How to make money online without any skills?

56 replies
Hello Everyone, I want to make money online but I don't have any technical skills. I already bought a couple of programs but it didn't work. Please help. Thank you in anticipation
#make #money #online #skills
  • I make good money with mobile applications, you can read my free e-book, this requires minimal technical skills and it is easy to get the ball rolling quick.

    Like every other system though you have to actually put the work in to make any money with it, but I understand that what works for others might not work with you.

    I started my Internet Marketing career with 'Bring the Fresh', before that I was only a web designer and programmer. I definitely recommend Mike Long and Kelly Felix's product to any aspiring internet marketer.

    WSO OF THE DAY JULY 19 2012
    Make $100-$500 daily - Android / IoS / Kindle - NO SKILLS NEEDED

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  • Profile picture of the author deesonjame
    Unfortunately, to truly make a stable income online, you will need to pickup various skills, such as writing, creating websites, creating videos etc. However, if you have some money that you can invest, then you can simply outsource most of these tasks. All you need is some knowledge.
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by BobSingh View Post

    Hello Everyone, I want to make money online but I don't have any technical skills. I already bought a couple of programs but it didn't work. Please help. Thank you in anticipation
    The truth is that there is some techical set up and a learning curve to every real business model. Blogging works great for newbies. Before I set up my blog, I had never used Wordpress at all. Outside of the initial set up, there isn't really any techie stuff. I suck at that crap, and if I can do it, so can you.

    It's quite easy, especially if you go through a legitimate program and not one of those fake "software" pieces-of-crap courses. Once you have laid the foundation, it's just a matter of pushing out content. When it comes to making real money online, content is where the value comes from. The coolest things about blogging to me are the residual aspect of it and that I can work at my own pace.

    Good luck,
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    • Profile picture of the author Cheryl Low
      I know quite a few people like you who also did not have prior technical knowledge but made decent money online. You do need to learn to set up a website, affiliate links, etc, but you can also outsource for not much money. Don't let the "technical stuff" daunt you. You can find video tutorials online or get a good course instructor who can walk you through the set-ups step by step.

      Once you've got the hang of the basics, the rest will come more naturally.

      Good luck!


      Affiliate template sites not allowed in sigs.

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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    You could try venturing into affiliate marketing.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    My advice to you is to get the skills you need - not look for a way of making money online that requires no skills.

    You can do this by buying a quality course that'll take you step by step through the entire process.

    At the end of the day, you NEED to learn these skills to succeed online, otherwise it'll always hold you back and you never make what you're fully capable of.

    James Scholes
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    Let me turn that round. "I want to make money offline. I already tried a couple of training courses but they didn't work."

    What does that make you think? You tried the wrong training courses? Maybe you didn't actually concentrate on the courses and didn't make any effort to implement what you were being taught?

    Does it make you think you need to reassess the type of work you are looking for or the type of training course you want to do?
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  • Profile picture of the author Noonaa
    Do you know what you actually want to do? Many courses go through the actual mechanics of setting things up and will show you from start to finish how to get set up in their particular area. You don't need technical skills for this and if you follow what they are showing you then you should be OK. If you are stills struggling try outsourcing the work you can't do to others but don't let this stop you in your pursuit of your dream.
    For more Internet Marketing Tips and to follow my IM journey go to my personal blog

    Let me help you achieve your dreams
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  • Profile picture of the author Michelle Stevens
    At the risk of repeating what has already been said, you need to learn some skills.

    Technical - setting up a blog, building a squeeze page, using an auto responder etc
    Plus other skills - building an email list, writing emails, blog posts, perhaps sales copy, ...the list goes on.

    There is a wealth of free information online and indeed on this forum alone.

    No one is born with these skills & while we are all better at some things that others we have to learn if we want to earn.

    The thing that separates people that achieve success from those who don't is the fact that successful people will invest time into learning about their craft and building a real business rather than looking for a magic bullet.

    My advice is to roll your sleeves up & get stuck in. Pick one thing and keep at it until you are satisfied you know what you are doing & bingo you have a new skill.

    Then move on to the next thing that you want to learn
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas W
    Focus on what your good at and Pay others to do things you are not good at. I understand your not good with Technical stuff. Sounds like you need a good webmaster to help.

    If you can't pay money then you can always try bartering.

    Established webmaster since 1998. Bought my first domain name for $70 and had to pay $1000 a month for hosting. It was the good life

    Skype: twool9
    Email me at thomasw9 ((((a)))) G mail

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  • Profile picture of the author iammiles
    Originally Posted by BobSingh View Post

    Hello Everyone, I want to make money online but I don't have any technical skills. I already bought a couple of programs but it didn't work. Please help. Thank you in anticipation
    Well, If you really have the desire to make money online, you have to pick up some skills. Keep in mind, you don't have to be an expert for everything; just pick something you think you can do and take action.

