50 replies
I've been noticing that many Internet Marketers will go to a lot of trouble to brand their website with logos, favicons and a relevant domain name, but then supply an e-mail link in the"contact us" or "support" section that uses a GMail address.

This always puzzles me as they went to all the work of getting a good domain name and pretty well every hosting plan I've ever had included e-mail, yet they don't seem to use it. I understand that some people wouldn't want to keep track of dozens or hundreds of e-mail accounts, but it's a pretty simple matter to consolidate them into one client (i.e. Outlook or Thunderbird) or just forward them to one master account - which itself could be GMail.

Is it just me or does this seem unprofessional? I just received an e-mail from a company I am considering doing business with, they have a very professional looking website but they just contacted me via GMail. It actually made me have some doubts about them simply because the mail didn't come from an address at their domain name. Maybe that's silly, they probably are great people with great service, but it did make me wonder.

Does anyone else have an opinion on this?


  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayhew
    There's a massive amount of storage space. I don't think that a Gmail account is unprofessional at all? Thats just my opinion.

    IMO Partnership. A National Insurance Marketing Alliance.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571451].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author J. Barry Mandel
    Gmail is great, I use it for all of my sites and forward them to my main gmail address.

    It's super easy to use and very flexible.

    Plus with the google docs I can have my VA update all of the usernames/passwords we use so we both have access to everything 24/7
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571457].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author christyn1224
      Originally Posted by Justin Mandel View Post

      Gmail is great, I use it for all of my sites and forward them to my main gmail address.

      It's super easy to use and very flexible.
      I do the exact same thing. I love gmail.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[585647].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author joshfromwid
    I use gmail for my article writing service. I personally think that using gmail is a lot more professional than using something like "hotmail" or "live" or one of those email accounts. I would probably use something like Outlook if I was savvy with it, but unfortunately, I'm not.

    Give the gmail users a chance, I'm sure you will not be let down.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571479].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    I always have an email address for each site I own (I think) and they are
    all forwarded to one of five Gmails accounts. Makes organizing email a

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571486].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DominicTFY
    Gmail has a pretty nice interface and it allows you to label your mails easily. So maybe that's the reason why many people are turning to Gmail?

    With that said, I'd have the same thoughts if someone were to send me an email through Gmail. It's important to use our own domains for branding. What do the rest think?

    My thoughts,
    Dominic Tay
    >> Article Submitter -- Distribute Your Articles To The Top Article Directories And Boost Your Traffic By At Least 25%... In Just 5 Minutes!

    >> Link Building Automation
    -- We Build PR4+ Backlinks to Your Websites Each Month! [Raving Reviews!]
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571553].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Sol
    My g/f is attending one of Canada's best Universities and most of her professors switched to using Gmail...
    Alex Sol, Full time online marketer since 2007
    The Extra Paycheck Blog | Extra Paycheck Podcast
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571594].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
      Originally Posted by Alex Sol View Post

      My g/f is attending one of Canada's best Universities and most of her professors switched to using Gmail...
      Alex, is that McGill you're referring to? That was my fathers alma matter.

      Just curious

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[572184].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author 11Levels
        Originally Posted by mywebwork View Post

        Alex, is that McGill you're referring to? That was my fathers alma matter.

        Just curious

        McGill is indeed considered Montreal's best University!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[572672].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author laurelwachtel
    Gmail has an easy to use interface and is much easier to tag your individual emails to suit your business needs, although I agree that if you own your own domain, it might be more professional to have your own email address with your niche domain to make it look a bit more professional! Gmail sure is easy to use though!
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  • Profile picture of the author ellehc
    I have yahoomail but I prefer to used gmail..
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  • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini


    Because all the cool kids (like Frank Kern) are doing it.

    I finally just secured my name @ gmail... I suggest you all do the same and secure your own name @ gmail if it's still available.


    My g/f is attending one of Canada's best Universities and most of her professors switched to using Gmail...
    Both my parents are educators, and their schools have also switched over to using Gmail.

    I can't tell you exactly why (I have my own ideas), but there must be very good reasons behind this trend...



    Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571630].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JerryIL
      Lots of free storage..easy to use and almost always up and running...
      Can't think of anything better ....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571656].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mark Coverdale
        I find it very reliable. It has heaps of space and accounts are very easy to set up. It's also very user friendly.

        And the downsides are.................
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571687].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Christie Love
    I tried Gmail and I didn't like it at all. I prefer Outlook.

    As far as working with a professional company, I always have my doubts. If it's a corporate company you're talking about, they should definitely have a more professional email address. It's just one of those things you do when you start a business. You know?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571672].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AndreVas
    The days where email@YOURDOMAIN.com was seen professionally... is O-V-E-R.

    People's perception filters no longer judge email based on pro/generic/unpro. Because they're so used to seeing different emails, that they just see every email as NEUTRAL.


    Use Gmail all the way. Best spam filters ever.

    "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - W. Shakespeare

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571674].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Motley
      Originally Posted by AndreVas View Post

      The days where email@YOURDOMAIN.com was seen professionally... is O-V-E-R.

      People's perception filters no longer judge email based on pro/generic/unpro. Because they're so used to seeing different emails, that they just see every email as NEUTRAL.


      Use Gmail all the way. Best spam filters ever.
      I don't agree with this. I think that email@yourdomain.com looks a lot more professional than gmail or a hotmail address. It's probably just me but when i see someone in the field of any business, their email tells me something about them. I have a hard time taking someone seriously even if they physicall present themselves well, if they give me a contact point of something like bigbooty24@hotmail.com or really anything at hotmail or gmail or any other of the free mails. Just comes off as a little 'shady' to me for some reason. If I have a website I'm promoting virtually or physically I personally wouldnt have anything else besides me@mydomain.com on my business card or contact information.

      However if you're doing something like responder marketing, gmail is excellent for that.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[572682].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author artsub
    Gmail services are much more than private domain email services
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  • Profile picture of the author DominicTFY
    Oh...As I'm reading through this post, i got an additional idea: Could it be that by using gmail, you get better deliverability? In other words, your mail gets pass those spam filter better?

    I remember receiving a handful of spam emails from dubious gmail accounts, containing thousands of affiliate links. If they were to be using their own domain account to send these mails, they'd be in the spam folder now.

    Just my thoughts,
    Dominic Tay
    >> Article Submitter -- Distribute Your Articles To The Top Article Directories And Boost Your Traffic By At Least 25%... In Just 5 Minutes!

    >> Link Building Automation
    -- We Build PR4+ Backlinks to Your Websites Each Month! [Raving Reviews!]
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571734].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lacraiger
    gmail > yahoomail > hotmail
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  • Profile picture of the author dambim
    you forward your gmail account easily and open it on outlook, and still gmail has backup of your message
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyson Faulkner
    Oh my gosh guys what happens when Google's conspiracy
    comes full circle and dominates the world with the mass
    of personal and business information that YOU gave to them?!

    Well...glad that's out of the way.

    I personally have my name@gmail and have used it for a
    very long time. It does a great job of filtering the spam mail
    from the mail I actually want, much better than any other
    I've used.

    I do like using my domain emails mostly just for branding
    at the site itself. Then just forward them to my gmail account
    since I am so familiar with it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    I used Hotmail... it loads so slow it upset me just to login sometimes.

    I used Yahoo! Mail... it's way better than Hotmail but there's a limit
    to the number of folders you can have. And I segregate all my emails
    into different folders from different people.

    I use Gmail... fastest amongst all three and I can claim the
    you@yourdomain.com kind of email and send accordingly. I'll take
    accountability, accessibility and speed over professional but hard-
    to-use email clients anytime.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[572024].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dave777
    Surprisingly, some internet marketers use Gmail for more than just email but also re-work their multiple Gmail accounts into a list building tool to be used as a mini aweber.

    Another excellent use for Gmail is to spin things as a word processor converting it into a Keyword finding tool and digging out some interesting specialty products and a variety of low hanging fruit! Might sound a little weird & confusing but Gmail works great as a niche researching tool.

