How this website works? (Facts and thank you)

39 replies
Hello ,

I am internet marketer for 4 years. Regardless I have made very very few sales and I have paid
hundreds of euros in lessons , in marketing products , in graphics , in host accounts , in domains and autoresponders.
These few sales was made only with my own strategies that not work anymore.
I think, the problem is not the products, but the markets which are oversaturated and most of vendors or product sellers are liers and the internet marketing game is rigged between newbies.
I am visiting this website years ago at least 2, might even more and as you already visiting this site too, you see 99.99% of the products are scams.
Just the marketers sell craps and prays not order any refund. Most of the so called reviews are fake or lies for other marketers just try to convince you to make the order and capture some bucks.

Everyday I am fighting these scam marketers and they ban me from the forums or blogs and they delete my posts or reject my commants etc., because I expose them.

I have a large ammount of products and I have a large ammount of refunded products too.
I have and large ammount of products that was useless because the guarantee was over.
I stopped purchase anything in last year and I thank this website helped me to have one honest review about known products.
All reviews out there are fake and the marketer not even know nothing about all of these product which promote or just copy a part of the vendor's sales page in their blogs
So the moron visitors believe they read a real review and fall in the trap to purchase garbage.

I have a few websites and product reviews and I have purchased these products too.
I have 10 pages of complete inside reviews for each product or least how the product looks like regardless if worked or not.

I know the same stories about hackers or super programmers from Russia who stolen dvd from drunk marketer in the club.
The story is the same and the vicious circle continues.
All of this marketing industry have exceed the limits and all of these marketers are now in the criminal zone. But there is not any service which can report or expose them and the authorities can shut them down.
If this service was exist, all net would been clear from these maggots all of these marketers are maggots for me and I am not care if any one from you offended.
If you got offended make a indictment. I will fight to shut these maggots and these maggots visit this website and even reads this post now and get ungry , but I am not care.

There must a prosecution of electronic crime for this.
I will make a research and many *******s will be shut down.


Many times I would like to reply in some posts here and everytime I had an error about to have 20 posts to be able to reply in the forums or other people posts.
I have seen people who are able to replay in the forums with just only 1 post.
So , why am I not able to reply to most of the posts? is unfair.

Many times I would like to answer some review from products and say my opinion and I wasn't be able to reply.

Is difficult to collect or increase the number of posts to 20 if I will not able to reply to a single thread.

If this post will be allowed , this will be my forth post.
I will need more 16 posts to able to answer or reply to others.

Thank you very much to all good people here who report real products and said real opinion about garbage.

Everytime I receive yet another e-mail promoting a yet another crap, I visit this great website and I get adviced to not purchase or drop my money.
All of these e-mails which arrive everyday from all of these maggots, are criminal actions , because you are not able to unsubscribe and even if there is any unsubscription link (most of these e-mails not have) and the system tells you , you have already unsubscribed and you keep receiving spam internet marketing promotion.

All of these *******s everyday claim they are making $1.000.000 a year or $35.000 a day and when you try to use their same systems you are making nothing.

Have you seen the same lie, they say:

-Hello dude , I have one position open for YOU.
-Yeah what kind man is he? he has one open position exactly for ME and he gives me the system for free.

What kind people do they are!!!

And when you visit the website they ask you $49 so what free and bull****s.

You try to contact with the ******* back and his autoresponder e-mail bounce your e-mail and you can't contact them.

What assholes do they are?

Have you ever try to reply to any of these *******s to their e-mails and your e-mail provider sent you an error and not able to send your e-mail?
This make me very angry and mad.

Thank these good and honest people in this website who not helped me to make money , but helped me to stop spending it.

Have a nice day.
#facts #website #works
  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
    Originally Posted by takis76 View Post

    Have a nice day.
    Thanks and good luck with the "bustards"

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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  • Profile picture of the author tmoby
    Pleeeeeease put some formatting in your post. Major Headaches.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    Gets my vote for a sticky
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    • Profile picture of the author Elle Holder
      I have to be honest and tell you that I didn't read past the first line of text, because, well, I couldn't. Just seeing that giant block of text gave me a headache.

      But, based on that first line, I do have a question. Do you have a blog or website where you try to make sales? Is your giant block of text posted here on the WF indicative of what one would find on your blog or website? If so, here is the answer to your lack of sales.

