JVZOO Getresponse vs Aweber Oh the irony?
"GetResponse is a staple in the Internet marketing world and we are proud to exclusively utilize their new technology," said Bryan Zimmerman, CEO of BBC Systems, Inc, the company that owns JVZoo.com. |
What is it aweber didnt want to be seen partnering with online marketing or getresponse pay better?
But hey this isnt a arguement about that so dont get me wrong this is not a direct attack on JVZOO or Getresponse but more so why the conflicted message?
Personally if I owned Getresponse and you didnt actually use the technology for the site who they are partnered with then I wouldnt be a partner but thats a different issue.
But why bring this up at all?
Well I agree when I first saw the email from jvzoo that they partnered with getresponse I agreed, I went to getresponse for the exact reasons that they stated before they partnered with them.
But since then I have had a talk with a few members and there just seems to be something that "aweber is better". Which leads me to my point is aweber better?
JVZOO would seem to show it is feeling aweber delivers there emails best, what are other peoples thoughts?
Getresponse vs aweber for and against personal experiences only!
My personal experience is simply I cant find the difference it maybe in larger lists like a split test thing where 1% makes the difference but you litterally cant test the theory because you cant move your list from one to the other without it having a effect fact.
Is there a real litmus test that one can do to crown a winner? Has anyone done one?
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