Average amount of hops per sale? (just looking for a rough guess)

by 12 replies
See this is really annoying me now & I'm realizing I just got lucky on youtube.

I got up to 109 hops and got 4 sales initially (my first 2 days). Now I'm up to about 223 hops (day 4), and have NOT got one additional sale. This is driving me crazy and I don't know why noone else seems to be buying.

I'm really wondering if this had more to do with time of day. I'm thinking maybe I just accidentally posted at the right time of day, or coincidentally when there were a few buyers on youtube.

But right now people are hopping on my link, but noone new is buying!

Do I just need to drive thousands of targeted buyers instead?
Because right now I'm doing a lot of posting and people are only coming by at the rate of around a 2.4 hops/hr.

I'm never going to make real money like this am I?
I'm realizing this marketing thing comes down to driving A LOT of targeted prospects FAST.

I guess this is why people spend so much time doing SEO or PPC. Posting comments on youtube is never going to drive enough traffic imo. It was working good at first but I think its time to change up my technique (which is just ranking comments on relevant high traffic videos with a title link).

#main internet marketing discussion forum #amount #average #guess #hops #rough #sale
  • No offense, but it took you 768 posts to realize that marketing is about driving targeted prospects to an offer?

    It's absolutely impossible to give an estimate of hops per sale, maybe if you gave the product you are affiliating, other affiliates might be able to chime in with their experience.
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    • You should be trying to find the most effective traffic method that drives as much people as possible into an email funnel in the quickest amount of time.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • I'm promoting both Truth About Abs & Dub Turbo.

      This thread was specifically in reference to dub turbo. Truth About Abs I'm promoting with a blog, dub turbo with youtube videos (to compare).

      I KNOW marketing is about driving lots of targeted prospects.

      What I don't know (should have made this clear) is what mediums work best for driving LARGE amounts of targeted traffic.

      Like how are people getting millions upon million of views on youtube? They're obviously not doing it buy commenting on other peoples videos. Is this all backlinking? Do they promote the videos first by buying views?

      My view count is going up to slowly, I want to learn how the pros are getting millions of views on their videos.

      Thanks - Red
      • [1] reply
  • Or you can shift away from youtube marketing entirely if you feel it doesn't best suit your talents, it's your call. You've been around long enough to know the game and if something has real long term potential or not. I personally would see if my talents were better suited to a different business model and one that is potentially sustainable in the long term.
    N.B. I have now reached my 250th Post. I'm catching Alexa Smith up LOL.

  • No problem it happens to many of us at different stages, just try to keep things simple and stay "focussed", aah that word that so many marketers struggle with, myself included sometimes.
    Good luck
    • [ 1 ] Thanks

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