2 Upsells/OTOs, How many download pages? + where to positions them in the funnel ? - funnel clarity

19 replies
I want to offer a main product, and 2 upsells (one after the other), but have some funnel issues.

Main sales page
= main front end offer
Upsell Sales page 1 = upsell 1
Upsell sales page 2 = upsell 2

Main low ticket item
= $14

Upsell 1 = $97 item
(downsell for product 2= $67)

Upsell 2 = $197 item
(downsell for product 2= $97)

The prices are just rough values, for this example.

I am getting a bit confused on the tree diagram for this, can you please help me out,
...how many download pages to include?
..what each download page should include ? (which items)
..where to 'position' each download?

and the same with the 3 sales pages, where to position, on what thank you page, etc etc.

Main sales page = main front end offer
Upsell Sales page 1 = upsell 1
Upsell sales page 2 = upsell 2

can you do a tree diagram for me please guys.

check this attached diagram is what i mean. (From warrior Takuyas report)

which is from here:
#clarify #download #funnel #needed #pages #positions #products #upsell
  • Profile picture of the author Josh Fulfer
    Hey David, I love doing sales funnels. :-)
    Can you clarify a bit more what you're asking here?

    For the download pages, you'd need a seperate download page for each combination of products that could potentially be bought. Unless you're using some kind of software that can dynamically insert different links or content into a page depending on different variables.

    As far what each download page should include goes, I'd for sure say to put their downloads that they've paid for as close to the top as you can and make it easy for them to find. Then you can add in other offers below that. Being creative and using some good sales copy will go a long way here. It's also always good to imagine you're the customer and put yourself in their position when designing it all out.
    Ask yourself "if this was the first time I'd seen this page would I easily be able to know what to do?"
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  • Profile picture of the author marcuslim
    you are on the right track. You will need three download pages.
    Download page 1 has the download for main product,
    download page 2 has download for main product + upsell1 and
    download page 3 had download for main product + upsell1 + upsell2.

    Yes -> No -> No -> download page 1
    Yes -> No -> Yes -> download page 2
    Yes -> Yes -> No -> No -> download page 2
    Yes -> Yes -> No -> Yes -> download page 3
    Yes -> Yes -> Yes -> download page 3
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    • Profile picture of the author davidkings
      Originally Posted by marcuslim View Post

      you are on the right track. You will need three download pages.
      Download page 1 has the download for main product,
      download page 2 has download for main product + upsell1 and
      download page 3 had download for main product + upsell1 + upsell2.

      Yes -> No -> No -> download page 1
      Yes -> No -> Yes -> download page 2
      Yes -> Yes -> No -> No -> download page 2
      Yes -> Yes -> No -> Yes -> download page 3
      Yes -> Yes -> Yes -> download page 3
      You make it seem so easy lol.

      what script/software/ervice/ do you use for your funnels?

      position of the UPSELL offer, .....ie where do the Upsell sales pages/offers lie? (which pages ?)
      are both UPSELL offers (1 and 2) going to be on download pages?

      or are there 'separate' pages before the Payment page, and the download page?

      Is this right?/ or partially?

      Paypal Payment page -> Separate UPSELL 1 page -> (next step, depending on yes/no)

      Paypal Payment page -> Separate UPSELL 1 page -> YES = Download page = 2 products (original +upsell 1 item)

      Paypal Payment page -> Separate UPSELL 1 page -> NO = Download page = 1 products

      is that right? or parially?

      can you correct it.

      and do one for Upsell 2 aswell..
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    • Profile picture of the author davidkings
      Originally Posted by marcuslim View Post

      you are on the right track. You will need three download pages.
      Download page 1 has the download for main product,
      download page 2 has download for main product + upsell1 and
      download page 3 had download for main product + upsell1 + upsell2.

      Yes -> No -> No -> download page 1
      Yes -> No -> Yes -> download page 2
      Yes -> Yes -> No -> No -> download page 2
      Yes -> Yes -> No -> Yes -> download page 3
      Yes -> Yes -> Yes -> download page 3
      Just to clarify this, are you including a squeeze page in that above model?

      and in the red one above, are you saying, the customer:

      Accepts the main product, ->, reject upsell 1 -> and accept something else? = Yes (on bold)

      or is that Something else, Upsell 2 ?
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      • Profile picture of the author marcuslim
        Yes -> No -> Yes means accept front end product, rejects upsell 1 and accepts downsell 1, so the download page will have both main product and the upsell product. If you have no downsell, then it's just Yes -> No -> download page 1 (only contains download for main product).
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  • Profile picture of the author marcuslim
    There was a time when I did everything manually by hand with only paypal that redirects back to the correct pages. But these days with DigiResults you can easily set up your funnel by just dragging and dropping and linking OTOs to main product in a simple diagrammatic form. So that's what I am using these days. DigiResults is free to use.