    Also, you've only been a member of WF for less than a month so I'm going to assume that you are just new to IM. Don't give up yet. Stick to one way/program that's proven to work. By doing this, you should see some progress and results.
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  • Profile picture of the author venture07
    In my opinion the more important things to learn about are generating traffic to your website, blog or affiliate url, and building an email list.
    If you have a products to sell, affiliate link or website / blog, and you can get enough traffic to it and have people sign up at a web form, you would be ready to go.
    So start looking for thinks like autoresponders, seo (low competitive keywords when setting up a website or blog, and how to optimise a website for search engines), and driving traffic to a url.
    There are many free resources for these availible online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Pupke
    If you have money to invest then you can outsource skills, but doing this also requires skill... I do not think you can make money without some sort of skills,

    "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool" - Richard Feynman

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  • Profile picture of the author Marcus Rockey
    Do you have a financial target? Is it written down? What does this target actually mean to you? What will it do to your life? Write it down.

    Do you know what your obstacles are? You have mentioned the tech thing, that's one. Do you know what your natural strengths and abilities are? You will need them to create online income.

    Infact discovering what your natural strengths and abilities are is perhaps the fundamental first rule that I teach anyone that wants to make money online. You may be surprised to know that the majority of people don't know what their "sweet spot" is.

    You can find them out by asking family and friends who know you best and compare those answers to your own idea's.

    Once you have this info you must see how you can utilize it to create an online income.


    I did not know what was my natural abilities. I got some info from family who told me I was:

    great listener
    loved to help other people

    This was a close match to what I thought about myself but having others say it confirmed things for me. Also, I had been involved in a mentoring program for years.

    Putting it all together I realized I could mentor and coach people. This was my sweet spot, plus I had been self employed so knew how to create and run a business.


    Mentor and coaching program teaching how offline strategies could be adapted to the online world.

    Big result, excellent incomes etc etc.

    Yes I needed to learn some tech stuff, but not that much and it only took a month or two. But all that is irrelevant if we don't know what we are good at first. Get this bit right and put your self into the best position to make some serious money online.

    One more thing. You will NOT find wealth buying products that promise massive amounts of money in short spaces of time. It DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!!!! Please here that!

    Yes there is a lot more I could share with you put PM me if you need more help.

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  • Profile picture of the author GST
    They say you cant teach an old dog new tricks... Thats BS. If you want to really get into this game then you can do, all you got to do is teach yourself some skills.

    Set yourself some goals and start working at ticking them off your list. Buying programs that you think will make you money almost never works, you need to know the best way to use them, thats where the skill comes in.

    Think outside the box and the money will come.
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    • Profile picture of the author SpikeS
      If you only learn one "skill". learn how to sell stuff (copywriting). If you can become competent in that, everything else is easy.
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      • Profile picture of the author imgeek2727
        Originally Posted by SpikeS View Post

        If you only learn one "skill". learn how to sell stuff (copywriting). If you can become competent in that, everything else is easy.
        Sadly, copywriting is fast becoming a race to the bottom. Have you seen copywriting rate ranges lately? .005 cents per word and sinking. I am not trying to discourage anyone but for people to do well with copywriting nowadays, they have to offer something other than just a low price.

        Offering guarantees and maybe some value added services would go a long way in separating you from the mass of faceless low cost army of global "copywriters" out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author imgeek2727
    If you know how to READ and WRITE a comment, you can make money online.

    How? Simple, create a redirect site for an affiliate program that appeals to a particular group of people.

    Find where those people hang out online and engage them in a discussion. Article comments, blog comments, forum posts, Twitter @, Facebook group comments, etc

    Don't spam. Engage them in a conversation regarding their needs and position the conversation to the point where they ask YOU for advice. That's when you share "info" not spam. The line is thin and it takes discipline not to cross it and destroy your credibility.

    Every post you make must build up your credibility. Each and every response you make is a chance for you to brand yourself as a credible, authoritative, trustworthy MEMBER of the COMMUNITY.

    That is how you market in an ETHICAL and SUSTAINABLE way. Anything else runs the risk of spamming.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Lim
    You can read a thread I wrote earning money with YouTube traffic system.
    It's a free method that I would like to share.
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  • I know a lot of people who have no technical skills but they have selling skills and management skills and skills like that. But you need some skills you are running a business at the very least you need that skill.