    Keep in mind, few marketers actually focus on the right hand side of their Gmail. Spend a little more time using and looking inside of your Gmail accounts and you just might see the revenue possibilities...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[572034].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LivingCovers
      Originally Posted by Dave777 View Post

      Surprisingly, some internet marketers use Gmail for more than just email but also re-work their multiple Gmail accounts into a list building tool to be used as a mini aweber.

      Another excellent use for Gmail is to spin things as a word processor converting it into a Keyword finding tool and digging out some interesting specialty products and a variety of low hanging fruit! Might sound a little weird & confusing but Gmail works great as a niche researching tool.

      Keep in mind, few marketers actually focus on the right hand side of their Gmail. Spend a little more time using and looking inside of your Gmail accounts and you just might see the revenue possibilities...

      Can you expatiate on this please. I have no idea what you're talking about
      but would like to know more. Thanks for help,

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[586128].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    Wow, I guess living on the most isolated place on the planet really keeps me out of touch - obviously GMail rules!

    Actually I've had myname@gmail.com since it was an invitation-only beta and I now have more GMail accounts that I can remember - who can argue with an infinite amount of free online storage? But I don't really use it for business, except of course the account that I have tied into my AdWords, AdSense, Analytics and all the other fun stuff from big G.

    I've always setup at least a "support@mysite.com" and a "webmaster@mysite.com" account for every domain I own, forwarded to a set of master accounts. I also have an LLC and it has a domain name whose e-mail accounts I use for business correspondence, including a separate account for PayPal.

    Thank you all so much for the responses, I really have learned something here! To be honest although I have many GMail accounts I'm not that familiar with it's interface as I tend to use Thunderbird to work with them. I do use iGoogle and in fact I like it so much that I'm designing a couple of online applications that use a similar interface.

    Is there a general consensus that GMail is more "prestigious" (for lack of a better word) than HotMail or Yahoo Mail? Don't want to start an e-mail service war here, I also have HotMail and Yahoo accounts but only really use them for MSDN and flickr.


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  • Profile picture of the author epalmuda
    Gmail is simple & easily to use.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaklebolt
    While Gmail is simple and easy to use, it does look unprofessional on your website. My solution:

    info@domain,com (forwarded to)> xyz@gmail,com (popped to)> mail client (apple mail)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[572204].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chuck Evans
      Originally Posted by shaklebolt View Post

      While Gmail is simple and easy to use, it does look unprofessional on your website. My solution:

      info@domain,com (forwarded to)> xyz@gmail,com (popped to)> mail client (apple mail)
      Or you can use your own domain email through Gmail's branding service. This way you use gmail services BUT all mail comes, and sent, through your domain address, you@yourdomain.com

      The down side is that you will using Gmail server to send and get email so if you send over 100 emails at a time gmail won't delivery them...it will stop at 100.


      Chuck Evans - Golf Magazine Top 100 Teacher
      Learn How To Play Your Best Golf

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  • Profile picture of the author 11Levels
    And as everyone said on this thread said, Gmail is wonderful! it has great features - labeling, searching through your emails. What I do actually, if i find great info online and I wanna send it to myself, I use "keywords" in my subject line or body so that in the future I can find that email easily! It's great!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[572676].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CmdrStidd
      Most of you are posting things like Gmail has the greatest spam blocker and it is the easiest to use. Well, I guess none of you know the secret then. Gmail can still be your email provider while still giving you your own domain name. I use it for my company and all my emails are still branded with my domain name and it is like everything else with Gmail, it is free. I just have my domain names mail server redirect all my mail to my special account and voila, I have the best of both worlds. My branding on my emails with all the ease and great services of gmail.

      As a friend of mine used to say, "Try it... you'll like it"
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  • Profile picture of the author Renee Blue
    Gmail is a powerful web mail and IMAP mail server. When you use POP3 your email is downloaded to your computer and not another computer. When you use IMAP your mail stays on the mail server and you just connect and load any new email from the server. This means that you can have multiple computers all with a same emails in them.

    Gmail also can fetch your mail and you just access Google for your mail. I have a couple of my email accounts fetched by google and i just have one account to logon too.

