The Psychology of Internet Marketing

by 7 replies
I have been here on the WF for a few months now and I see a lot of great information on helping others. What I don't see is the fundamentals on why that information is given.

To my understanding, copy writing is the key element for a successful Internet Marketer. For you beginners, this type of copy writing is the psychology part for your content. You could have the best content in the world. If it is not well copy written, you will lose a lot of visitors.

I'm going to list and show examples of just some of the methods. When these methods are used correctly, your conversion rate will explode.

Content - When writing an article you want to use words that excite people. Make them want to keep reading. Dont change your information. Make it fun to read, diversify your vocabulary. You could even have low quality information and the person will keep reading.

Color - Red and blue are the best attention grabbers. You my not realize it, your mind will see these two colors over any other color. When using these colors on a page the visitor will stay around for a few more seconds and not even realize it. Its the first thing they see before anything else. This works with anything, words, pictures, ect... Even in a video with yourself in it, its best to wear a shirt that is red or blue. An example of this - Just take a look at the WF. Its all red and blue. Next time you watch some TV, look for those colors. You would never realize it unless I told you to look.

Above the fold - You my not think this, people are lazy. If you don't tell them what to do they will feel lost and leave. Show them what you have and what to do before the fold. There not going to scroll down looking for it. Have a nice big red arrow showing them Click Here, Sign Up Here, Buy Here. You can implement on how you do this but it all has the same concept. Example - Take a look at a few pages from successful warriors here.

Your Title - This is one of the most impotent methods you should know. Your title is 100% the reason for a visitor to see your page/article. I don't have much to say about this. Make it good. Grab peoples attention with your title. It doesn't matter whats on the other side. If they don't click, they don't know.

If any warrior wants to add more feel free to. I Just wanted to put out there that psychology/copy writing plays a big part on making any sale.

Thanks for reading,
Justin Erickson
#main internet marketing discussion forum #internet #marketing #psychology
  • Thanks Justin. Very helpful post. One more thing - what do you think of speaking to your target audience? You'd need to tailor the language you use depending on whether you are speaking to say teenage skateboarders, or professional investors or older folks looking for a cure for rheumatism.

    Graphics, pictures or videos can also help grab and hold attention.
    • [1] reply
    • This is a good point. The reason I didn't touch on this to much, is that its called Online Guerrilla Marketing.

      It should be in its own thread its self. Didnt want to confuse anybody.
      • [1] reply
  • Well put Justin. Internet marketing is essentially offline sales... but online. You have to convey value. Big value considering all of the competition. And hopefully it's not just conveyed, but is actually there.
  • Very important points raised here. If a person doesn't know how to write a good copy, it doesn't matter how good his product is because nobody will buy it.

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    I have been here on the WF for a few months now and I see a lot of great information on helping others. What I don't see is the fundamentals on why that information is given. To my understanding, copy writing is the key element for a successful Internet Marketer. For you beginners, this type of copy writing is the psychology part for your content. You could have the best content in the world. If it is not well copy written, you will lose a lot of visitors.