      Just sayin'.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6603803].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by Kal Sallam View Post

      Gets my vote for a sticky
      lol .... now that was funny
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6607361].message }}
  • Most products are from snake oil salesmen types, after doing this for 18+ years I can say with confidence, I know a solid product when I see it. I also am in the Forex world and they have much of the same bs going on. So far in other sections I have rarely and I mean rarely seen a good product. Not saying they don't exist but are the sheep really that hungry they will eat fake grass and call it super. So yes OP format your post and keep pressing forward!
    Conversion Magnet - Instapage Premium accounts for $39/mo, normally $99/mo.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6603811].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rohan731
    I have some suggestions. The first is irrelevant but would be helpful.
    1) Format your post, it looks like a lump of writing and most people are put off reading it.
    Proper punctuation would be nice and some spacing. It's "*******s" not "bustards" so get that right.
    2) It should work, everybody can post but you can't put links. If you put links then you can't post unless you have 15 links so I have a strong suspicion that you are putting links on your posts.
    3) It seems to be working for everyone else.
    4) I recommend you get a "spam email" so you can put all these sort of emails in there.
    You could create a email folder "Junk" and put it in there. You could also block the sender so it doesn't work. It's not that hard- go to your email forum or look at the FAQ and stuff.
    5) I would recommend NEVER signing up to this sort of stuff as they hardly EVER work
    Hope this helped.
    6) I think that is what you mean't. Don't listen to the so-called "reviews" as they never work. Some of them are faked. Only try and buy software which this forum and maybe others have recommended. If there are any doubts, never buy it , a bad program is often disguised to look amazing. I can't really do much else.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6603813].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author takis76
      Thank you my friends very very much for your advices and corrections.
      My english language is not my native I wrote the word "*******s" with "u".

      Strange , I wrote my post with paragraphs and spaces and line returns I don't know why the post appear in row format.

      Also there is a strange problem here , when I want to see some review or read some post ,the website takes 10 minutes to load and when I am posting or replying the website take 5+ minutes to load or refreash.

      The smiles not appears and the links not work.I have a yahoo e-mail and most of the promotion e-mails now arrives in my junk folder.

      Is there any way to cut all the e-mails I suppose unsubscibed.
      The system keeps tell me to need 20+ posts for making replies.

      I have a lots of review matterial to present you. I was an info junky and in the first 3 years.
      I was purchased everything you will find under the Sun.

      Thank you very much and I apologize with my language , but we need to fight and stop all of these scammers' actions and we need to find some way to put them out of business.

      How my post appear now? it took 5+ minutes for this page to reload.
      None of the images appears and sometime when I am trying to load the site or press some link takes a very very long time to load.

      How this reply was appeared now?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6604073].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author takis76
        Ok , I think I found the problem , in fact wasn't fixed , but if I will reply from computer of my home , everything works great. and the smiles , I am happy

        Also the site loads very fast.

        when I am loggin from my work is not working , so might there is some problem from provider of my work. Nevermind.

        I correct all posts above to not cause you headaches , I correct some of my grammar and typos and I fixed some punctuation marks.

        I like this website very very much. I visit almost everyday , but I am not able to reply.

        This post is number 6. I will try to make some product question posts in the future until to reach the 20+ and the system unlock me and be able to reply and add and links too.

        Ok you know about the scam marketers but the problem is serious and we can't do nothing and only clickbank provides refunds.

        I will be around and I will not bother you much , I will see your valuable information you have here, I am in the fourth year , I am not in hurry, I am in semi quit state , I don't have quit but I am not care and much.

        As I have said , this marketing thing have a lot of competition and millions of people do the same. Also most of people got scammed and no one trust anyone. (Most of the products already oversold in the past and most customers was taken by old sharks).

        My quote
        • Is very difficult to convince the masses that you are a good guy without a very nice sales pitch.
        • But if you have a very nice sale pitch, is easy to convince the masses , but you are not a good guy.
        Have a nice day.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6605105].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by takis76 View Post

        I have a lots of review matterial to present you. I was an info junky and in the first 3 years.
        I was purchased everything you will find under the Sun.
        Don't ... just don't. If you attempt to present us with those reviews you're talking about, your posts will most likely get deleted. It's possible this one may as well but if not, if you start posting rants about every product you bought and refunded, trust me, the posts will be deleted.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6607372].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author takis76
          Don't ... just don't. If you attempt to present us with those reviews you're talking about, your posts will most likely get deleted. It's possible this one may as well but if not, if you start posting rants about every product you bought and refunded, trust me, the posts will be deleted.
          Because they afraid the exposure and if the truth will uncover they will lose customers.

