HOW and WHERE to sell $$$-making Amazon sites as a package?
Hi Guys,
I'd like to know what the best way (or best place) would be to sell a bunch of Amazon affiliate sites in a single bulk package. I am moving my business primarily into product creation, so I'd like to sell all of my Amazon sites to focus on (and free up some cash for) the projects I'm working on now. Also, I've basically forgotten about them since February, so it seems like a good idea to let someone else have them.
I'll tell you some details below, then I have a few questions. Any insight is appreciated...Thanks in advance!

Site(s) details
*7 websites on 2 hosting accounts.
*All wordpress-based, review-style sites
*Average monthly earnings for the last 6 months(all sites combined) = $124.01/month (yes, I can provide screenshots or whatever is needed for proof)
*All sites are earning money
*No trademarks in any of the domains
1. WHERE is the best place to list these sites as a package? Is it on the Warrior Forum, Flippa, or somewhere else?
2. HOW MUCH should I list the package for, considering earnings? Should I not give a price, and simply ask for offers? I heard a while ago that with adsense, 10-12 times the monthly earnings is an average price, but what about with amazon sites?
3. How does one actually go about transferring the sites? Can I pay to have someone do it, or is there a certain way to do it that keeps myself and the buyer protected?
Thanks again for reading and commenting, I appreciate the response!

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