what i have learnt as a member of the Warrior Forum so far
1. This Forum is a community and a place to network and to gain contacts and relationships, it is not designed as somewhere to "peddle your wears" and give nothing back in return. I mean after all are you trying to build a long term relationship with people which will serve you well going forward or not?
2. There is so much incredible free content available on this forum on every different area of internet marketing, which so many people don't use effectively to gain from and give back. indeed Michael Cheney said the first couple of years he didn't do do so well online but since he changed his approach from then on to "give" as much as possible strangely enough he started to really succeed and grow his business. Is this merely coincidence? i don't think so!
3. Do not spam threads with your sig link just to gain exposure to yourself and your business, it really ticks some people off (myself included) and many here know what you're doing. A respected warrior told me "the second you think about it when you post it becomes a problem. If it's just there then it's another form of advertisement. The good posters make it either way."
4. Don't just hop onto the WSO threads and try and find any shiny new product to "help you make money online fast". It doesn't exist and even if does in the short term this isn't a way to build a presence online or to gain credibility. It also doesn't help you build a sustainable business model long term which is what this is about.
5. If you are going to launch a WSO don't spam people trying to get them to promote your product without having gotten to know them first, it's not the way to go about things. I will be honest i did this and learnt from this (we all make errors in life, the key is to learn from them) it's not the right approach or the way to build JV Partners.
6. For newbies in particular, please realise that to be successful online or offline is real hard work, but can be achieved and is great when you manage to get somewhere. However, i will repeat that it's hard work, and as soon as you think it's easy and think "i'll sit back and watch the money pour in", the money tends to dry up. It's strange that

7. Don't try and be too smart for your own good. What i mean is if you're relatively new and pose here as being the best thing since sliced cheese then your time here won't be an enjoyable one. Everyone has to work to gain credibility and respect here. Don't forget even the likes of Alexa Smith, Big Mike et al started from scratch and built up and i'm sure make mistakes even now as we're all human. How much more so for newbies here that will likely make many more mistakes as they dip their toes in trying to build a solid business.
8. Finally, I would just like to include one further thing which i feel is important. Try and use your real name as your forum username as people can get to know who you are, such a simple idea and yet many don't use it (myself included for some time).
Above all - Enjoy this forum and use it in the right way and your business will likely begin to go in the right direction. As i said these are just some points as i don't want to overwhelm people too much, but i hope some people will take something useful out of this thread.
Kind regards
Joel Ross
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