Newbie Finally Takes the Plunge!!! Read on...

5 replies
Hi All!

Let me cut to the chase, I don't aim to bore anyone...

Well, I started looking into IM a couple of months ago... last year June to be exact! I've bought ebook to ebook and after enough hesitation and procrastination I've decided to take action!
Those who read my "Verge of Committing IM Suicide" thread/rant last week will fully understand where I'm coming from!

I am a professional graphic designer and I've been designing for 5 years.
I worked in a firm for 3 years and then I went on to freelance 2 years ago!
So I've basically been working for myself already and I hopefully aim to start a successful IM business of the back end of that!

I also write articles... but that's another story for another thread!

Today I would like to offer something unique...
Not unique in the service that I am offering, no... that would be an exaggeration. But unique in how I'm going about offering it...

I plan to offer my service to IMers by delivering impacting graphic design.
I've never designed for this niche before but I am raring to go!

As you could imagine I am currently in the stage of building up a new portfolio for this particular niche...
So at this moment in time I willing to offer this service for FREE! :confused:

Yes you heard it right, for FREE!

I just want to build my credibility, my IM design portfolio and at the same time get some nice testimonials! :p

So I guess it's a win-win situation for everyone!

So here's YOUR chance...

For the 1ST THREE members that request my service, I'll be more than happy to design ONE ebook+CD cover and ONE mini-site design (no HTML at the mo- but I WILL be offering this in the future)...

You can look at my existing print design portfolio online...

some recent work...

Michael Masade Jr.'s Photos - Some Artwork by Michael Masade Jr. (Maestro Creativity) | Facebook

and some past work...

Just PM me and we can get to talking about your requirements...

My turnaround for this offer will be 96 hours, as I get to grips with this new niche. But in the future it will be 72 hours or less!

Oh yeah don't worry if you miss this offer this time round.
I will be releasing a VERY SPECIAL OFFER soon.
So keep your eyes peeled!

I look forward to be of worthy service to you!

Thanks for reading!

Michael Masade Jr.


P.P.S. Remember this offer will be served on a first-come-first-served basis.

P.P.P.S. I aim to deliver OUTSTANDING and QUALITY artwork to boost your Internet Marketing Ventures and Campaigns. I am literally putting my oh-so young reputation on the line here! So take me for a FREE test drive!

P.P.P.P.S Oh yeah keep your eyes peeled for more of me in the future!
My official website is coming soon so watch this space!

P.P.P.P.P.S I will endeavour to get back to the Winning Warriors within 12 hours. The time gap is huge for some of y'all out there!
#finally #newbie #plunge #read #takes
  • Profile picture of the author Owen Mailer
    im in ill pm you
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[578443].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Anthony Robinson
    count me in as well


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[578474].message }}
    • Great Chopper!

      Alright people, that's 2 down, only 1 more slot to go!!!

      Originally Posted by chopper180 View Post

      count me in as well
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[578480].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lewis Turner
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[578493].message }}
    • Hey Lewis!

      You're not late... you're the THIRD warrior to respond!

      Shoot me a quick PM!

      Originally Posted by Lewis Turner View Post

      Damn wish i had seen this sooner your designs are great.

      Best of luck
      Lewis Turner

      edit: ooo might be a place for me LOL maybe??
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[578517].message }}
  • Hey Justin!

    You read my mind!

    Thanks for responding, but sorry all the slots are now filled...

    But in the words of the famous Austrian body-builder "I'll be back"

    Originally Posted by Justin_Kim View Post

    Well i know im like lol. After you do this why not post a WSO im looking for a good ebook cover and design person
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[578551].message }}

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