This will instantly get you noticed by TOP JV partners

24 replies
Hey guys... it seems a lot of internet marketers know the immense value and leverage of developing solid joint venture relationships, but aren't sure how to cut through the clutter and competition to actually get noticed by the top affiliates/joint venture partners.

Here is a simple, yet VERY effective method you can use that virtually guarantees you will get your joint venture proposal out in front of a partner you'd like to have:

1. After doing your research to identify the top players in your market that are already doing some type of affiliate/JV marketing with others, choose the one you feel would have the biggest impact on your business if landed as a JV partner.

2. Register a unique domain name just for that potential affiliate/JV partner. For instance: Obviously you want to replace the name "Bob Jones" with the name of your potential partner.

3. Spend 5 minutes creating a simple video, preferably a monologue video with you on camera, where you're talking directly to the JV partner about his or her business and why you feel it would be a win/win situation to do a JV together. Be sure to focus on what would be in it for them right off of the bat, and be sure to make the video personal and specific to your potential partner.

4. Do a WHOIS search to find your potential JV partners mailing address.

5. Go to Send a Ball for Fun! and send your JV partner a "send a ball" with a simple message that says, "Hi Bob Jones... I've put together a personal video just for you that I'd love for you to watch for 5 minutes. You can see it here:"

6. Follow up the "send a ball" and video with a phone call to take your relationship with the potential JV partner to the next level, and discuss the JV.

The reason why this method works so well is because it's personal, it goes well above and beyond what the typical web owner is doing, and shows how savvy you are even in your JV marketing.

Try it... I think you'll be pretty happy!

~Todd Brown

Do you know the HABITS of the top internet marketers? Now you can... for FREE! (No opt-in required) - Go here to watch the FREE VIDEOS!
#affiliates #instantly #joint ventures #noticed #partners #top
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Taylor
    Hi Todd,

    Now that is a new twist.
    Have you had much experience doing this method?
    Care to expand on it?


    Ask...Because you never stop learning.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jose Delgado
      Even though this sounds GENIOUS,

      it might look as if you are a stalker or a spammer.

      But it actually is a good idea.

      Has this worked for you Todd? How many times?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[52290].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sparrow
        Sounds good on the surface,

        First if you could get the real address for delivering the ball and next can you image if a lot of balls arrive at one of these high profile JV persons

        I think they get enough people approaching them already selling them something.

        I think taking the approach of what you can do for them is better.

        But who am I

        I am no expert in this

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        • Profile picture of the author bauger
          very interesting approach. ?this is one to think about.
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          • Profile picture of the author JonnyAndrews
            I like it. But why not just call them first?

            What would you say in said video? I seriously like the idea but I'm not sure
            what I'd do if somebody sent one to me.

            What if it sucked? I'd feel really weird/awkward watching it...

            My gut tells me it might be better to email/call first and try to
            offer some value to their business before asking them to
            make me rich.

            A spinoff of this would be to create a cool content video
            for one of their products. Give it to them free as content fodder
            for their list and pretty much tell everyone how great the stuff is
            then add some extra value and info.

            This I have done and this I have seen work.

            It has the double whammy of warming his/her list to you
            so if a JV ever happens in the future those people will already
            be warmed.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[52729].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author John Ritz
              Fedex's and phone calls still work the best for me! But I love that "Send a Ball" site! Gonna have to use that for some other things I have going on.

              And I think Todd's approach is a nice fresh one. If someone sent me a ball like that with a special domain name for me, I sure would go watch the 5-minute video!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[52879].message }}
              • What John Ritz said.

                You can accomplish the same thing - cutting through the clutter and getting your message heard - without any of those potential downsides mentioned above, via FedEx.

                We used to do this when we were looking for investment money, "angel investors". Many of them are approached all the time, same as big-name JV's.

                If you can get an address, even if it's the corp. address, write up a PROFESSIONAL-looking document, BRIEF cover letter, BRIEF report, maybe 3 pages, nicely printed, in one of those nice clear report folders.

                EVERYBODY opens a FedEx overnight envelope.