          But if I will make the huge exposure , I will not make it here in this forum , I will create special website for this. They are trembling about this idea and there are people who visit this website and afraid and trebling of the idea of exposure.

          And the list of names is laaaaarge.

          I will be the punisher of the internet marketing, this vicious scam product circle must end.

          Some offended people will fight me back and they will tell my websites are dangerous, my products are scams too, but they will not save them selves, I started detecting these offended people already.

          They are between us.

          Even if I will not sell nothing, they are not cause me any damage because I am not any famous marketer, but their business will shut down.

          I warned , the time will reveal. - Be careful in the future what you say , what you sell and what you promise to innocent people, the calm days was over.

          Many products already posted in these forums by you and none post was deleted , you already done a part of this work.

          Have a nice day.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6610777].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
            Originally Posted by takis76 View Post

            Because they afraid the exposure and if the truth will uncover they will lose customers.

            But if I will make the huge exposure , I will not make it here in this forum , I will create special website for this. They are trembling about this idea and there are people who visit this website and afraid and trebling of the idea of exposure.

            And the list of names is laaaaarge.

            I will be the punisher of the internet marketing, this vicious scam product circle must end.

            Some offended people will fight me back and they will tell my websites are dangerous, my products are scams too, but they will not save them selves, I started detecting these offended people already.

            They are between us.

            Even if I will not sell nothing, they are not cause me any damage because I am not any famous marketer, but their business will shut down.

            I warned , the time will reveal. - Be careful in the future what you say , what you sell and what you promise to innocent people, the calm days was over.

            Many products already posted in these forums by you and none post was deleted , you already done a part of this work.

            Have a nice day.
            Well, glad at least you've got a grip on Rule #1 of the forum. I'm sure everyone is literally trembling by now :rolleyes:
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6611208].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author takis76
              Well, glad at least you've got a grip on Rule #1 of the forum. I'm sure everyone is literally trembling by now.
              What kind of answer was this? I didn't understand it (Seems to be very ironic) , I am not telling jokes here , I am very serious.
              What is this Rule #1 of this forum?

              The new marketers and newbies will not struggle from snake oil marketers.

              If some day I will make this work , I will drop all snake oil marketers out and I will incorporate with good ones only.

              All of these marketers will quit from their businesses , because they will not have customers, they will have all got exposed.

              And already got exposed , I reached the mark of 15 , the party now begins , now I am able to reply and other posts and links.

              Hehe the product review party just began.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6611859].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author takis76
              Well, glad at least you've got a grip on Rule #1 of the forum. I'm sure everyone is literally trembling by now.
              What kind of answer was this? I didn't understand it (Seems to be very ironic) , I am not telling jokes here , I am very serious. What is this Rule #1 of this forum?The new marketers and innocent people will not struggle from snake oil marketers.If some day I will make this work , I will drop all snake oil marketers out and I will incorporate with good ones only.All of these marketers will quit from their businesses , because they will not have customers, they will have all got exposed.And already beeing exposed , I reached the mark of 15 , the party now begins. I am able to reply and other posts and links.Hehe the product review party just began.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6611962].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author takis76
              I see some ironic here, I am not telling jokes , I am serious.What is the 1# Rule of this forum?I Hit the mark of 15 and the product review party just began.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6612298].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lovboa
    I think you need a new computer.
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  • Profile picture of the author takis76
    I think you need a new computer.
    Yes maybe , but the internet marketing thing wasn't worked for me and I am very poor to purchase one , will you purchase one for me?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6605136].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lovboa
      Originally Posted by takis76 View Post

      Yes maybe , but the internet marketing thing wasn't worked for me and I am very poor to purchase one , will you purchase one for me?
      Hehe my own computer is old as well. :p
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6605166].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author takis76
    I have to be honest and tell you that I didn't read past the first line of text, because, well, I couldn't. Just seeing that giant block of text gave me a headache.

    But, based on that first line, I do have a question. Do you have a blog or website where you try to make sales? Is your giant block of text posted here on the WF indicative of what one would find on your blog or website? If so, here is the answer to your lack of sales.

    Just sayin'.
    I am already have few pages , I am vendor in clickbank and I have one product , I have and blog which appears perfect and I use HostGator as host provider and my domains was purchased from namecheap.

    My product page is this and there is the marketplace of clickbank.

    w w w . commercial -

    (remove spaces)

    And I have and one blog in wordpress and I am promote commission commando from Sean Donahoe.

