My Adsense has been disabled...But

9 replies
For a couple of weeks I've been in a funk because Google disabled my Adsense. I didn't want it to bother me, but I guess it did for a while but today I decided that I don't want Adsense to be THE only way for me to make money. I've had a solution for a long time and I used it to create scrolling ads on one of my pages today.

As I said, I've replaced the ads on one page (so far) with relevant scrolling clickbank ads. I had to weed out the dead and non relevant sites, but what I have hopefully will be enough??

I'd like to ask you Warriors give me some advice if the ads look okay? I have a lot of pages affected and your advice will be invaluable, as I can start to roll out changes to the templates on all of the affected pages.

Here's the page Acne Homepage

Scrolling ads are below the Amazon banner left hand side

Thanks in advance.

#adsense #clickbank #disabled #disabledbut
  • Profile picture of the author marketinguk
    Hi Brian, the first thing i would say is i commend you for not being adsense obsessed unlike many on this forum, so you clearly adapted fast, which is really important.

    As for the scrolling ads, i would personally find them a bit annoying if i came across your site, but then that's me i go on a site looking for something specifically. They certainly grab the attention of the person on the site which i guess is your goal here. They will likely get a pretty decent conversion rate in terms of CTR.
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    • Profile picture of the author socomplete
      The ads don't seem to be that bad, they do stand out as mentioned by the other warrior. Just keep your site filled with great content and you should be fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author FrankMiller
    The ads are not very intrusive which is good. Like others have mentioned, good content is important, so just keep it up!


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  • Profile picture of the author Alexyew
    Hi, I just visited your website - Acne Homepage.

    My frank opinion is that your website looks like hardcore selling methods. There are too much advertising and banner. People are looking for useful information and solution before they commit themselves to buy things from you.

    Do take note about the psychology of people and use it to make more sales. It would be very helpful in any business if you understand people first.

    Just my two cents worth.

    Originally Posted by Hackbridge View Post

    For a couple of weeks I've been in a funk because Google disabled my Adsense. I didn't want it to bother me, but I guess it did for a while but today I decided that I don't want Adsense to be THE only way for me to make money. I've had a solution for a long time and I used it to create scrolling ads on one of my pages today.

    As I said, I've replaced the ads on one page (so far) with relevant scrolling clickbank ads. I had to weed out the dead and non relevant sites, but what I have hopefully will be enough??

    I'd like to ask you Warriors give me some advice if the ads look okay? I have a lot of pages affected and your advice will be invaluable, as I can start to roll out changes to the templates on all of the affected pages.

    Here's the page]Acne Homepage[/url]

    Scrolling ads are below the Amazon banner left hand side

    Thanks in advance.

    CPA is all about testing, tracking, determining.
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  • Profile picture of the author fedor50
    Originally Posted by Hackbridge View Post

    For a couple of weeks I've been in a funk because Google disabled my Adsense. I didn't want it to bother me, but I guess it did for a while but today I decided that I don't want Adsense to be THE only way for me to make money. I've had a solution for a long time and I used it to create scrolling ads on one of my pages today.

    As I said, I've replaced the ads on one page (so far) with relevant scrolling clickbank ads. I had to weed out the dead and non relevant sites, but what I have hopefully will be enough??

    I'd like to ask you Warriors give me some advice if the ads look okay? I have a lot of pages affected and your advice will be invaluable, as I can start to roll out changes to the templates on all of the affected pages.

    Here's the page Acne Homepage

    Scrolling ads are below the Amazon banner left hand side

    Thanks in advance.

    Great job by using other methods to monetize your traffic. Yeah, Never put all of your eggs in one basket especially when it comes to Google who is known for banning people's adsense accounts for no reason
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  • Profile picture of the author imgeek2727
    I congratulate you for getting off the Adsense bandwagon. The truth is that if you have a tightly focused website you might be shortchanging yourself by collecting all that yummy traffic just to settle for chump change from Google. Clickbank is a good start. Amazon's niche product feed is good too. Keep tweaking your site around your traffic and you should be good.
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    • Profile picture of the author cjreynolds
      Like the ads, but for me there is a masking problem - the text extends past the borders of the column, and therefore I can't read the right-most characters of each line. Happens w/Firefox and IE 8.

      Thought you might wanna know... Otherwise, love the site!

      I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...

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  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    Thank you every one for your comments. I know it's not perfect and I am going to strive to make this page even better.

    The Yahoo! Answers uses an API and any bugs are because for some unknown reason (to me) Yahoo! has disabled the API I asked for. Maybe because it's on a lot of other pages, I don't know. However, I'm looking at my PLR articles for subject related matter and will ensure that there is proper content.

    Thank you very much again.

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    • Profile picture of the author wrovan
      Adsense Disabled? I've heard on this forum that can help you.
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