                = = = = COMPLETE, CUSTOM ADSENSE SITE = = = =
                VERY Limited WSO. 100% Guaranteed.

                MY Expertise, YOUR Profit.
                Read the thread.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[52913].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Jelasco
                  Originally Posted by internetmarketer99 View Post

                  EVERYBODY opens a FedEx overnight envelope.

                  Not any more. Some of those people get bombarded with them.

                  I think some of the original idea may come across as rather desperate, with the domain name and all. If you think you are that far out of their league, maybe you should try some smaller fish first.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[52919].message }}
                  • Originally Posted by Jelasco View Post

                    Not any more. Some of those people get bombarded with them.

                    I think some of the original idea may come across as rather desperate, with the domain name and all. If you think you are that far out of their league, maybe you should try some smaller fish first.
                    Bombarded with them? At $15-$18 to send an overnight package document, it's hard for me to imagine anyone is bombarded with them.

                    Maybe you're right, but none of the big names I talk to at seminars and conferences and tried this with seemed to be bombarded with overnight FedEx proposals.

                    = = = = COMPLETE, CUSTOM ADSENSE SITE = = = =
                    VERY Limited WSO. 100% Guaranteed.

                    MY Expertise, YOUR Profit.
                    Read the thread.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[52924].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Jelasco
                      Mark, some of those people don't even open the high-ticket products people send them for free. Why would they be impressed by an envelope, especially from someone they don't know or aren't expecting?
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[52929].message }}
                  • Wow Todd that is a totally cool and unique idea.

                    Personal video messages are killer and at the very least they will get the attention of the potential JV.

                    I think sometimes that can be hard enough, you may have an awesome product that the JV would want to promote but it can be difficult to stand out and get their attention.

                    I think you method would definitley get their attention!
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[52928].message }}
                • (Don't know why I forgot this part)

                  The best JV pitch I ever did - which worked in spades - was to product 'packaging' as if I'd already had the JV.

                  I had a professional ecover created showing the JV partners name & logo, as if it were there product, created a sales page, printed the ecover graphic, hi-resolution on heavy glossy stock, and used the FedEx 'method' above.

                  I sent it to two potential JV's.

                  Ended up having to decide between two opportunities.

                  = = = = COMPLETE, CUSTOM ADSENSE SITE = = = =
                  VERY Limited WSO. 100% Guaranteed.

                  MY Expertise, YOUR Profit.
                  Read the thread.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[52920].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author clanspring
                  This is a great thread with some great ideas. Thanks to all who shared. I'm going to bookmark this page!
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                  • Profile picture of the author John Ritz
                    I wouldn't say people are getting "bombarded" with Fedex's. Some do, but those are usually the ones with a bigger staff. Fedex's are just part of doing business, and there's no question that they get more priority in the office over email, snail mail, voice mails, and just about anything else.

                    When i first started writing copy online for clients, I did a Fedex direct mail campaign, and it was a huge success!

                    The cool thing about Fedex is you can choose a slower delivery time for a much lower cost per piece mailed (I think I payed 3 buck or so back then, it's a little higher now).

                    That slower delivery doesn't change the recipient's perception. It's still a Fedex, not regular mail. Of course, let's not even get into lumpy mail...
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                    • Profile picture of the author Chris Dolan
                      Its a great idea. The key is making sure the right person see's the site. Otherwise you could be wasting money. I guess the key here is an original approach. Send a ball or many other methods would get the attention.

                      You can equally find some potential partners easy to contact via their own forums. Or clicking on reply to some of their marketing emails. But which would you respond to yourself?

                      Good idea. Thanks for sharing it.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[53206].message }}
                      • One method to try if you want a reply is to go through their support desk.

                        You are almost guaranteed to get a reply and hopefully your proposal will be seen by the potential JV.

                        Sometimes you can actually build up a good report with the staff person who replies to your ticket and they can actually recommend your product.

                        Or sometimes the potential JV will reply directly to you.

                        Worked for me a few times, worth a try.

