one secret trick in the bag...
them what to do. There are two reasons for this.
Well, first, everyone are adults. We don't like
to be told what to do.
Secondly, we don't like to be sold. We persuade
ourselves, and through our own decisions, we
Or so we think...
Here's a little kitten out of the bag. Marketers
have been using this for ages. Here's the basis
so that you can apply it into more creative
The solution is a two-step method. Actually, it's
more of a process, than a method, but let's hear
1 ---- Give an invitation. If people don't like to
be told what to do, give them a narrow option
(such as a leading question), and give them the
illusion of choice.
That sounds unethical and creepy, doesn't it?
But it's being applied everywhere in marketing and
sales. Trial offers, bundle packages, premiums,
upsells, and tons of other marketing techniques
are based off this principle!
2 ---- Get him/her addicted. When people are
invited, they feel obliged to carry on because of the
Zeigarnik effect. Small actions build on, eventually
leading on to a huge consequence. That's because
we have a tendency to stay consistent.
If people look at you in a certain way, we are
socially pressured to conform to that behaviour. If
we made a similar tiny decision in the past before, we
are more likely to choose the same option to stay
Just a little 'trick' in the bag. Nothing too amazing.
Not really a trick, but start racking your marketer's
brain, and think out of the box -- out of trials,
Johnson boxes and common stuff.
Hope that was useful.
Winston Tian
The Beginner's Doctor