Not Another Useless Email!

5 replies
I posted to my blog today and thought this alternative viewpoint might be an interesting topic here.

Personally, I got my start in list building through the use of Joint Venture Giveaways. I've also written on the subject based on my experiences in JV Giveaways (did a WSO actually). My writing was based on the presumption that you would be interested in becoming a contributor in JV Giveaways and therefore building your list.

However, let me turn it on it’s head for a moment. You should also consider participating in JV Giveaways as a CUSTOMER not just a contributor.

Now, why would I say this…

Quite simply this. If you participate as a customer you will be given access to free content in exchange for supplying you email address. Okay, this content may be good, bad or indifferent of course.
The point is that once you’re on someones JV Giveaway list they will CONTINUE to send you information, free gifts etc. into the future. Some of this content will probably be PLR (Private Label Rights) content which means you would be able to use it and adapt it for your own needs in list building.

Some of the content is actually excellent!

The bottom line is don’t be too hasty to get off someones list. Over time you’ll be able to evaluate if the information is of good quality or even re-usable. An awful lot of the information I use is “pointed out” to me and I would not, necessarily, be aware of it had I not been on certain lists – I am on MANY lists by the way.

I would definitely make one very important exception to this. If you are the kind of person who gets easily distracted by different “ get rich quick” schemes hitting your inbox it may be best to keep your participation on lists to a minimum and just stay subscribed to those that you know provide you with value.
In other words, once you have got your online “plan” worked out – stick to it and don’t be distracted by all the latest shiny objects to hit the scene.

I really don't look at the large number of emails I receive every day as a nuisance - more as a potential gold mine.

Appreciate your thoughts on this also - how do you run your email and what is your opinion on being on numerous marketer's lists?
#email #email marketing #list building #online marketing advice #useless
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Martel
    I sign up to everything that looks potential interesting/useful. Then I keep a S&D (Swipe & Deploy) folder in my email where I throw everything that looks even halfway clever.

    Whenever I write a sales letter, I look through the S&D folder for ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
    My time is valuable so I don't allow people into my e-mail
    inbox to interrupt me willy nilly.

    Instead, I've got a GMail account that I use for general
    list sign-ups and I check it just a couple of times a week
    - on my schedule, not theirs.

    If the list owner sends me what I'm looking for I'll 'graduate'
    them to my main inbox by creating a forwarding e-mail that
    goes to my main GMail account that I check regularly.

    Regarding giveaway events, I dislike them as a subscriber.
    Most I've signed-up for have been low-value drivel.

    I dislike giveaways even more as a marketer.


    Because attention is a scarce resource and the first step in
    effective marketing. I'll be fecked if I'm going to divide that
    valuable attention up unnecessarily. I want my subscribers
    paying particular attention to me, not someone else!

    Sure, they'll likely be on a lot of other lists to - but why add
    even more to their clutter?

    Instead, I focus on building my own list and serving my own

    Dedicated to mutual success,



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    • Profile picture of the author Les Blythe
      Originally Posted by Shaun OReilly View Post

      My time is valuable so I don't allow people into my e-mail
      inbox to interrupt me willy nilly.

      Instead, I've got a GMail account that I use for general
      list sign-ups and I check it just a couple of times a week
      - on my schedule, not theirs.

      If the list owner sends me what I'm looking for I'll 'graduate'
      them to my main inbox by creating a forwarding e-mail that
      goes to my main GMail account that I check regularly.

      Regarding giveaway events, I dislike them as a subscriber.
      Most I've signed-up for have been low-value drivel.

      I dislike giveaways even more as a marketer.


      Because attention is a scarce resource and the first step in
      effective marketing. I'll be fecked if I'm going to divide that
      valuable attention up unnecessarily. I want my subscribers
      paying particular attention to me, not someone else!

      Sure, they'll likely be on a lot of other lists to - but why add
      even more to their clutter?

      Instead, I focus on building my own list and serving my own

      Dedicated to mutual success,

      Thanks for the input Shaun and congratulations on your excellent report 7 Ways To Get Your List To Like You.

      Great content and noted on the whiteboard in my office for future reference!

      Find out how I've made $1,000s every month since 2011
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  • Profile picture of the author ttdub
    I use another account for list sign ups.
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  • Profile picture of the author yellowarmour
    I would use a different account too
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