I've got an idea for viral video, but don't know what product to promote?

3 replies
Hi guys, today a new idea struck into my mind. I got an idea for a worthy viral video. And If I did this things right, I think I will ended up with nice viral traffic. The niche is in movie niche, that's also because I like watching movies.

So I goes to clickbank marketplace search a product to promote. With movie niche I think it will goes well with product called satellite direct, since the gravity also high. But when I look for some real user review, most of them are not pleased with the product. So now I don't know what to promote in movie niche. Do you have any idea what product to promote in movie niche?
#idea #product #promote #video #viral
  • Profile picture of the author Ewan Lumsden
    You could try being an Affiliate for Netflix or Lovefilm. They are both companies that allow users to stream videos through their PC or PS3/Xbox for £6 or so every month. If your visitors are in the movie niche, then it should convert well.
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    • Profile picture of the author smlover
      Originally Posted by Ewan Lumsden View Post

      You could try being an Affiliate for Netflix or Lovefilm. They are both companies that allow users to stream videos through their PC or PS3/Xbox for £6 or so every month. If your visitors are in the movie niche, then it should convert well.
      Thanks for mentioning it, I will read their terms first. By the way, why they don't use $ currency? Since $ is global. I'm wondering if £ currency will convert in US traffic.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ewan Lumsden
        Originally Posted by smlover View Post

        Thanks for mentioning it, I will read their terms first. By the way, why they don't use $ currency? Since $ is global. I'm wondering if £ currency will convert in US traffic.
        I think both of them have UK website and a global website? So you can direct them to which ever one you like.
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