Amazon Associates - Where do you put your affiliate disclaimer?

by pepper81 Banned
32 replies
I have asked customer support at Amazon and this is the reply I received:

"You need to clearly state the following on your sites: [website name] is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

This link should be placed on a main page that includes links that refer your visitors to You only need to post this information once within the same website."

What does this mean exactly? Is it OK to have this disclaimer inside a page on my website titled 'Affiliate disclaimer'? Or do I need to have the whole statement visible on every page that has an Amazon link?

I have read the associates operating agreement over at Amazon but I am not very good at interpreting the legal terms and phrases that are usually contained in these documents. Are there any Amazon affiliates who can fill me in on what is actually needed to stay within the legal requirements so I don't have my account banned?

#affiliate #amazon #associates #disclaimer #put
  • Profile picture of the author KeithSneed
    Most people place this in the footer. It's there on every page so there's no risk to breaking laws, and it's out of the way enough to not be a big eyesore. Not to mention, anyone who thinks you aren't affiliated with other sites in order to make money is pretty naive... If they do see it in the footer, and decide to leave, I guess that's up to them. I don't see there being a problem though.
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    • Profile picture of the author pepper81
      Do you put the entire statement in the footer of every page or can you just have a link titled 'affiliate disclaimer' and display the statement within the link?
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      • Profile picture of the author capefox
        Originally Posted by pepper81 View Post

        Do you put the entire statement in the footer of every page or can you just have a link titled 'affiliate disclaimer' and display the statement within the link?
        Some affiliate programs require your Disclosure to be visible above the fold; you need to display clearly that you receive compensation for sales generated though your website. You don't have to make the whole statement visible "up-front" - what I have done on my site is in accordance with requirements; you're welcome to see what I've done.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brendan Mace
    There's nothing wrong with putting it in your privacy policy. That way, you only need to link to your privacy policy page. The link can be on your footer or site navigation. And it's not that imposing to your visitors.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Someone on the Clickbank staff told me to include their disclaimer at the bottom of my sales letter page. So i'm guessing you can do the same thing here, or simply create a link called "disclaimer", then link it to your Amazon disclaimer.
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  • Profile picture of the author dreamerofwords
    The declaration should be placed in the footer on the home page. There is a WP plugin for this purpose called WP Amazociate that will place the declaration for you.

    James P. McDonald

    It's Funny, It's Helpful, It's Informative

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    • Profile picture of the author AZMD
      Originally Posted by dreamerofwords View Post

      The declaration should be placed in the footer on the home page. There is a WP plugin for this purpose called WP Amazociate that will place the declaration for you.
      I couldn't find that plug in inside the WP add plugin search. Where did you come up with it?
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      • Profile picture of the author AZMD
        Originally Posted by AZMD View Post

        I couldn't find that plug in inside the WP add plugin search. Where did you come up with it?
        Here is one that is found in the WP search for plugins that looks like it will do the trick. It will put the disclaimers and policies into your footer. You can then remove the pages you don't want.

        "WP Policies allows you to quickly add pre-written privacy policy and disclaimer statements to your Wordpress blog. The plugin currently comes with 10 policies that you can edit depending on your blog."

        Just search the >add plugins for term "WP Policies" and you'll find it there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree
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    • Profile picture of the author aidylad
      What if you use "buy from Amazon" buttons???

      It doesn't get any more clearer than that!!

      Although I'd rather be safe than sorry.
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  • Profile picture of the author smodha
    It doesn't matter where you put it as long it's on your site/WP blog. Just make sure it doesn't hurt your conversions.

    I use WP so I just add another page to the navigation bar on my theme. It will automatically create a link in your footer.
    I Sell What People Want. The Money Is A Bonus..
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    • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
      As customer support said, 'You only need to post this information once within the same website'

      I have a disclaimer page for it and that link is in my sidebar or header. I would steer clear of plugins that you don't need or benefit from. They slow your site down, if they don't get updated they make it easier for hackers to get into your site and they can be carrying bad code.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Michal
    You can do this, it's an old magazine ad trick:

    You put the word "ADVERTISEMENT" at the very top.

    Then put an ad right under it. (in your case this will be a banner ad)

    Then put your content.

    For the magazine most agencies make it look like an article under the ad so people read the "article" which is really an ad.

    Then if anyone were to ask you could say that is states clearly that this page is an advertisement. However most people will just assume the banner is the "advertisement"
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  • Profile picture of the author aquariumchat
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    • Profile picture of the author AmyPlath
      Originally Posted by aquariumchat View Post

      Footer of website is where I put things like that.
      All the people I know do the same...
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Cutts
    I put mine in the about us page :-)

    as it was said above you only have to mention it once... and it is easier and nicer to put it in the about us page as you can drop it in quite well :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author Metro123
    Glad I found this conversation. I put it as my last Widget with the title "amazon Notice". when you read the Associates Program Operating Agreement
    Updated: July 1, 2012. (Current Associates: See what's changed), go to item 10. see below. it tells you exactly what to do.

