The Best Spinner - yearly charge?

3 replies

I brought this years ago, and as far as I recall, it was a one off purchase. I have used it fine ever since. I have just installed it onto a new PC and logged in and all seems fine except for an error message.

I have logged in to to the website to try and log a support ticket and see it is saying I have expired and need to pay again.

Can anyone recall if TBS was a one off purchase a few years ago. If I brought it as a one off purchase, I am not happy they are now saying I need to pay again just because they have changed their business model.

Or maybe it has always been a yearly subscription?

Anyone know?

#charge #spinner #yearly
  • Profile picture of the author alfid
    I don't remember. It's possible that it could be a yearly one. I thought it was a one-time purchase deal (or one off as you mention) myself. I guess a lesson in reading fine print. You're not the only one who has made this mistake. I bought a different brand a few years ago and thought it was a one-time deal too.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
    This may be the best place to ask that question: The Best Spinner 3

    -- j

    Posting About Life & Video Games:

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  • Profile picture of the author kingwarrior
    Hi Richrich 123

    I am one of the TBS (The Best Spinner) user and TBS is a yearly subscription.
    If you want to make sure, you can find your purchase transaction history on paypal.
    If you get the paypal invoice and if it's one time payment, you can ask to TBS support to solve this problem. I hope this help.

    God bless you mate
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