    Gmail can also send email from another non gmail account. so you can setup your email @ yourdomain.com to fetched and send mail with without ever having to logon to yourdomain.com email account

    I use Outlook to check my Gmail and my ISP(charter) does not allow you to use your own SMTP server but since Gmail uses a encrypted SMTP server connection there is no problem with connecting to a non charter SMTP.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[572730].message }}
  • I think Gmail is the forerunner in web-email clients.
    Gmail is very user-friendly and it has an intuitive interface.
    It has seamless design. I love the way Gmail compiles emails into conversation style layout. So basically if you were sending emails back and forth to one person they all are saved under just one email slot rather than several.

    There are also many universities here in the UK switching to Gmail for their students webmail base. I have no doubt that Gmail lacks any authenticity nor do I believe it reduces your professionalism. You just have to try it to believe it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jag82
    Guys guys guys....gimme a minute here...

    Let me first say 2 things...

    1. Gmail is a very very powerful email application. I use it
    everyday...not just for my personal account but also
    for my business account.

    2. I own my own business. As well as my own domain names.
    And I can't stress enough just how important it is to
    look professional. And definitely you want your business email address
    to have your domain name in it.

    You want yourname@yourbusinessname.com - not your yourname@gmail.com.

    Now...you don't have to settle for either of these.

    What if I tell you....you can have the BEST of BOTH worlds?

    The good news is...you definitely can.

    How do I know it? Cos all my business emails accounts are
    all administered with Gmail...and I retain my domain name in
    the email address.

    The answer is in Google Applications or Google Apps for short.

    Just sign up here:
    Google Apps for business – edition comparison

    If you don't want to pay for the premier version, just
    go with the standard account.

    You get up to 7 GB per account, so that's pretty damn much.
    And you can also request up to 1000 of such accounts for
    your company.

    Best of all - it's 100 FREE! So guys...don't hesitate so much.

    Hop on down to Google Apps and sign up for your FREE
    gmail administered business email accounts. No worries
    about not appearing professional anymore.

    Here's the link again:
    => Google Apps for business – edition comparison

    *Offer while stocks last.* Only 57 accounts left... (can't resist this!) =)

    Hope this helps.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[572777].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jag82
    Originally Posted by Traffic-Bug View Post

    I use gmail for my site traffic-bug.com. It makes it easier for me rather than to set a @traffic-bug.com email account and set to forward to my real gmail ID. Personally it doesnt matter to me as a consumer I dont care whether the mail is coming from gmail. But I think there may be people who have reservations dealing with free email addresses

    I understand where you are coming from. Gmail is fast and easy.
    However while you may not care as a consumer, some others may.

    So don't forget about that.

    That said, you can still use Google Apps to have the
    functionality of Gmail...and at the same time retain
    your domain name in your email address.

    Try Google Apps here:
    Google Apps

    And you don't only get the Gmail.

    You also get Google Docs...Google Calendar...
    and a whole lot of cool stuff.

    Google Docs allow me to easily share docs
    with my staffs..and helpers. Real time saver.

    Hope this helps.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[572817].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GopalG
    Why Gmail is very simple......

    It gives huge storage space, one of the best spam filters ever.

    Easy to work, fast and safe... What else one need???

    Start using it and i am sure you will like it...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[585299].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ivancho
    Gmail all the way...

    I have used yahoo, msn but nothing can beet gmail...

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  • Profile picture of the author Ashley Wright
    I totally understand that alarm bells were raised as soon as you saw them email you from an gmail account, but it is very common in this day and age, I personally have my domain address for one set of emails but i do find gmail a lot easier to use.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[585340].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sandi Valentine
    If you like the professional aspect of gmail, but prefer to use a domain based email address, you can always forward the address to gmail. In labs, you can set the features so that you can send email from any address you own. Presto - email from your own domain, managed in gmail - no need to pay for Google Apps unless you want to.
    High Quality Content for .03/word. Order by PM.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[585360].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NMP
      Using GMail is probably good. But using it from your own domain
      is a mistake. Is like contact some huge company like Microsoft and
      get a reply yx567@gmail.com... talk about trust issue.