    If anyone is interesting to see how my cpanel for newbies is and want to promote it , I can give the product for free , to see it inside , I am very honest and I am not push you to promote anything , in fact I would like to have and some testimonial or some friend from here see my product.
    I can give you my product for free to see it to use it , even learn from it and if you beleive is worth to promote it , I will be very happy , I will give it to you free , I will give you the thank you page directly , you don't need to purchase so even if you don't like it , you don't need to make any refunds. I have 65% commission , I am not remember even if I have and 80% , I will need to log in to my oooooold clickbank account which is full of zeros and I don't have much interest to log in to.

    The main website is not working yet , becuase is difficult to create my site as I want it to be and there is no money for designers , programmers etc.

    I am programming a little , I saw there is programming section here in forums , but I am not programming for web design , I am programming for games.

    I am programming with DarkBasic and PureBasic , I know and little C++ , but are useless for website creation.

    I don't know html , or flash and I am making experiments in some php code in my wordpress blogs and sometimes I destroy my websites
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6605218].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sdingram
    Hello, that's quite the post!

    I can see that you are very frustrated and I understand. Here's my advice to you:

    1. Stop buying products.
    2. Stop reading the emails in your Junk folder. (If an email look like crap, delete it. Life is too short to get upset over it.)
    3. Take a couple of hours and unsubscribe from everyone who is sending you emails promoting their "crap." (This will make you feel really good).
    4. If you want to buy a new course, check out the WSO's on this forum and read all the reviews first. Then you can decide if it's right for you.

    I think what is happening is that you want to succeed so badly (and I understand, I do) that you buy one thing and before you can have a chance to implement it you buy another and another and of course nothing works. If you pick one thing and concentrate on that and only that you will have a greater chance at success.

    I also think that if you have a website, you should consider having an editor proofread it for you.

    I am wishing you all the best!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6605309].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author takis76
    Could I ask one sily question?
    What WSO is? or what this means?

    Hmm yet another post
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6605349].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sdingram
      Originally Posted by takis76 View Post

      Could I ask one sily question?
      What WSO is? or what this means?

      Hmm yet another post
      Yes you are becoming a posting maniac!

      Sorry, a WSO means Warrior Special Offer. There is a section of this website where members ("warriors") sell courses and they are called special offers because we get them super cheap and they can collect reviews, feedback and testimonials before offering them elsewhere for a more expensive price.
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  • Profile picture of the author takis76
    "sdingram" Thank you very very much for your advices , I have stopped reading any promotion e-mail I receive.

    I remember on the second year I was received 4500 e-mails per day. Somewhere I had capture one screenshot of my e-mail , I was insane , I had opted in more than 1000 lists

    Yeas I was very stupid in the first 2 years , in the 3rd , I just ate 6 months to unsubscribe from all of these 1000 lists , and I keep receiving e-mails from some of these old lists and the problem is , some of them not exist , and the removal links not working , but there is somewhere some old abandoned autoresponder and keeps sending me e-mails , sometimes I receive a circle of promotion e-mails , which means some autoresponders sent all messages in the autoresponse list and repeats the sending process again.

    I am receiving e-mails from any kind of stranger , from chinese people marketers , from arabic marketers , from african marketers and from europian and america and australian marketers too.

    I was opted in to all e-mail marketing lists of the planet.

    Hehe , :p what stupid I am!!!

    And everyday something new was appeared and was much better from the previous one and all of these people made so much money everyday and they adviced me , purchase , purchase all of these people care about me.

    Everything was appeared to be sooo easy , and the kindness of these people was pour in my inbox.

    Really , why this easy money is very hard to be made?

    I was feeling so satiated , I was fly in the 7th sky and I beleive , in the next day I will made a looooooots of money.

    Then I realized , the greediness of the human race , some people make a lots of money (the scammers one) and they want more.

    And all of these scammers , take advantage of the innocent , naive newbies and they are selling hopes and dreams.

    I learnt a lots in all of these 4 years , but I didn't leran how to make money :p , but yes , the conclusion is we all work for this money.

    The money was betrayed Jesus.
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  • Profile picture of the author takis76
    There are a lots of good people here and they are make me good company and I like it.
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Take a look at some of the good products that you have purchased over the years. Look at their sales pages too. What made you buy? Can you duplicate that process in another niche? If so, do it.