    The upsell pages are essentially your thank you pages, before they get the download. Typically at the top of the upsell page you will have something like 'Thank you for your purchase, you will find the download below but please first take 5 minutes to read this..." You can then have download at the bottom of the page, or the way i prefer to do is link to the download page at the bottom with a link that says something like - 'I understand I will not see this offer again, take me to my download'.
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  • Profile picture of the author sriram rajan
    Paypal Payment page -> Separate UPSELL 1 page -> (next step, depending on yes/no)

    Paypal Payment page -> Separate UPSELL 1 page -> YES = Download page = 2 products (original +upsell 1 item)

    Paypal Payment page -> Separate UPSELL 1 page -> NO = Download page = 1 products

    Seems right way the way you have done it..

    If you have 2 upsells and 2 downsells + main offer , it is best to have 5 separate download pages, all of them having the main offer + any additional purchases., based on their selection of purchase you can send them to thier unique download page and you should do fine.

    i set up mine using profits theme as simple download pages , I had 3 in total , i for main offer , i for upsell and 1 for downsell and 3 separate Aweber lists and rules set up, that way you can track your premium customers and regular customers and act accordingly..

    Let me know of you need more explanation ... good luck

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    • Profile picture of the author davidkings
      Originally Posted by sriram rajan View Post

      If you have 2 upsells and 2 downsells + main offer , it is best to have 5 separate download pages, all of them having the main offer + any additional purchases., based on their selection of purchase you can send them to thier unique download page and you should do fine.


      5 separate download pages?

      can you do a funnel diagram like my blue one, for 5 seperate download pages

      Stating what each download page will contain.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    your funnel should like like this if someone buys everything

    squeeze - oto - paypal - upsell - paypal - upsell paypal - thankyou page

    depending which product someone buys you need to send them to a seperate page

    if someone doesnt buy anything of course they go to your prospects list

    if they buy your oto but nothing else they go to buyers list 1

    then if they purchase anything else you need to include the extra products on the download page

    the way i do this is i just "clone" my download page a few times and then include either 1, 2 or 3 products on each page corresponding to what product they bought

    for example:

    if they bought all of your products in your funnel you would send them to a download page with all 3 products on the page

    you will find it much easier if you just start off with:

    a squeeze page
    a free offer
    a oto

    then once you master this basic sales funnel you then progress and add more products, upsells, downsells

    sales funnels are generally built over time as you introduce new products into your business

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    • Profile picture of the author davidkings

      I am not using a squeeze page, but a low ticket item as the first step.

      Can you do the funnel diagram, using these

      Please use YES/NO and Arrows like this
      --> YES -->
      --> NO -->

      and aweber inserts:

      Aweber list 1
      (Product 1)
      Aweber list 2 (UPsell 2)
      Aweber list 3 (UPsell 2)

      Sales pages

      Sales page Product 1
      page UPsell 1
      page UPsell 2

      Payment pages
      Paypal Pay page Product 1
      (is this even needed?)
      Paypal Pay page Product 1 + UPsell 1 (is this even needed?)
      Paypal Pay page Product 1 + UPsell 1 + UPsell 2 (is this even needed?)

      Paypal Pay page Product 1
      Paypal Pay page UPsell 1
      Paypal Pay page UPsell 2
      Paypal Pay page UPsell 1 + UPsell 2

      Download pages
      Download page 1 -
      Product 1
      Download page 2 - Product 1 + UPsell 1
      Download page 3 - Product 1 + UPsell 1 + UPsell 2
      Download page 4 - What does this contain?
      Download page 3 - What does this contain?

      can you do a tree funnel diagram with the above please.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    before i spend an hour putting this altogether for you

    have you ever even built a list before?

    i really don`t know why your talking about having a oto and 2 upsells if you havent even built a list using a basic model of a squeeze page with a free offer and a oto

    as much as some people may tell you that theres no need to use a squeeze page because they make more sales with using just a sales page is complete rubbish

    it may work for the rare few but using a squeeze page to build your list is a proven way to build your business

    as long as your using good traffic sources and your follow up emails give plenty of value and your building a good relationship with your list your conversions will be way higher than if you just use a sales page

    if your not using a squeeze page your leaving oodles of traffic and money on the table

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    • Profile picture of the author davidkings
      Originally Posted by paul nicholls View Post

      before i spend an hour putting this altogether for you

      have you ever even built a list before?

      i really don`t know why your talking about having a oto and 2 upsells if you havent even built a list using a basic model of a squeeze page with a free offer and a oto

      as much as some people may tell you that theres no need to use a squeeze page because they make more sales with using just a sales page is complete rubbish

      Yes, i have built a list before, and am marketing to them too. and am building it daily.

      I know there is a need to build one.
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  • Profile picture of the author dlman1999
    David please don't take this like I am attempting to hijack your thread but it sure appears like some software really could be useful.

    MarcusLim mentioned DigiResults I visited their site and read the information on their site I looked and looked and wasn't able to locate one video or at least one screen shot and furthermore I didn't see anything leading me to believe it was a sales funnel software solution. I did see they had a marketplace.

