Dear New Marketers: This never works, so stop it already...
It sucked.
Upon my very first day as a new marketer (many moons ago) I "launched" a blog about my internet marketing experiences, of which I had zero. No one came, and those who did found my blog useless.
In spite of how much I assured everyone that "we would have some fun while I learned the ropes", even a blog of me falling on my face has to have some meat to it, and I just didn't have anything to offer.
Anyway, me bouncing from one new scheme to the next was interesting to no one... except maybe sadists. There are so many other niches out there to tickle. Find a better one. IMing is not a good one on which to "learn the ropes". It can be quite humiliating, as a matter of fact.
And get that ridiculous s**t out of your sig. Other than the product your promoting has a potential commission involved, what do you know about the people you're promoting?
Not much if you're new.
Do some research. Ask around. Be sure of the people you're promoting, even more than the product. Good people promote good products. Bad people promote dung heaps.
Because here's the thing. If you partner yourself with some douchebag who rips a bunch of people off, who will the victims blame? Yeah, the douchebag, but they'll blame you to.
If your marked as someone who, even once in the past, participated in a scam, even if it was unintentional, you're virtually dead. It is very difficult to recover your good name in this community - just because there are so many dirtbags who've done a lot of damage.
If you love the IMing niche, and think it really is your gig, your credibility is your most important asset. Nothing you have to offer in terms of knowledge will make it past your lack of credibility.
On the other hand, good credibility adds value to even the simplest of concepts.
Credibility; guard it well.
The Beginner's Doctor
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I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...
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