    I do not suggest that you try to create and sell products in the IM niche. There are many other niches you can sell in, without claiming you are a guru, when you are not. If you do, you will be just like the "Bustards" you are complaining about.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6605513].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author takis76
    Take a look at some of the good products that you have purchased over the years. Look at their sales pages too. What made you buy? Can you duplicate that process in another niche? If so, do it.

    I do not suggest that you try to create and sell products in the IM niche. There are many other niches you can sell in, without claiming you are a guru, when you are not. If you do, you will be just like the "Bustards" you are complaining about.
    Yes I am not planning to promote any kind of money making product , because none of them prove to be working and yes I don't want to become yet another "*******" I see you have offended a little.

    If in the fuuuuuture I will become a successful marketer (IF) and if I will create my own unique way which I can prove to myself first, after years of success, might I will create my own product in money making niche.

    And my product will expose everything and will be the best product.

    So, so far I will try to promote other products , but even other products are overhyped too , for example one product I always received...

    I wasn't received only money making products , but and other products.

    One product I was receiving and I was tried to promote and was total waste of money , "Acne Treatment" product. How one e-book is able to cure your acne?

    And another one product which I was received was "skin moles removal". How one e-book is able to remove your moles from your skin? , only doctor with surgery is able to remove your moles from your skin. Any kind of e-book and overhyped product , insults the intelligence of the patient.

    Another one product I tried to promote and I was purchase was Sean Donahoes' , "Exreme Niche Empires" and I made a research and I had a website for whole year and I was promoted any kind dog training products there are in the clickbank.

    I had created one huge blog , with themes , with plugins , I was paid for all of these , with amazon products , with extra SEO plugins this website contained 50 different clickbank dog training and dog care products , any kind of dog and cat world was in this website , I had ordered and a lots of unique articles for dog advices , treatment , how to make your dog not peeing or pooping in your living room.

    The result , very few visitors , not a single sale , and I never found my website even in 145th page in google , I remember I was stayed 4 hours and I was pressed the next page in google results pages until to find where my website was. After a lots of unique articles , I paid for unique articles , I never used any kind of re-rotation or translation or any kind of foolling article creation all of my articles was genuine and unique , I had paid money for them , I never used any kind of PLRs , but the site never rank , very few visitors and wasn't a new website , was 12 months old website , with nice domain with nice theme , with nice articles , with all dog related clickbank products and matterial , with videoclips , I was promised from Sean Donahoe I will make sales and my website was authority website , conclusion , no sales , very few visitors , and I deleted the website ,because I was pay for the damain.

    I made and another one website similar to dog related with acne , not with Sean Donahoes , because Sean Donahoe don't exist or I didn't discover him yet.

    The top fail website I have ever made was a website which promoted the product , "Take your EX back" this product was one e-book product from clickbank which advice divorced couples or any kind of lovers to bring their ex-lover back and hook up again.

    I was found one fantastic wordpress theme and with a lots of changes I was made one fantastic website (Blog).

    Conclusion , after couple of months my website was full of viagra ads and commets , I rediculate to few visitors I had and I complain to my host service , this was before HostGator , I was at the HostMoster. They didn't find any way how to solve the problem and I sold my problem alone and I left from HostMonster and came to the HostGator.

    And I was purchased the product from Jamie Lewis , "Copy the Blueprint" and another one which I am not remember now , it was my first product , everything was about how to use google adwords , I remember I was spent 500 Euros to promote one diet product "Fad Diet that Work" , I was spent 500 euros in adwords to make a sale of $49 and this sale was happen from one lady from Australia and was Christmass because this sale was happen , else no one will purchase anything.

    I didn't have any kind of list and I still not have and this lady never gave me her e-mail , but when you make the purchase the e-mail appears in the clickbank sales history.

    I never sent any thanksgiving e-mail to this lady which I am very proud to her who was the only one who purchased from me and I wish to her the best to lost her weigh.

    She was the first and only one customer and shame on me , I never thank her. I never bother her with lists and autoresponder craps and fool her to purchase yet another diet , what is the point why does she purchase yet another diet? , if you send another e-mail to your customer and promote another product and you have already sold a diet , you are insult the intelligence of your customer and devalue and the product which you just sold.

    How is it possible to promote another diet product to the same lady after 2 days , even she didn't start using the already purchased one?.

    And then I am getting ungry and I say it again all of these "*******s" sell something and then send another e-mail to the same people to purchase yet another same product , what is the point to sell 9 different diet products to the same lady , is waste of money for your customer , and the point for marketer is to fool the customer and make money.

