Internet Marketing And Communication Skills

9 replies
I could be biased here, because I am after all a writer, but does anyone else get the sense that communication skills are basically the 'crux' of what internet marketing is all about?

The more I look at who succeeds and who fails in the internet marketing space, the more I'm convinced that this is the case.

It seems like most people who succeed in internet marketing are either very good writers, very good public speakers, or both. I can't really think of a major exception.

I mean, take Frank Kern for example. Not the best writer in the world IMO, but he's a great talker, and he makes fantastic videos.

Of course, I'm not saying you need to be a great writer or speaker to succeed in internet marketing. But it's probably worth honing your skills in these areas if you really want to do well.
#communication #internet #marketing #skills
  • Profile picture of the author jaggyjay
    Hi Andy, you may be on to something here. Not in the general sense; as I know communications is the key to good relationships. But specifically in terms of success.

    I find that I'm a better communicator when it comes to writing as opposed to speaking for example; and thus have been more successful in that area. Of course, I'm a way better speaker when I'm arguing with my better half LOL!

    I know there's more to it than that, but in this medium of faceless marketing, I imagine one would have to be great at either one or both
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  • Profile picture of the author JWImarketing
    I agree with you Andy. Communication is key but I believe it is also how you communicate correctly with your target audience that is key. If your target audience is in Japan you better brush up on your Japanese and know the culture. Frank Kern knows exactly who his audience is and thats why all of us would kill to be in his shoes.
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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    There's no doubt communication is vital. Even marketers who cannot write well, or speak well have writers to communicate their ideas. If you cannot communicate your message clearly and effectively then simply you won't make many sales. List bulding success, for example, is determined by how well we communicate and reach other people on an emotional level of some sort.

    You know the old saying "if you try sell to everyone, you end up selling to no one," It's all about connecting with the audience. Look at how good politicians are at manipulation. Hitler was a master communicator. We can get people to do almost anything if we just communicate with them on their own level.

    So yes, better communication skills equates to better success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anoopchawla
    Absolutely, communication plays a very important role.
    The reason is simple to sell anything whether it is online or offline a person must communicate value and for that he must be a good communicator.

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  • Profile picture of the author Anoopchawla
    Absolutely, communication plays a very important role.
    The reason is simple to sell anything whether it is online or offline a person must communicate value and for that he must be a good communicator.

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  • Profile picture of the author RockyRasakith
    Originally Posted by Andy Button View Post

    I could be biased here, because I am after all a writer, but does anyone else get the sense that communication skills are basically the 'crux' of what internet marketing is all about?
    You're not biased at all. Communication skills are extremely important in business.

    You can have the best product in the world, but it's useless if nobody knows about it.

    Likewise, you can have an average product and have it sell like hotcakes because you have fantastic communication skills.
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  • Profile picture of the author magiclouie
    I think it's a big plus if you are a very good writer, very good public speaker, or both.

    For example, you have your own product and created video tutorials for it. If you are a good speaker and in your videos, you have presented the steps the way they should be, there's a big percentage that people will easily be convinced that your product is of high quality.

    On the other hand, I know of some affiliate marketers who are successful. They are not good speakers and in fact they just pay someone to write articles for them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cheryl Low
    I agree that communication is a major contributor to success in this business. But I think that being able to communicate well is only a subset of the overall "people skills" which is the key to success. If you're a great writer and public speaker but come across as arrogant and obnoxious, I doubt if your success would be long-lived.

    And communication isn't about flawless grammar and good English, nor is it about being a great public speaker. I know of a very successful internet marketer in my country (Singapore) whose English is pretty atrocious and appears quite shy in public but he is great at instilling confidence in people and he has the ability to attract a loyal following because they feel a connection with him. Maybe because they see him as an average Joe who made it and if he can, so can all the average Joes out there. If he wrote and spoke English well, it would have hurt rather than helped his brand.

    Just my 2 cents.

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  • Profile picture of the author Deepak Media
    Yes, communication is the key to success in internet marketing.

    Because good marketing is just good communication.

    Marketing is communicating about your product or service in an effective way. Not a tool or trick to sell something.
    Digital Marketing Author | Speaker | Consultant

    Read my Blog:

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