8 replies
I have tried to promote this forex affiliate program for almost 1 year and make 0$. Anyone haveing the same experiance? Start to belive that they are scaming me....:confused:
  • Profile picture of the author MackSell
    Originally Posted by jakobia View Post

    I have tried to promote this forex affiliate program for almost 1 year and make 0$. Anyone haveing the same experiance? Start to belive that they are scaming me....:confused:
    No they aren't scamming you!
    If you will not make any sales how will you get paid.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    Forex is highly competitive and you have to know what you are doing... mainly in on line advertising and paid advertising. eToro is a good company but if you are new and don't really know what you are doing then it will be pretty hard to make any money.

    Start by getting to know others in the community and see how well they are doing. Also follow with analytics with your advertising and traffic. It's really not that hard to do - at least the research that is.

    Best of luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author Zarathushtra
      Hi jakobia, Christian gave you great tips on how to do proper market research and analysis.
      I suggest you to go even further.
      Since the forex niche is a tough one, you cannot hope to make a good income as affiliate by doing the same things your competitors do.
      I will tell you my experience with forex in order to explain better what I want to tell you. Some affiliates - as said before this is just my experience, promote an anonymous affiliate page and think this is enough.
      Think different: be different. Provide your referral with top training related to forex market. Follow them, help them to improve their performances. Never leave them alone.
      (You could create a specific newsletter to properly do this).
      Let them know you are on your side! Be your "customers' advocate"!
      Of course you have to become practical about all the technical stuff - pips, eToro payout and so forth... You cannot promote something you don't know very well.
      Hope it helps.


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      • Profile picture of the author shane45
        You mean that you broght traffic to the site and etoro wont pay you for that? I havent tried them so i dont really know , i've tried zulutrade though and had no problems so far. Try them for alternative if you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author alexgold87
    You want to promote eToro. Did you try their platform? I mean did you play on forex with them? I did. It's the most tricky platform I ever played. Even "option fair" is better than eToro.

    If you are making profits - it's ok. But if you are loosing your money - they apply your cancel request sooooo long. I am not joking. When I close profitable position - it happened instant. When trend is going down and I close loosing position - they just wait 3-4 seconds before it will happened. I thought that it was my internet's problem, but ping was OK. This means that it's on their servers. My friend tried to play after my complain and...got the same problem. On different laptop with different internet provider in other place. Сoincidence?

    Before you promote something always be sure that you promote good product/company/service.
    Pinghall - Real-Time Website Monitor.
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  • Profile picture of the author williamk
    Frankly speaking, I wonder if they even work. First of all they aren't the best trading platform. I tried promoting them but made only around 30$ and that too 2 years ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author fxstay
    there are a lot of forex trading affiliates , try others
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  • Profile picture of the author FXdarling
    I trade with eToro and promote eToro. As a trader I am fully sutisfied with the platforms and support.

    As an affiliate I find eToro one of the best converting affilaite program. I tried different forex brokers for my traffic: avafx, easyforex, pluss500, etc. some of them may offer you higher cpa or rev.share but the final payout is what matters by the end of the month. eToro's commissions plans may not be so competitive, but their conversions comparing to other brokers are much higher that produces more commissions for me.

    if you are promoting Forex but don't make much commissions check your traffic. how targetted is your traffic, how many leads do you generate. Always ask for an advice of your affiliate account manager. These guys are working with hundreds of different sites and affiliates so that know good enough what strategy works better and for what traffic.
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