    The fact is , no one cares about any customer , all they care how to sell products to same people and make money. Everyday all of these marketers (Hit their lists and send garbage to their trusted customers).

    Is pointless for the same lady to take yet another diet and she doesn't used the one she purchased 1 day before but there is a point for marketer , the money (Marketers not cares ,they pretend they give a value , but there is not value , there is only MONEY).

    Have a nice day.
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    • Profile picture of the author cjreynolds
      Originally Posted by takis76 View Post

      One product I was receiving and I was tried to promote and was total waste of money , "Acne Treatment" product. How one e-book is able to cure your acne?

      And another one product which I was received was "skin moles removal". How one e-book is able to remove your moles from your skin? , only doctor with surgery is able to remove your moles from your skin. Any kind of e-book and overhyped product , insults the intelligence of the patient.
      I'm seeing a pattern here, and I think you answered your own question - "Who would buy an eBook to cure ____?" If I have an acne or mole problem, I'm probably not going to look for an eBook to cure it. I would probably look for at least a cream or some other medical treatment. You found a desperate niche, but you promoted a "non-desperate" solution - one that didn't promise immediate relief. That's the whole idea behind "finding a desperate niche" - your customers are looking for immediate relief for an urgent problem.

      Originally Posted by takis76 View Post

      Another one product I tried to promote and I was purchase was Sean Donahoes' , "Exreme Niche Empires" and I made a research and I had a website for whole year and I was promoted any kind dog training products there are in the clickbank.

      I had created one huge blog , with themes , with plugins , I was paid for all of these , with amazon products , with extra SEO plugins this website contained 50 different clickbank dog training and dog care products , any kind of dog and cat world was in this website , I had ordered and a lots of unique articles for dog advices , treatment , how to make your dog not peeing or pooping in your living room.

      The result , very few visitors , not a single sale , and I never found my website even in 145th page in google , I remember I was stayed 4 hours and I was pressed the next page in google results pages until to find where my website was. After a lots of unique articles , I paid for unique articles , I never used any kind of re-rotation or translation or any kind of foolling article creation all of my articles was genuine and unique , I had paid money for them , I never used any kind of PLRs , but the site never rank , very few visitors and wasn't a new website , was 12 months old website , with nice domain with nice theme , with nice articles , with all dog related clickbank products and matterial , with videoclips , I was promised from Sean Donahoe I will make sales and my website was authority website , conclusion , no sales , very few visitors , and I deleted the website ,because I was pay for the damain.
      Sounds like you went too general with this - the 'Dog' niche is more of an industry than a niche - you were probably trying to rank for broad keywords that are way too competitive. That's an ideal niche for 'drilling down' to smaller subniches.

      Originally Posted by takis76 View Post

      The top fail website I have ever made was a website which promoted the product , "Take your EX back" this product was one e-book product from clickbank which advice divorced couples or any kind of lovers to bring their ex-lover back and hook up again.

      I was found one fantastic wordpress theme and with a lots of changes I was made one fantastic website (Blog).
      Tried that niche with a product that sounds identical to that one - I didn't have any luck, either :p

      Sounds to me like you need to take one strategy and stick with it - ask questions here to make sure you stay on track, but find something you're really interested in and things should be easier.

      Just MHO...

      I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...

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    • Profile picture of the author Internet Wizard
      It almost feels like I can peek into your chaotic mind from reading your posts, and I feel sorry for you. I don't say that to be rude or mean, but it's clear that you have been taken advantage by marketers, and I can feel your hurt.

      Just realize that you don't need any more info products to make money online!

      Making money online is very simple,
      (not always easy, but very simple).

      Let me break it down for you in a few simple steps:

      1. You need a good product to promote.

      This does not have to be an informational product about "how to make money online" or "getting rid of acne in 7 days". It can be anything that is sold online. It's actually a lot easier to promote "real" products that people genuinely need, because they are sold in millions every day. More importantly from your concerns about "cheating" customers with crappy info products, the people who buy these types of products are generally very happy with their purchase!

      One thing that many people seem to forget when selecting their product is that it has to be something that is truly profitable to make it worthwhile... You are not Walmart and don't have huge volume, so you need to make a decent profit on each sale!