      Free emails are easy to delete. Domains are a bit harder. It may
      work fine for IM to IM. But for a customer it looks ugly. And that
      is the part the first poster asked. Not if GMail is good.. sure is, but
      not to advertise as contact on commercial sites.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[585403].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author bizideas
        Originally Posted by NMP View Post

        Using GMail is probably good. But using it from your own domain
        is a mistake. Is like contact some huge company like Microsoft and
        get a reply yx567@gmail.com... talk about trust issue.

        Free emails are easy to delete. Domains are a bit harder. It may
        work fine for IM to IM. But for a customer it looks ugly. And that
        is the part the first poster asked. Not if GMail is good.. sure is, but
        not to advertise as contact on commercial sites.

        I agree with this 100%. There isn't a single fortune 1000 company out there that doesn't understand it's own domain email advantages. If nothing else for branding purposes.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[585632].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author apollocreed
    Yes , I agree. It does look extremely unprofessional listing your contact as a free email address. I usually do not buy from anyone who does not have a "proper" email address listed on their site. There is nothing wrong with being a one man operation and running your "Make 7 Figures A day" coaching program from your mother's basement. But you just do not have to look like you do.

    Nobody is disputing that Gmail is great. I think some marketers are just too lazy and can not be bothered to look professional.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[585690].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bizideas
      Originally Posted by apollocreed View Post

      Yes , I agree. It does look extremely unprofessional listing your contact as a free email address. I usually do not buy from anyone who does not have a "proper" email address listed on their site. There is nothing wrong with being a one man operation and running your "Make 7 Figures A day" coaching program from your mother's basement. But you just do not have to look like you do.

      Nobody is disputing that Gmail is great. I think some marketers are just too lazy and can not be bothered to look professional.

      Now that's funny! I didn't know Apollo Creed did "stand up". I especially like the 7 figs a day bit.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[585758].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BadSphinx
    Originally Posted by mywebwork View Post

    I've been noticing that many Internet Marketers will go to a lot of trouble to brand their website with logos, favicons and a relevant domain name, but then supply an e-mail link in the"contact us" or "support" section that uses a GMail address.

    This always puzzles me as they went to all the work of getting a good domain name and pretty well every hosting plan I've ever had included e-mail, yet they don't seem to use it. I understand that some people wouldn't want to keep track of dozens or hundreds of e-mail accounts, but it's a pretty simple matter to consolidate them into one client (i.e. Outlook or Thunderbird) or just forward them to one master account - which itself could be GMail.

    Is it just me or does this seem unprofessional? I just received an e-mail from a company I am considering doing business with, they have a very professional looking website but they just contacted me via GMail. It actually made me have some doubts about them simply because the mail didn't come from an address at their domain name. Maybe that's silly, they probably are great people with great service, but it did make me wonder.

    Does anyone else have an opinion on this?


    Because I love the Planets theme lol.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[586156].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author daisuke75248
    GMail loads fast and has a lot of space; but Yahoo will be getting unlimited space in May for their anniversary. I like Yahoo better because I like their website and it sounds better lol.

    But people should really use a professional e-mail address for their website. It's just like if someone writes an ebook and makes a lot of grammar mistakes, people aren't going to take your seriously.

    Whenever I see a website with a free e-mail address, I just feel awkward in trusting them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    Deliverability is my reason. Many of my email domains get banned after people who opt in to my list register spam complaints. Gmail always makes it to the inbox
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Riddle
    I agree with the comments about using your own domain for email and using gmail to host your email.

    I've been doing that for quite some time, and as mentioned, the other applications are already tied into the system.

    My web host makes it simple to use gmail for your email for me its just one button and all the gmail goodies are set up.

    It may be my imagination, but I think using a gmail with your own domain gets your site indexed faster.

    Today isn't Yesterday, - Products are everywhere if your eyes are Tuned!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[586260].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sam Rodrigo
    Because, in a few years, with our Google Chip implant, it's server direct to cortex. As in the frontal cortex of our brain. Forget even getting to a pc.

    Ok, ok... now a days. Gmail elegantly organizes conversations. Since gmail reads any inbox, it's the best way to manage email.


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