Flippa listings were $19 now their $29... IS FLIPPA CRAZY?

9 replies
So I've just had to pay For a flippa listing and it's cost me $29 just for a listing with no extras.. Is flippa going crazy?
#$19 #$29 #crazy #flippa #listings
  • Profile picture of the author bamstk090
    i think they want to increase quality site
    so many trash there
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    You still a flippa seller ? I quit selling on them the day their commission jumped out from $5 to $10 on any site.

    Flippa aware they got no competition (at least from their perspective) and I wouldn't worry about finding an alternative, when I start selling the same sites outside Flippa, I start saving over $25 per website.
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    • Profile picture of the author mikeyman120
      I just noticed this the other day when I listed a site. Its a big bump in price but hopefully it will chase away some scammers.
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by mikeyman120 View Post

        I just noticed this the other day when I listed a site. Its a big bump in price but hopefully it will chase away some scammers.

        Actually, they'll just make a whole lot more money from the scammers because the scammers are good at what they do and they sell sites to unsuspecting newbs, so they'll stay.

        There's always the Warrior Forum, Complete Sites for Sale section and it's still $20 and it stays on the front page there way longer.
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        • Profile picture of the author CBusiness
          Flippa is a great site.

          They are asking for more money because they are the premium service.

          however, they still make thousands of dollars possible for each of us with sites for sale other seller site's cant.

          Hopefully, the new price change will reflect in new hires that will trumph glitches and improvement of customer servcie.

          $10 is steep to me too BUT hopefully it will mean better buyers / sales.
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          • Profile picture of the author InternetBullDawg
            I have several sellers on my watch list that fit in the "scammer" category. I thought after Flippa raising the listing price that I would be seeing fewer listings from them. This does not seem to be the case. They are still listing just as many sites as before.

            I was doing well with sites for sale on Flippa but after the fees there wasn't much left over. I was putting a good bit of time into them although they were sites with no traffic. Plus it was hard to compete with those that were cranking out multiple junk sites a day. As stated previously the Completed Website Section on the WF is a good place to start listing sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gama Seva
    Go back to eBay to sell your sites

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  • Profile picture of the author fedor50
    Originally Posted by arranrice View Post

    So I've just had to pay For a flippa listing and it's cost me $29 just for a listing with no extras.. Is flippa going crazy?
    It could be that flippa is simply trying to increase their profit margin. I see no other reason why they would increase the price of the listing fee
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