      2. You need a good place to promote the product, (normally a website)

      This needs to be a website/platform that will convert visitors into buyers or leads depending on what the offer is. You already know what it takes to convert visitors into buyers because you have bought so much stuff yourself already. Just think back and remember what made you buy. However, just in case you forgot let me break it down:

      a) The buyer needs to trust that your offer is real and will deliver what is being promised. Naturally a lot of things come into play here but if you just go with what makes you willing to trust a website (professional design, clean, secure payment etc.), you should be fine. If you have a real product that delivers what it promises you don't need boatloads of reviews and things like that, (although good testimonials and FB likes etc. do help of course!)

      b) The sales copy (text) need to offer enough benefits and "emotional triggers" for the buyer to decide to go with you rather than someone else. This is an area that I would suggest you definetely get some outside help judging from your posts above...

      3. You need a hungry crowd, (this is the MOST important part)!

      On the Internet a "hungry crowd" translates into "targeted traffic". Please note the word "targeted" as any crappy traffic won't do! You need people that are genuinely interested in buying or getting what it is that you are offering.

      Traffic is the most important part of the puzzle IMO, and where most people go wrong. A lot of people assume that you need huge amounts of traffic to make serious money, but this is just not the case. I have several websites that make me around $2 for every visitor to the site, (a couple of these have hundreds of visitors per do the math).

      I am not telling you this to brag or anything like that, just to make you think about the math behind a project/website before you decide to launch it... If we assume that a site selling a physical product like dog leads, (since you were into dog training before), will convert 1:30 on targeted traffic, (meaning 1 in 30 visitors will buy the product). Then it is quite clear that if you are selling normal $10-$15 dog leads with a 40%-50% margin you will need a hell of a lot of traffic to make say a $500 per day income, (around 2500 visitors).

      Think about the math before you launch!

      How are you going to get 2500 visitors that want to buy dog leads to your website every day!!? If you are paying for them it will get expensive. Even if you are only paying $0,20 per visitor you are just breaking even...and that's before your costs and salary etc.

      Now, compare that with something like aircraft insurance, (not a niche I recommend, just an example), where each sale can be worth several thousand dollars, (for this example let's just assume each sale is worth $1000 to you).

      Let's assume you convert 1:30 visitors to a lead, (meaning the visitor entered their details to get a quote), on your aircraft insurance comparison site. Let's also assume that 25% of those leads turn into sales when the insurance company calls up your "hot lead" and tries to sell them the insurance policy. In this case you can afford to pay around $8 for each targeted visitor to break even...compared to $0.20 for the dog lead site.

      Just get these three things right:

      1. A good product to offer that will convert well and will give you a decent margin on each sale.

      2. A professional website with good sales copy that people will trust and want to buy from.

      3. Truly targeted traffic at a cost, (preferably free if possible), that allows you to make a good return on your investment.

      If you can get these things right then you will make a lot of money online.

      The answer to all of the questions you may have regarding what's required to get those three things right are all available for free on the Internet. You just have to go out and look for the answers, perhaps not only on this forum either...

      I hope this provided some clarity for you and I wish you the best of luck in the future!
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    You subscribed to 1,000 lists and then spent 6 months unsubscribing from them all?

    Let this be a lesson to every newbie here that you should use a throw away "spam this all you want" email account to sign up for any list.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6605894].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author theultimate1
      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      You subscribed to 1,000 lists and then spent 6 months unsubscribing from them all?

      Let this be a lesson to every newbie here that you should use a throw away "spam this all you want" email account to sign up for any list.
      and this.. my friend.. will be the death of e-mail marketing. :p
      If Content Is Your King, Then This GhostRider.. err.. GhostWriter Is Your Knight!
      My Sample Articles
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6607084].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author takis76
        What kind of danger do my website have? I tried it here in 10 different computers and different antiviruses never report any danger!!! HostGator have protection for viruses and never reported for any malicious software.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6607314].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author getrichinfo
    one very good method for any business [offline or online] is having a business plan before u start.
    Stick to the plan,try to optimize by tweaking.
    Treat it as learning process, a journey not a destination.

    I'm Buying Health Solos, please PM me if you are selling!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6606437].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author luckystepho
    I tried to visit the site you displayed in an earlier post and got a warning that it was a dangerous site- just wanted to warn you in case it has been hacked or anything!