    I have been attempting to come to a comfort level in purchasing mytrafficbusiness wouldn't this software be exactly what David is looking for?
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    • Profile picture of the author davidkings
      Originally Posted by dlman1999 View Post

      David please don't take this like I am attempting to hijack your thread but it sure appears like some software really could be useful.
      Yes I know there is software, but I just want to know the layout of the pages, and how many pages, so i can clear it, on a piece of paper as a funnel sketch.

      with my above question (2 questions up)
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  • Profile picture of the author Takuya Hikichi
    Okay David, so you first have a squeeze page, then an OTO.

    If I make a sale, I usually stop here or could even go more upsell.

    What comes after this is not so much "if you're using Paypal", but
    how your script is configured. The script just needs to have the
    ability to point the buyers to the 2nd product after the they finished
    the transaction. Optionally, some people add downsells in between.

    So, Paul above gave you how you could funnel and Marcus told you to
    use DigiResults -- you should be able to set these up.

    If you're "techy", you might like Premium shopping cart
    (the least expensive version is fine) will set this up for you
    with flexibility.

    This cart comes in handy too if you're going to be using Authorize.net etc.
    With them you can start doing even more advanced upsell tricks depending
    on your products. I know a lot of people swear by Nanacast, too.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6600640].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author davidkings
      Originally Posted by Takuya Hikichi View Post

      Okay David, so you first have a squeeze page, then an OTO.

      If I make a sale, I usually stop here or could even go more upsell.

      What comes after this is not so much "if you're using Paypal", but
      how your script is configured. The script just needs to have the
      ability to point the buyers to the 2nd product after the they finished
      the transaction. Optionally, some people add downsells in between.

      So, Paul above gave you how you could funnel and Marcus told you to
      use DigiResults -- you should be able to set these up.

      If you're "techy", you might like Premium shopping cart
      (the least expensive version is fine) will set this up for you
      with flexibility.

      This cart comes in handy too if you're going to be using Authorize.net etc.
      With them you can start doing even more advanced upsell tricks depending
      on your products. I know a lot of people swear by Nanacast, too.
      Thanks Tak,

      ...but I am asking for 2 upsell products Tak, like in your example, in the attached screenshot I have included.

      in a format, where I asked 6 posts up, in the link below

      where i say this:

      and aweber inserts:

      Aweber list 1
      (Product 1)
      Aweber list 2 (UPsell 2)
      Aweber list 3 (UPsell 2)

      Can you answer that post, which is this one

      -> http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ml#post6598545

      as i mentioned what i want, which is in your screenshot i have attached.
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  • Profile picture of the author sriram rajan
    Ok here goes .. i will keep it simple 5 separate pages
    The contents on the pages , I will have main offer download / access on all of them to make it easy

    Page 1 --> Main offer only
    Page 2 --> Main offer + UPSELL 1 offer
    Page 3 --> Main offer + down sell 1 offer
    Page 4 --> Main offer + upsell 2 offer
    Page 5 --> Main offer + down sell 2 offer

    So some one buying main offer will be sent only Page 1,

    Buy --> Main offer + upsell 1 + upsell 2 --> Page 1 + page 2 + Page 4
    Buy --> Main offer + upsell 1 + downsell 2 --> Page 1 + page 2 + Page 5
    Buy --> Main offer + downsell 1 + upsell 2 --> Page 1 + page 3 + Page 4
    Buy --> Main offer + downsell 1 + downsell 2 --> Page 1 + page 3 + Page 5

    This keeps it simple and easy to manage, the other way set up membership site and sutomate level of access, but i have not done that , the above is the way i went as i was trying it first time so it made things simpler. good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      If you are a War Room member, Lee has a very good PDF for you regarding list building.

      ATTENTION LIST BUILDERS: Read This & Enjoy!

      Joe Mobley


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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    • Profile picture of the author davidkings
      Originally Posted by sriram rajan View Post

      Ok here goes .. i will keep it simple 5 separate pages
      The contents on the pages , I will have main offer download / access on all of them to make it easy

      Page 1 --> Main offer only
      Page 2 --> Main offer + UPSELL 1 offer
      Page 3 --> Main offer + down sell 1 offer
      Page 4 --> Main offer + upsell 2 offer
      Page 5 --> Main offer + down sell 2 offer

      So some one buying main offer will be sent only Page 1,

      Buy --> Main offer + upsell 1 + upsell 2 --> Page 1 + page 2 + Page 4
      Buy --> Main offer + upsell 1 + downsell 2 --> Page 1 + page 2 + Page 5
      Buy --> Main offer + downsell 1 + upsell 2 --> Page 1 + page 3 + Page 4
      Buy --> Main offer + downsell 1 + downsell 2 --> Page 1 + page 3 + Page 5

      This keeps it simple and easy to manage, the other way set up membership site and sutomate level of access, but i have not done that , the above is the way i went as i was trying it first time so it made things simpler. good luck
      If they ACCEPT Main offer, and REJECT Upsell 1.... do you Still offer them Upsell 2? (after the rejection of upsell 1 ?)

      or you don't on the basis that "they havn't purchased upsell 1, so they probably wont purchase upsell 2, so i wont offer upsell 2"
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