Can You Brain Storm with Me? Just for a sec!

I have been steady working on a large project for a long time, and I feel it is time to switch gears a bit.
My system is working beautifully, however, I need some fine tuning done to my set up, and after running around in my own head for a LONG time, I thought some outside perspective would be lovely.
My system currently allows people to sign up for a (ecommerce/barter site) of their own, on my main site.
My problem, my site also offers a community.
I am finding people signup, and do nothing with their sites.
I am thinking at this point I must need some sort of support materials?
How can i easily create support materials?
I am NOT good with writing, I much prefer to design and or code. Not write instructions.
Also, I am thinking of offering upgrade packages, and was wondering since I use wp/wpmu.. would it be weird to setup billing through amember?
Oviously this would make my business less automated, but, it would also allow for more customization, and or control.
I really appreciate anyone reading this, and offering advice.
I am a stay at home mom that has been actively building this site for the last year and really need someone or multiple people to bounce ideas off of.
Thanks again,
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