem getting out of bed. I love working. My problem is staying in bed long enough to get sufficient sleep. I sent an offer to my list last night, so the anticipation of money rolling in bounced me out of bed this morning at 5 am.

      One day three years ago I found a notice in my mailbox that a former vendor had failed to collect on three cashier's checks I sent him. The bank needed to balance its books but had a $15,000 overage -- please see us so we can refund you this money.

      I can't wait to see what today will bring. As Kevin O'Leary says, "It's all about the money."

      Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
      Love microjobs? Work when you want and get paid in cash the same day!
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      • Profile picture of the author CJEmerson
        Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

        I can't wait to see what today will bring. As Kevin O'Leary says, "It's all about the money."

        Love the Kevin O'Leary quote. How about- "Do you want to be rich or not? Let's get focused on that, buddy."

        OP, have you considered that maybe you are depressed? I know it can be difficult coping with being unemployed. Possibly the problem isn't motivation, but rather it's more oriented from mental health issues?
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        • Originally Posted by CJEmerson View Post

          OP, have you considered that maybe you are depressed?
          No idea whether that applies to the OP or not, but I can tell you from observation a depressed person can easily sleep 11 or 12 hours a day. That's how they cope, if they can manage it and have a job, too. People live with undiagnosed depression for years, even a lifetime, instead of seeking help.

          Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
          Love microjobs? Work when you want and get paid in cash the same day!
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  • Remember that one of the beauties of working online is that you do not have to do it at any specific time most of the time. Just check your schedule if you can start devoting at least 1 hour a day, then move up to two hours, etc... Make it a habit and your body will follow, but you have to be consistent.
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  • Profile picture of the author computermesh
    YOU need to find the time when YOUR most productive. After that, you need to reset your body's clock to that time frame. There's a huge niche in that area so just G it. Just remember you may hate getting up but everyday you do your working on a goal to make a living. Me personally, I can be productive whenever. I don't really have a set schedule for that. I don't use an alarm any more. I wake up when I wake up. My GF gets off at a certain time but I'm always up way before that to get stuff done. We hang out for a few hours and them I'm back to it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fadiz
    Well that's easy, if you can't wake up in the morning just stay up

    Joke aside i have the same problem, it's about 8am now and I been up all night working... since i can't wake up in the morning I just started work at night
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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      You have received many good suggestions and it comes down to what you think would be most effective for you.

      If you want to go the alarm clock route, you should check out Clocky Alarm Clock

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  • Profile picture of the author werpetalpushers
    I am a morning person, so I find that first thing in the morning is when I do my most productive work, but one of the brilliant things about being self-employed and working at home is that you can work around your own schedule. If you are more productive in the evenings then make that your "work" time. Best of luck to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author keithotzkie
    Well if you're just working at home, I guess there is no need to wake up early then..
    If I were you, Ill wake up anytime I want as long as Im capable to finished all jobs in that day.. I usually woke up late too but still I was able to do all jobs for that day.. hehe..
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  • Profile picture of the author mlord10
    I'll tell you what works for me...My wife & I have a dog that sleeps in the bed with us, and every morning sometime between 7 & 8am the dog starts moving around and needs to go outside for a potty break.

    It sounds ridiculous & might be a bit extreme, but it gets me out of bed before 8am every morning...
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  • Profile picture of the author prismkuet
    to get up early early what you have to practice is to go to bed early. If you really want you can. Because, going to bed early, you will find that in the morning it's tough for you to stay on bed. Anyway, IM is a long thing to learn, and never feel that you have learnt that. Keep learning through mistake. At the end it will help you. If you know how to work, it is not really a matter, when you like to woke up.

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    • Profile picture of the author Sceeter
      Originally Posted by CJEmerson View Post

      OP, have you considered that maybe you are depressed? I know it can be difficult coping with being unemployed. Possibly the problem isn't motivation, but rather it's more oriented from mental health issues?
      Oh don't you worry about that. I got many reasons to get up on the morning

      Originally Posted by mlord10 View Post

      I'll tell you what works for me...My wife & I have a dog that sleeps in the bed with us, and every morning sometime between 7 & 8am the dog starts moving around and needs to go outside for a potty break.

      It sounds ridiculous & might be a bit extreme, but it gets me out of bed before 8am every morning...
      Haha, sounds good. I do have a dog but it seems like he's very much alike me when it comes to getting up in the morning.

      Originally Posted by prismkuet View Post

      to get up early early what you have to practice is to go to bed early. If you really want you can. Because, going to bed early, you will find that in the morning it's tough for you to stay on bed. Anyway, IM is a long thing to learn, and never feel that you have learnt that. Keep learning through mistake. At the end it will help you. If you know how to work, it is not really a matter, when you like to woke up.
      Absolutely, I think you're right.
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  • Profile picture of the author MeganFreed
    I have 4 kids, so they are my personal alarm clock. I either wake up to them shaking me to ask me a question or I wake up to the sound of them fighting. Very rarely do I ever wake up on my own accord.

    I love being a writer. I get up in the mornings and check my email for orders. If I have them, I complete them and get them returned within a couple hours. I love the flexibility that comes with working from home and being a writer. I get to work when I want and where I want. There's nothing better than that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sceeter
    Let me elaborate even further:

    Being employed with a 8-5 jobs means you have to get up at 7, or else you'll lose your job, your income and you can't survive.

    While working from home means: It actually doesn't matter when I get up, I can sleep another hour because I can just compensate for it later tonight. And this is where I've been stuck.

    And that's where my problem is, I need to change my way of thinking, since in my opinion they're two different lifestyles. I need to get used to getting up early and going to bed early.

    But yeah, I've listened to everything you all have said and I will try everything
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  • Profile picture of the author sanjx01
    Hey sceeter,

    We've all been there, and it does take some adjustment.

    Here's a few ideas for you that might help :

    Create a schedule for yourself.

    Include some exercise in there somewhere.

    Remember - you are now the boss of you.

    The other thing I'd recommend you do is set some goals for yourself in terms of what you are trying to achieve.

    And then on a daily basis write down your daily tasks.

    Get them done in order of importance, with the most important/ tedious first.

    Hope that helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Joseph
    I was in a similar boat to you mate. You just have to force yourself up at say 7.30am. Stick the words "GET UP AND TAKE ACTION" above your bed so you see them when you wake up. Also, you need to get your body some decent sleep. At least 8 hours.

    It only takes say a week and then your body will get used to it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brian Tayler
    Find an accountability partner. Have a scheduled meeting (skype call) with them every morning at 9am. Have the meeting last only 10 minutes and go over what you did the day before and what you're doing today. Have them do the same. Use this person to also brain storm and of course keep you on track for your goals. Same concept as a work-out buddy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Try drinking plenty of water before you go to bed.

    That'll get your ass outta bed in the morning. Sharpish.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rojak Moon
    WillR is spot on about using natures alarm clock... the sun.
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  • Profile picture of the author williamk
    Not to sound sarcastic, but what we can provide you is advice. If you cant act upon that and wake up then its of no use.
    And I think that is your main problem. You need to make sure that you will wake up no matter how.
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