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
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  • Profile picture of the author JustLemons
    You need/must have some skills to work online, it's like anything else in life, if you have no idea what you're doing you'll get nowhere fast. My suggestion is to figure out first what you're interested in doing and developing the basic skills you need to be good at it and go from there. Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Barrs
      Bob, one of the coolest things about this forum is that you can come here, read a thread, have the answer - and then scroll down to see the same answer written in a whole bunch of different ways...

      Simple answer to your question - decide what it is that you *want* to do, and then go learn how to do it. Don't be a douche and think that you can make money online (or anywhere for that mater) without learning how to do it.

      Decide what you want to do, then LEARN it. The more you learn, the more you can earn.

      That's what skill is

      Paul Barrs

      Originally Posted by xxxJamesxxx View Post

      My advice to you is to get the skills you need - not look for a way of making money online that requires no skills.

      James Scholes
      Originally Posted by JustLemons View Post

      You need/must have some skills to work online, it's like anything else in life, if you have no idea what you're doing you'll get nowhere fast.
      It's Simple... I don't "sell" IM anymore, but still do lots of YouTube Videos
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  • Profile picture of the author Google AdWords
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    • Profile picture of the author Joey Evans

      Ask yourself this question. Do they youngsters have the skills they need to just get on with it!

      Get stuck in!
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  • Profile picture of the author fedor50
    Originally Posted by BobSingh View Post

    Hello Everyone, I want to make money online but I don't have any technical skills. I already bought a couple of programs but it didn't work. Please help. Thank you in anticipation
    start a blog in a niche you are passionate about,write high quality articles, rank it using SEO methods, monetize it with adsense, profit
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    • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
      I was lucky that I had technical skills when I first started but I knew absolutely nothing about IM. You need to learn these skills.
      My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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  • Profile picture of the author Viramara
    Yes you can start MMO with minimal skill, but that means you'll have to outsource a lot, i.e. writing, programming. But you'll still need some basic know-how : basic copywriting, setting up a simple blog, setting up autoresponder.

    Fact is, IM is very fluid. As you repeat what you do, you can learn as you go. It's the experience that will teach you. Really, you don't have to know it all in the beginning. Just start from somewhere, and you'll find out "I need skill XYZ to do ABC"

    If you feel you don't have a skill, LEARN IT!!

    Nowadays you can get practically anything you want to learn from Google. There are bunch of how-to blogs and free ebooks spread everywhere. I have a chemistry degree, totally no background in IT, leave alone marketing, and I even gave headache to my autoresponder support because I asked too much to make a simple split test . But heck, I keep learning.

    I mean, if the n00b little me can do it, yes you can too.
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  • Profile picture of the author prismkuet
    To earn money, you need skill, no matter whether it is on line or offline. When you want to get some money, that have to come from someone's pocket, right? If you fail to influence the person with your skill and/or product, he will certainly not open his hand to make you money.
    There is no shortcut for success, no ethical shortcut for earning as well. Develop yourself, money will come automatically.

    check out the Pros and Cons of CPA

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  • You don't need skillz.... If you have a brain, the desire to win, a plan that works for you, and you take action then you have everything you need. Quit buying products - you don't need em. Become a product creator.... But "Oh I don't have any skills" I hear you say...

    Partner up with people that have skills. All you have to do is be the boss.

    PM Me Now!

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  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    Hi Balbir, I guess you have received several useful suggestions. I have a question for you. How come you have a website saying when you don't make any money yourself? (I ended up there via your Twitter page.) Wish you all the success in your online endeavours.
    >> Web Design, Wordpress & SEO - <<
    Web Design & SEO Agency | Serving World Wide from New Delhi, India

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  • Profile picture of the author Jasonsc
    You don't have any skills? Get some!

    Find one aspect of internet marketing which you find appealing - and then FOCUS on it. One thing you absolutely want to AVOID is jumping from one "quick money" method to the next. Pick one thing, focus on it and see it through - tings require time and effort and if you jump from one thing to the next you'll never see anything through to the stage when the benefits are reaped and you'll eventually get disheartened and probably quit. It's easy to be attracted to the big "$500 a day" headlines - but move past them ... do some research for yourself, find something you think you like and focus on it.

    How are you at writing? You could start by learning about keywords, SEO, etc and then offering your skills as an article writer - although this is a fairly overcrowded niche presently. Nonetheless, some good writing skills and an understanding of keywords can be invaluable in nearly all aspects of internet marketing.
    One way you might improve your writing skills is to dedicate some time to writing posts for a blog on a topic which you have an interest in.

