Professional Feedback is Requested

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Hi, Warriors!

Your feedback was provided on my website. I gained invaluable information by your advice and took it to heart.

My website had too many ads, no real value to my customers. That site is still up, but I no longer send any trafffic there. I took the website and re-created it.

FastnFit.Org is a site for the busy minded person, thus providing value by catering to the needs of busy fitness people. Also, it contains valuable diet calculators, recipes, and fitness information.

Its format has been re-formatted my previous site, and I was wondering if you could provide any direction, from your professional insights for me to make sales?

I appreciate any assistnace you can provide. I hope this is what I needed to do.

I sent traffic yesterday to my burn the fat page--the visitors stayed about 20 seconds. The page used to look like all the other pages, except diet solution. I thought maybe I did something wrong?
I do not want to change the format if it will work.

Of my visitors, they were sent from 7Search. 4,385 impressions, 13 clicks on Saturday and today, so far: 5,219 impressions, 19 clicks, and all have no sales.

That may not be a strong indicator of the value of my site.
Please tell me what you think?
#feedback #professional #requested

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