Most Profitable Type Of Website

32 replies
Hello all, which do you think is the most profitable and/or easiest converting type of website (assuming traffic isn't a problem), basic niche affiliate site? e-product seller (Clickbank product main seller)? blog? drop-shipping site? news content curation? digital agency(graphics, web development etc)? classified ads? directories? social network? ecommerce/ amazon store? etc. You name it. Which one do you think is the best (most profitable and/or easiest converting)
A penny for your thoughts.
#profitable #type #website
  • Profile picture of the author Vlad Romanov
    Social media. Facebook, Twitter, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author noichonxua
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    On the thread topic, the most profitable types of sites are the ones where you're able to sell your own product or service. The ROI tends to be a little higher in my experience.

    My next choice would be drop shipping. There are plenty of niches with huge ROIs.

    Also, if traffic isn't a problem, I think it's easy to attract customers who are looking for exactly what your offering with these two types of sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author thereikid
    I would say basic niche affiliate site because its easy and doesn't require you making products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Informtion poduct on your own website. Especially when you get more new backend customers.
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    • Profile picture of the author fross37
      Information Products are not only a great profitable site but can drive huge target traffic to your offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremyja
    Selling your own product, if you are really good in marketing and know how to attract affiliates.
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  • Profile picture of the author MajonInt
    I would agree selling your own product or service is best.
    I have been involved in manufacturing Domestic and in China as well and Selling our own Services and we have found selling our product/services to be much more profitable then Reselling Ingram Micro, Affiliate's and other resealable products.
    I was able to hit 7 digit sales my first year reselling Ingram micro products but with a 5% margin its allot of work for a small piece of the pie.
    You get Professional Authored Content
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    This service
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Most Profitable Type Of Website

    The kind that makes the most profits?

    Originally Posted by Bomx View Post

    only thing about dropshipping i'm "afraid" is finding the providers or really just knowing how it really works.

    The only problem with that kind of thinking is that it suggests an unwillingness to learn what is needed to be successful in any endeavor, be it a business or anything else.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Selling your own product has always been my preference - you maintain control, you leverage your time, you can attract affiliates to drive traffic and sales, etc...

    Here is a good video reviewing the 4 main types of website monetization strategies on the net with pro's and con's of each...

    Make Money Online - 4 Ways Training - YouTube

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    • Profile picture of the author fross37
      I agree with you, your own products can generate a huge income for your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author DonDavis
    My experience has been that selling my products, through my own sales funnel, is hands down the most profitable. I also build out Adsense and affiliate sites, but they don't come close to producing the profits that my own products do.

    I had a tough time with drop shipping. I think you are much better off buying and taking possession of the products you are selling. It's easier to control shipping that way.

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  • Blogs - easily. Although again, as I say many times, it's really dependent on your niche. But blogs loaded with quality content that is relevant and valuable to your niche will attract customers to buy.

    Content is everything and is what causes people to make a decision in the first place. Blogs are a perfect place to put your content - whether it be articles or videos or just simple posts, if it is valuable to your niche then you can direct them to take action on whatever it is you're offering.

    Blogging With Attitude - Michaelangelo Flores Official Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    Originally Posted by Bomx View Post

    Hello all, which do you think is the most profitable and/or easiest converting type of website...
    Why should I tell you the "easiest" and "most profitable" way to do IM? If I told you, everyone would be doing it, then it wouldn't be "easy" or "most profitable" anymore.

    The extension of this kind of question is that there are also "difficult" ways of doing IM. Why do you think I (or anyone else) would do it the difficult or least profitable way?

    In other words - ask a silly question and you get ......?????
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  • Profile picture of the author B3dj0
    i love Adsense, but it's bad when your account is banned. So, start up is the best way.
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  • Profile picture of the author branko
    In my opinion the best site to promote would be squeeze page with embedded video in it, explaining free product that you offer. You need to put your subscriber form in it so you can get email addresses. Also, you can put some up sell offers.
    But basically firstly promote something for free and try to sell some additional products.