    People make money in all sorts of ways online - from those who provide services such as graphic design to those who run affiliate websites earning commission on someone else's products to those who actually create their own products, market them and sell them.

    I would advise you to dedicate some time to improving your writing skills and also spend some time researching and learning about SEO - both on and off page. These two things will give you a fairly solid base to start from.

    As it's what I work in myself I have to say that promoting products for Amazon is a fairly timeless way of making money online. You can use Wordpress to create your sites which largely removes the need for technical ability, and then with your writing skills simply write well researched and well thought out product reviews to target specific keywords. You'll need to spend some time on off-page SEO too to rank your website but once you get a handle on it - it's a pretty easy process!

    Best of luck. Remember - one thing you definitely want to avoid is being dragged into different WSO offers one after the other - that's the best way to lose focus and give up prematurely! Pay for access to the War Room because there's heaps of invaluable content for FREE in there!
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    • Profile picture of the author RyanMagin
      You must first get started...

      As they say fail forward
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    • Profile picture of the author Assaf_L
      To make money online (or offline) you need skills, and with no skills at all you need a quite a bit of money. You might be able to get a few bucks from surveys, but not a residual income.

      It also interests me what kind of program did you buy? a make money online program? I would suggest you get a program that develops a specific skill you need (like writing), it will be much more helpful to you than some get rich quick guide.
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      • Surveys???? has anyone actually made money from doing surveys?

        Originally Posted by Assaf_L View Post

        To make money online (or offline) you need skills, and with no skills at all you need a quite a bit of money. You might be able to get a few bucks from surveys, but not a residual income.

        It also interests me what kind of program did you buy? a make money online program? I would suggest you get a program that develops a specific skill you need (like writing), it will be much more helpful to you than some get rich quick guide.

        PM Me Now!

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        • Profile picture of the author Assaf_L
          Originally Posted by Resale Rights Ninja View Post

          Surveys???? has anyone actually made money from doing surveys?
          It's possible, just not very likely.
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          • Profile picture of the author goindeep
            I have almost no technical skills.

            In fact I tried programming once and then decided I liked shoveling dirt so much more. It hurt, it hurt my head real bad.

            I write because I like it and I think I'm OK at it.

            I tried being the boss of what I though would be a sweet new start up... apparently that didn't work.

            I also tried my hand at some other bizarre s**t and I got bored with that.

            If you do what you love and what you are good at you should be able to carve yourself a nice little slice of the big Internet pie.
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  • Profile picture of the author larry1113
    Frank Kern talked about that in a letter he wrote. His answer: Work at a fast food joint lol.

    Anyways, you don't need to have too many technical skills to make money online. You can hire out the really technical things on Elance, Scriptlance, Vworker, etc.

    As for making money, try affiliate marketing or info marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author ceenote100
    Just be sure to not soak up too much information at once to avoid scattered focus. Stick with one thing that works then once you master that then go on and learn another skill.
    ► ► ► FREE REPORT!!◄ ◄ ◄

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  • Profile picture of the author Avy Smith
    Most of the skills you can learn are free of cost. You would not have to invest a great deal of money online. It is just skill thing that you learn with passage of time. However, I am newbie to if you compare me as an affiliate but it is good to start with HostGator than any other web hosting company.

    All The Best
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  • Profile picture of the author TheWrightWords
    I think you can learn valuable skills as you go-- I write fulltime, and am slowly learning other skills as I go. The hardest thing for me? I can't afford to hire myself right now, meaning I have to take client work for income before I focus on my own sites

    Need top quality niche content to keep readers coming back for more? I'll provide 100% original, magazine quality content so you can focus on what you do best!
    PM for samples and rates.

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  • Profile picture of the author brentb
    I don't know anything about the stock market but I want to make a lot of money investing in stocks... I hope that doesn't sound good to you because it basically what you are saying. You will need to learn something first, its impossible to just accidentally click something online and make money, it just doesn't work that way. Read and read and read until you do know something and then do it... if you fail, then repeat the process and get back to reading and try again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Alan
    I’d suggest selling stuff on eBay or Craigslist. All one really needs to know is how to take pictures and do basic customer service.
    Crazy Cheap Hosting Get Hosting for less than $2 per month + Free Domain Name Registration. Get Free SEO, Blogging and Internet Marketing Tips from the Solo Blogger.
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  • Profile picture of the author alfid
    I would suggest if you want to make money online without skills to join affiliate programs and hire writers. You could also have them create copywriting and upload content for you. Of course, this takes money so you might need to work a job for awhile to get ahead.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    Originally Posted by BobSingh View Post

    Hello Everyone, I want to make money online but I don't have any technical skills. I already bought a couple of programs but it didn't work. Please help. Thank you in anticipation

    You would be best served to learn learn learn. There are great places through out this forum for you to educate yourself for free. I hate to say this, but if you haven't got some good start up money to outsource everything you will need to develop some skills. The upside is that they don't take very long to learn.

