Apparently, you can't use Paypal to sell services on this forum

5 replies
I've been recently running trough these threads where people are complaining about Paypal limiting their accounts for doing business on this forum. I've never heard about that before and I wanted to know if that was part of their terms of service. Can anyone enlighten me on the situation? Thanks!
#apparently #forum #paypal #sell #services
  • Profile picture of the author imfusa
    Unfortunately, paypal limits the accounts if you get too many orders and make to much cash in a short period, because, as they say in their tos, for your protection, which in my opinion is quite true, you can get a lot of chargebacks and make a big red hole in your paypal account. I don't agree with the fact of getting limited because of the customers that chargeback you.
    From my experience, if you completely verify your paypal account and upgrade it to business status, you should not get limited that easy.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR

    It is not a part of their terms of service. The Warrior Forum alone is NOT a reason for your account to be limited. If it were then there would be no one selling WSO's using Paypal. The reality is, a lot of people are still using Paypal to sell their products and services on this forum and majority of them have had no issues at all. It is certainly the MINORITY of people having the issues. As is the case with most things you only ever hear from those people who have had issues so it makes the problem appear worse than it actually is.

    That's your answer right there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Prashant_W

    If it was part of the TOS, it would say so on Paypal's website.

    So how this:

    1) Head over to
    2) Read the TOS
    3) Report back here with your findings

    Why would you post such a question (to which the answer is available elsewhere) on a forum? Given the fact that there are thousands here with varying opinions on virtually every subject matter...
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  • Profile picture of the author mindreaderwriter
    Chris, I second everything that the two folks above me said. I'll just share this information below. It may shed some light.

    Which PayPal account type is right for you?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    Special Features: Premier and Business Accounts Only

    Accept unlimited credit card payments.Subscriptions and Recurring Payments
    Implement subscription payments for your content or services.

    PayPal Subscriptions and Recurring Payments is a great way to collect money for:
    • Content Site Membership
    • Newsletter Fees
    • Club Dues
    • Recurring Donations
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