What Is Good Initial Promotion ?

4 replies
Hiya ...

After setting up a brand new blog, few pieces of content, plugins etc ... and after waiting a few weeks prior to promotion, what would sort of numbers would be considered as natural looking when:

  • Submitting a Press Release using PressBOT - how many engines would you recommend?
  • Social Bookmarking using Bookmarking Demon - what sort of figure should I submit to as I don't want to submit to everything in BMD?
  • How many Directory sites?
  • How many Blogs should I comment on?
You get the idea ... and after the initial promotion, what sort of quantities do you reckon to follow up with and at what frequency?

Cheers Everyone
#good #initial #promotion
  • Profile picture of the author sanjx01
    Hey Jane,

    It really depends on what you are trying to do and what niche you are in, and how competitive the niche is.

    If you can share that, I'm sure someone on here can help you better than I can.

    Hope that helps!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jane Newman
      I've got a selection of sites, very old static sites which fall under the financial services umbrella and which have been hit hard by the recent penguin update and I've got what some people would refer to as auto blogs but I've produced these on the basis of blogs which have only quality content on them and as a result, I can't produce them in numbers as my 'training' recommended.

      In particular, I've a very old site which targeted the KW's 'unsecured loans' and it was on page 1 of Google for many years and this is my main income source - it is now back in the page 30's

      My blogs which are newish or up to 18 months old have unique quality content on them and I've gone down the route of opting for subjects which interest me so that I can continue to write content for them.

      They vary from colon cancer because I have this, had an op late last year and have just finished chemo - so writing about it is quite easy for me.

      Other niches include cycling, telephone equipment, specific finance products and of course, I couldn't not mention specific photography types.

      So what I'd love to know is what is an idea amount of 'submits' per marketing type for new sites either per day or per week and how often to carry on, at what intervals for the marketing efforts?

      Sorry, I've gone on a bit haven't I

      North Wales Based Professional Photographer

      Jane Newman.co.uk
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  • Profile picture of the author Haskell1
    I think for a financial planning blog you should be hitting other forums hard, giving good advice and with a back-link in your signature.

    A forum about any subject will normally have a financial related question somewhere.

    This is good for a bit of traffic but helps your SEO also.
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  • Profile picture of the author CyborgX
    Well doesn't sounds like an easy question. I can give you any good answer but you could Consult a professional. Creating and implementing a successful financial blog can be a daunting task. There are a lot of things that need to be done and a lot of things have to be done correctly. Good luck.
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