    I would also suggest that you look around here for a mentor in your niche. There are so many ways to make money that you will need to pick your first method and stick to it until you succeed. You may fail a hundred times but you will succeed! You simply need to keep at it.

    Newbies tend to fall victim to shinny SHI$ syndrome. They get really excited about how much money they can make with this new even less work product, and then they fade and say it didn't work. What really happens is that feel alone and ripped off because you aren't making money yet. The truth is. The person you just bought from has been working "their system" longer than you and know all the ins and out's.

    Push button incomes do exist but there is a ton of work that goes into setting it up. I don't want to discourage you. This business fun, extremely rewarding , and easy once you know what you are doing. If you decide to hop programs in your pursuit of fortunes that is what you will spend. I am sure there are a bunch of people who will help you figure out how to make money on this thread, I would prefer you take what they say and research each angle and find the one that fits you best. Then stay with it to the end.

    I know none of this is what you wanted to hear, but I would like it if you were still around in 5 years to extend the same courtesy to someone in your shoes.
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  • Profile picture of the author rahulrockerdwor
    when you were born you didn't have the skill to walk but eventually after trying and failing and again trying and failing numerous got the skill to walk, so go ahead discover what could do and the skill will come.
    1 more thing- dont be afraid to fail because after failures you learn something and that no course or ebook can teach. good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author VHSEOMike
      You don't have to be a tech guru, but you need some basic skills which are very easy to learn. I think you took some fake courses which decreased your confidence level. Just outsource your technical tasks. Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author KickAss Marketing
    If you think you are not good when it comes to technical you can always look for something where you're good at. Know your strengths and what you love to do and you may search jobs with what you love to do. If you want to put up an online business choose the one that you know for you to earn online.
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  • Profile picture of the author lgco2012
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    • Profile picture of the author easternodyssey
      You just need a successful website. Sadly i am still a long way of.
      Eastern Odyssey | The Definitive Guide to Asia
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  • Profile picture of the author theseoproz
    Have you considered affiliate marketing? Just pay someone to create a site for you, and the affiliate program will provide you with the ads to display, you simply add content to your site and find a good SEO company to help you get the traffic. After you make some money repeat the process for a new site an Voila! you are on your way to making money.

    Kicking A** over at Stellar SEO in St Louis.

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  • Profile picture of the author Topwriters
    If your aim is to have a stable income online, then you might want to exert effort in learning some basic technical skills in order to get your business rolling. It's not that hard to gain the knowledge, especially if you can afford programs and trainings that you can also avail online =)
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  • Profile picture of the author Tasleem Khan

    I do not have any technical either, but I have found that ebay works for me. I think you need to sit down and think what do you want to do and just go for it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mattias
    Making money on does not require much technical skills and its quite easy, you wont be making a fortune on it however.
    Get your FREE copy on how to double or even triple your income with Split Testing HERE !

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  • Profile picture of the author PaulSolid
    hello, i see people suggesting writing, affiliate, ebay, fiverr etc. Mind you all these things need little or more skill to start making money..But this thread says "How to make money online without any skills"
    > I will say if you dont have any skill then you must have good investment budget to start making money online. you just do outsource any project you want.

    > Then the next thing is to become a broker [middle man business] which i believe require little skill to achieve the desire result.

    Learn if you don't have any skill, then it is time to learn one. make Google search engine and WF your friend. lots of resources here can also help you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    If you don't want to make a living out of this, then all you need to do is to be able to read and write fairly well.

    If you do want to make a living out of this, then you absolutely need an arsenal of skills. Skills that are both technical and personal. Stop looking for the magic "make money" button, because it doesn't exist.

    Disclaimer: this isn't true if you have a **** load of money, but you'll just waste the money because you don't know what you're doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author ebaypowerguru
    Simple. Outsource everything you can't do and "do everything you can do"
    The eBay Power Guru Blog

    Learn How To Be An eBay PowerSeller For Free Today
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  • Profile picture of the author DylanC
    If you want to make money online, you will have to pick up some of those skills eventually. My advise is to start off with article marketing and Web 2.0 properties such as Hubpages, Squidoo and Blogger. They are free and easy to use.
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