    10. Identifying Yourself as an Associate
    You will not issue any press release or make any other public communication with respect to this Operating Agreement, your use of the Content, or your participation in the Program. You will not misrepresent or embellish the relationship between us and you (including by expressing or implying that we support, sponsor, endorse, or contribute to any charity or other cause), or express or imply any relationship or affiliation between us and you or any other person or entity except as expressly permitted by this Operating Agreement. You must, however, clearly state the following on your site: “[Insert your name] is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to [insert the applicable site name (,,, or].”
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    • Profile picture of the author VanityPl8
      Just wanted to update this thread by asking if anything has changed in regards to what has been said already? I just got my first Amazon Affiliate site, and it took about 3 days before I started hearing about needing to have the disclaimer displayed on page. Is there anything else that Amazon doesn't like that a newbie should know about? Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Tandan
    Amazon TOS and customer service is still quite unclear on this. Some say every page, others say 'easily accessible' type thing.
    I include a top menu tab 'affiliate disclosure' and set that as as part of top menu on every page of my sites. Have not had issues doing so.
    But no guarantees - this company plays by its own rules.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stevie C
    This is how I add it scroll to the bottom of the site

    You could also add it as an image if you don't want to leave any footprint
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  • Profile picture of the author mrgoe
    I use a links menu near the footer with links to contact, pricavy, disclaimer and some more.
    Worked as a senior editor on, experienced in financial topics
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  • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
    Like others, I put mine in the footer of my site on a page called "Affiliate Disclaimer." Whenever I have an in-post link to amazon, I add "(aff link)" next to it. I'm very open about being an affilate and found my conversions are usually higher because if it. People like honesty and transparency. It builds trust.

    EDIT: Just saw this thread was started 2 years ago. I really gotta check the start date before posting.
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  • Profile picture of the author WordpressManiac
    I also use a text widget in the footer most time. It's the safest way I think and doesn't annoy visitors
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  • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
    Originally Posted by pepper81 View Post

    I have asked customer support at Amazon and this is the reply I received:

    "You need to clearly state the following on your sites: [website name] is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

    This link should be placed on a main page that includes links that refer your visitors to You only need to post this information once within the same website."

    What does this mean exactly? Is it OK to have this disclaimer inside a page on my website titled 'Affiliate disclaimer'? Or do I need to have the whole statement visible on every page that has an Amazon link?

    I have read the associates operating agreement over at Amazon but I am not very good at interpreting the legal terms and phrases that are usually contained in these documents. Are there any Amazon affiliates who can fill me in on what is actually needed to stay within the legal requirements so I don't have my account banned?

    website name no need..if you don't wish to put

    just mention This site...also can
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  • Profile picture of the author manolo2
    i place it in the footer

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Szalok
    When I had a product review site, I just added a separate page that contained the necessary text. If you don't want to risk, add the disclaimer to the footer of each of your pages that contains an Amazon affiliate link.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mkcoy
      Dear friends, please forgive my naivety.

      Does this only apply to the .com Amazon affiliates or for the Amazon affiliates too?

      I can not find anything on the affiliates page about needing a disclaimer.

      I did speak to live support for the .com Amazon affiliate and they said, yes you need to put it anywhere on your site once where it can be found.

      I am wondering though if I need to put the notice on my homepage (in footer) and on every page or if I just need to put it in say, my Privacy Policy page.

      Or if (as a Amazon affiliate) I need to put one at all!?

      Hope to hear from you!

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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    Even though the OP has been banned I thought I would tell you how I add it. I do both I add a disclaimer to the bottom of the site and/or a page that just says "[website name] is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to"

    Then I just include a link back to the homepage.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author ratracegrad
    I put my disclaimer in the footer. By putting it in the footer then it shows up on every post and page on your website which is what Amazon prefers. If you put it in an About page or Disclaimer page of Privacy and Policies page then they would have to click there to see the disclaimer. They would not see it on the posts and pages you write about Amazon products. That is why putting it in the footer so that it shows on every page is recommended.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mkcoy
    Thanks ratracegrad. How do you know that is what Amazon "prefers".

    As I said, I did speak to their live chat support (For the US Amazon site) and they just said yes you need to have it somewhere on your site where it can be accessible.

    I personally don't like the idea of putting that in the footer of my site as it kind of makes the site look tacky.

    Someone on the IMTalk forum has just said to me that "The material disclosure statement is to comply with US law."

    I am in the UK so I wanted to make sure that this still applies to me.

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  • Profile picture of the author CS
    How about the website that have Amazon affiliate and Google Adsense? Do I need to state extra disclaimer statement for Google Adsense?

    Anyone have the example?
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert999
    Originally Posted by pepper81 View Post

    I have asked customer support at Amazon and this is the reply I received:

    "You need to clearly state the following on your sites: [website name] is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

    This link should be placed on a main page that includes links that refer your visitors to You only need to post this information once within the same website."

    What does this mean exactly? Is it OK to have this disclaimer inside a page on my website titled 'Affiliate disclaimer'? Or do I need to have the whole statement visible on every page that has an Amazon link?

    I have read the associates operating agreement over at Amazon but I am not very good at interpreting the legal terms and phrases that are usually contained in these documents. Are there any Amazon affiliates who can fill me in on what is actually needed to stay within the legal requirements so I don't have my account banned?

    I suggest add it in footer or use widget to display it on sidebar. It should be displayed on "every page" of your website. There is usually no effect on sales by displaying affiliate disclaimers.
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  • Profile picture of the author jvnair
    Originally Posted by pepper81 View Post

    I have asked customer support at Amazon and this is the reply I received:

    "You need to clearly state the following on your sites: [website name] is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

    This link should be placed on a main page that includes links that refer your visitors to You only need to post this information once within the same website."

    What does this mean exactly? Is it OK to have this disclaimer inside a page on my website titled 'Affiliate disclaimer'? Or do I need to have the whole statement visible on every page that has an Amazon link?

    I have read the associates operating agreement over at Amazon but I am not very good at interpreting the legal terms and phrases that are usually contained in these documents. Are there any Amazon affiliates who can fill me in on what is actually needed to stay within the legal requirements so I don't have my account banned?

    It is better to put the words "[website name] is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to" in the footer portion [If you are using WordPress use footer widget / edit footer.php file] of your website. So that It will visible all the pages.
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