    Best wishes!
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  • Profile picture of the author ExpertSEOServices
    I think a website selling your own product is the most profitable especially if its an affiliate product.
    If you are talking about websites to flip then adsense sites are very profitable or any site that is bringing in income on autopilot without having to do anything are very very popular.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    For Internet Marketers like us, I think the most profitable site is affiliate sites. My friend who is running a clickbank affiliate site with more than 1000 weight loss products is averaging more than $,2500 a day in clickbank commission.

    But if you are asking the real profitable sites, then there is tripadvisor,, alibaba, etc.. (big sites owned by big corporations)

    Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

    Signature edited.
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    • Profile picture of the author Borja Obeso
      Originally Posted by Adie View Post

      For Internet Marketers like us, I think the most profitable site is affiliate sites. My friend who is running a clickbank affiliate site with more than 1000 weight loss products is averaging more than $,2500 a day in clickbank commission.

      But if you are asking the real profitable sites, then there is tripadvisor,, alibaba, etc.. (big sites owned by big corporations)
      Is your friend the vendor or an affiliate to each one of those 1000 products?
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  • Profile picture of the author Borja Obeso
    All great answers and thank you all for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Being an extremely successful Internet search engine?
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    • Profile picture of the author hardnova
      Here is an example of a profitable site: Create A FREE Website - Picture/Video/MP3,Blog,Forms,SEO Tool + more!. It uses the SoNET Web Engine v3.0, which allows it to actually sell DIY websites with hosting to people in over 100 countries. That particular install averages about 18 new sites per day and about 5 or 6 of those will convert at between $1.99 or $2.99 per month and sometimes $19.99, so every month that one website generates new income and increases the amount of residual income it generates as well. This example is just one type of site using one type of business model that works. There are a few more that are out there being proven with the software platform.

      I personally run several websites like this. I also have entrepreneurs on my team who in turn run installs and give me a percentage since I funded them, set them up, got them going and mentored them, here is another example: eWebsiteMaker.

      So in my opinion, these are the types of sites that the average person on WF could realistically make profitable since they have no capability to make search engines or twitter or facebook or get any money by cheer leading for joomla or wordpress etc. (I'm not talking to the very small percentage of WF members who make websites for a living using one method or another)

      Of course you still have to work hard to promote and make your business grow in any case but with 7 Billion people on the planet and 3 Billion of them NEEDING a website, this business model (selling DIY websites just like the REAL big players like Microsoft do) is smart, doesn't require doing any technical work and still makes money no matter how bad various economies get.

      My 2 cents,

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  • Profile picture of the author ScooterDaMan
    Most profitable is e commerce. They should all get the same traffic if they are marketed the same. I'm not sure how you "convert" something on facebook or twitter; though, they are tools that you use to drive traffic to your website.

    Affiliate sites are easier but, as with everything, more money comes with harder work. I'll only do e commerce, myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author alvinchua91
    I will say a social network site for a niche market, will do great, especially since you can have very targeted ads also
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  • Profile picture of the author fross37
    I think that using a blog is a Great way to build a successful business and can be a profitable website.
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  • Profile picture of the author ashwinvidiyala
    I think a personal blog where one delivers value is the best way to convert

    Please do not use Empower Network links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    From personal experience:
    • Top ranking website for buyer keywords selling $1,000 in-demand equipment. Problem with this is maintaining top rankings.
    • Promoting high commission recurring products.

    In General:
    • Branded eCommerce website
    • any huge traffic website with in-house PPC platform such as Plenty of Fish.
    • Industry leading recurring subscription web-based software
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    Affiliate or Adsense IMHO
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  • Profile picture of the author PeckhamPirate
    Whatever you choose make sure your site has a really strong social presence. It's free traffic and an easy way to engage that traffic.
    Example? I have a Black Friday site. Over the last ten days or so it's had more than 120,000 visitors. According to my stats more than half of them came from its associated FaceBook page.

    No Google, no SEO and no advertising needed. Simple as.
    Stylish, affordable web design, translation and copywriting.
    I'm available for hire...
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