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                        • Profile picture of the author Carl Henry

                          I think we can learn from all suggestions, there's no bad idea, also combining various ideas together or sequentially will get the notice you're looking for.

                          Another way to stand out and even get approached is to work on your personal profile, raise the level of your recognition, be a major contributor to the industry etc.

                          Sometimes the slow approach can work where you simply stay in-touch with compliments, questions etc. and over time the target JV partner will get to know & recognise you, it's a long standing networking ploy to network when you don't have to so that when the day comes you're in the door easily.


                          Carl Henry
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                          • Profile picture of the author Sarah Harvey
                            I guess the problem here is that either a) The person could be flattered, or b) It could be considered 'weird' or 'stalker-like'

                            I don't know about other people, but personally I love actual mail. Getting a nice little fat package gets my attention faster than anything else.

                            As for not being in their league and trying smaller fish etc, well in my mind I see it this way...

                            If you have to suck up to people just to get yourself noticed then you do not have the right attitude to start with.

                            People with the right attitude, don't give a jack's ass about the 'so-called'top-jv-partners.'

                            Do it your way, go big, get tons of other people to promote your stuff...have a huge launch and then laugh all the way to the bank. Or feel good about it. In the end you do not need to seek their (top gurus) permission.

                            Sure getting your fingers into their list will be great, but it would be greater if you start realising that some people are either a) Sheep or b) Wolves.

                            I know definitely what I am and will always remain so.

                            Are you the follower or the hunter?

                            Change your mindset, set targets for yourself, do things that are interesting and the rest will follow.

                            Who knows, perhaps a Top JV partner will approach you for some advice or your products.

                            Good luck!
                            "Find the problem and provide the solution."
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[53372].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author wellymulia
                              Todd, this is new, althogh I don't know how good it will be in terms of the actually landing the JV. But then again, if we don't try it we never know.

                              Thanks for the fresh idea.
                              Welly Mulia
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[53403].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author jhongren
                              Who knows, perhaps a Top JV partner will approach you for some advice or your products.
                              Talking about top JV partners, a recommended way is to list down all the JV partners you want to work with and contact them from the list down.

                              Many do it the opposite way and start small.

                              Contacting from up to down benefits you in such a way that you can grow faster and learn from the best.

                              If one doesn't agree to JV, just move on.

                              Then when the 2nd or 3rd agree, you can contact the 1st again and tell them that X and Y are among your JV partners too. The 1st one may eventually agree seeing his friends JVing with you.

                              Then, as you work your path down, it will get easier to get them to agree.

                              My 2 cents,
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[53419].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author QuantumSuccess
                                Originally Posted by jhongren View Post

                                Talking about top JV partners, a recommended way is to list down all the JV partners you want to work with and contact them from the list down.

                                Many do it the opposite way and start small.

                                Contacting from up to down benefits you in such a way that you can grow faster and learn from the best.

                                If one doesn't agree to JV, just move on.

                                Then when the 2nd or 3rd agree, you can contact the 1st again and tell them that X and Y are among your JV partners too. The 1st one may eventually agree seeing his friends JVing with you.

                                Then, as you work your path down, it will get easier to get them to agree.

                                My 2 cents,
                                John, you are absolutely right about this strategy.

                                I did this several times and it always worked.

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      • Profile picture of the author Todd Brown
        Hey Jose... if done incorrectly you definitely could look like a nut-job stalker. :-)

        BUT, when you're upfront with the person in the video and let them know that you made this video for them because you're sure they get bombarded with emails and telephone calls, and you wanted to stand out, most will respect you for that.

        We've done this several times with great results.

        In fact, the last time we did this, we put a little twist into the method:

        We actually created one main video for 15 JV partners we wanted for a launch, sent them each a personal email with a link to the video, and at the start of the video I let them know they were only one of 15 respected authorities receiving the special video invite.

        To take this up a notch, we should have also included a list of all 15 people we were inviting to add credibility to our launch and make each person invited feel like part of a special group.

        ~Todd Brown :-)
        Todd Brown’s
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