Squeeze Page - How to deliver the offer imediatelly.

14 replies
Hi guys,

I´m preparing a Squeeze page for list building, as usual i will give some offers that will be digital books, so my question is:

After a potential subscriber subscribes can receive (in this case download) imediatelly the goods).

For subscribing i will use aweber form, so what tools will you recommend to deliver the digital product?

Sorry i´m a bit newbie with this but i want to try out the squeeze page and send a bunch of traffic and want to do it really nice.

#deliver #imediatelly #offer #page #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author Peter29
    Do you have a web hosting? If you do, then just upload your digital book on your server and put the link to it on your website.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jamie Stewart
      One option is to attach to the first email sent after the visitor receives the confirmation email (and has confirmed their subscription).
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    • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
      Originally Posted by ultrapeter29 View Post

      Do you have a web hosting? If you do, then just upload your digital book on your server and put the link to it on your website.
      this is what i would do. upload the ebook to my server, but instead, send them a link via email through an autoresponder after they confirm their email for my opt-in list. the link should bring them back to my site allowing them to download the file.
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      • Profile picture of the author morg2k2

        this looks like to be the best solution i will do that.


        Originally Posted by threezerozero View Post

        this is what i would do. upload the ebook to my server, but instead, send them a link via email through an autoresponder after they confirm their email for my opt-in list. the link should bring them back to my site allowing them to download the file.
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    • Profile picture of the author morg2k2
      Yes i have, but my doubts are the following:

      1) subscriber subsribes (enter e-mail address + name for ex.)
      2) will receive an e-mail from aweber to confirm the subscription

      the next step should be something like an e-mail with the download link, but for that i need to create a campaign or will need to use an automatic responder with a predefined message with the links? or there is another solution?


      Originally Posted by ultrapeter29 View Post

      Do you have a web hosting? If you do, then just upload your digital book on your server and put the link to it on your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author wwhitley
    Can you explain how this all works. I set up squeeze page and then what. Post to all forums, article sites, classified site. How do you get people to visit your site without paying alot of money. Need Help.
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    • Profile picture of the author morg2k2
      There are many options but personally i use paid traffic not from PPC but niche targeted and country targeted, it works well (at least for my niche) and its cheaper then PPC

      You also can use free solutions, like article marketing, video marketing, forum marketing, blogging , etc but it will be at a much slower speed.


      Originally Posted by wwhitley View Post

      Can you explain how this all works. I set up squeeze page and then what. Post to all forums, article sites, classified site. How do you get people to visit your site without paying alot of money. Need Help.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Foster
    After opt in, they should either be taken to a download page or get an email taking them to the download page.... preferably both.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesgan
    Hi morg2k2,
    For the delivery of your digital product can be done by your autoresponder.
    - Upload your digital product to your hosting/server
    - Create a message in your autoresponder
    - Place a hyperlink in the message that point to your digital product
    - Send out your message to your subscriber
    Learning is the slowest form of earning!
    The only way to build an avalanche of cashflow to your bank is to "Copy & Paste" a proven system.
    ==> www.jamesgan.me
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  • Profile picture of the author RamonPoloHere
    Upload the gift like jamesrich1 shows you.

    Then when they opt-in, you should take them to a page where you tell them that the information they requested is in their email inbox.

    Give them the info via email because if you give them the gift directly, they will put fake emails.

    The best way to learn this process is to SEE it and MODEL it.

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  • Profile picture of the author mlord10
    The method above would certainly work...but this is what I would do (if you have Wordpress).

    1. Create a new page titled "thank you" or whatever you want to title it.

    2. Upload your report to your "Media Library" within Wordpress (on the left sidebar within your WP dashboard).

    3. Put the link to the media file on your thank you page.

    This is a simple way you can deliver your digital product to the people who subscribe to your list.

    Note: Within Aweber, you can create a custom thank you page...and the page you create with my instructions above is the page you want to put in that field within Aweber.

    Of course, if you aren't using Wordpress this won't help, but maybe it will help someone
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