    Take note of StevenM's post by the way- some really good advice there. Good luck with your business (I do understand your frustrations and can identify with some of the mistakes you have made) and let us know how you are doing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6606930].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author letstalkaboutlove
    Those was such a funny posts, Takis, i laugh really loud to all your stories (spending 4 hours to page 145 in Google waw). I am new to IM and can not give any advise on this subject but very far from any IM topic i tought like maybe it is about a control? It is like driving a car full of petrol, but speed is nothing without a control? Wish you success really and really amazed that people are so understanding and helpful.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6611778].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author takis76
    Well, glad at least you've got a grip on Rule #1 of the forum. I'm sure everyone is literally trembling by now.
    What kind of answer was this? I didn't understand it (Seems to be very ironic) , I am not telling jokes here , I am very serious.
    What is this Rule #1 of this forum?

    The new marketers and newbies will not struggle from snake oil marketers.

    If some day I will make this work , I will drop all snake oil marketers out and I will incorporate with good ones only.

    All of these marketers will quit from their businesses , because they will not have customers, they will have all got exposed.

    And already got exposed , I reached the mark of 15 , the party now begins , now I am able to reply and other posts and links.

    Hehe the product review party just began.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    So let me get this straight ok.

    YOU are the one who screwed up at internet marketing yet the LAST person you seem to be blaming here is YOURSELF.

    Instead what you DO is blame every other internet marketer in existence for YOUR FAILURE.

    I call that a serious self defense mechanism at work. You are obviously the type of person who refuses to accept responsibility for your own mistakes. It took me about 5 minutes to realize I didn't want to sign up on anyones lists when I first came here.

    I realized that would be an EXCELLENT way to WASTE MY TIME & MONEY.


    Because there are some very basic things a person must master BEFORE they even think about getting involved in internet marketing.

    Here is one thing noone has really brought up. I can BARELY understand every other word that you type. You obviously have a difficult time speaking fluent English. So I would be 1000xs more likely to suspect the reason you failed has NOTHING to do with "sharks" but with the fact that NOBODY CAN UNDERSTAND YOU.

    Its not the spacing of your posts that need work is your POSTS that need work. The words, the grammar, the english, NOBODY would buy something from you because they can't understand wtf you are saying.

    Lets be real.

    Its not the "sharks" fault, its your fault for not having a clear conceptual lense to view your life through.

    If I was you first thing I would think is "people seem to be having a problem understanding me or relating to me".

    Second thing I would do is go get some English lessons. Or pick up a book and learn it yourself, there is software that can help you too.

    If your marketing ventures read anything like your posts on WF, it should be glaringly obvious why you failed.

    So lets see, what are your options now?

    You can smarten up and learn how to communicate properly, then try again, or you can give up and go on some life long tirade about how people really aren't making money online. Which isn't going to accomplish ANYTHING other than WASTING YOUR PRECIOUS TIME to "help" people who DO NOT want your "help" in the first place.

    We already have 1 saltydroid in this world who is fairly clear spoken, and if he couldn't do much about it you sure as hell won't have a chance.

    Your post angered me not because you're implying 99% of marketers on here are scam artists (which is bs most are just newbies trying to get by), but BECAUSE you have no ability to BLAME YOURSELF for your life problems.

    Accept the fact that YOU messed up and nobody else.

    Develop a plan so that will never happen again. If you really think calling marketers out on a daily basis is going to help you in any way, you'll get very tired of reregistering accounts eventually I promise you that.

    Most of all, is your time really so invaluable in the first place that you would actually WANT to do something like that? I mean just go get a job if you're that bitter about things. At least you'd accomplish something PRODUCTIVE with your time.

    Aside from that you sound like another "aged newbie" whos been in internet marketing for "years" but still has not learned a single thing about marketing.

    If you have really been in marketing for years, and THIS is how you communicate to people, you're still a marketing newbie afaic. Your past years trying to learn marketing probably went like this:

    80% reading
    15% complaining in your head why something won't work
    5% taking action


    Fast forward a few years and this is your new protocol

    100% complaining

    Lets face it, you're still a major newbie.

    I feel so sorry for the people who seem to have a serious problem understanding that THEY are the only problem with internet marketing.

    You are DEFINITELY NOT changing other peoples behavoir I don't care how hard you try. The ONLY behavoir you can change in life is YOUR OWN.

    So continue to bicker, continue to call people out, you're just wasting your life away. You're not learning anything valuable, you'll just continue to justify and validate your own failures in life.

    If thats what you want to do, and it puts a smile on your face, more power to you.

    But I don't have the time for it. Many marketers who are actually BUILDING BUSINESSES also don't have the time for it. I'm too busy making money and I'm not even an experienced internet marketer FFS. If I actually had the skills some of these guys have on this forum I'd be making a killing right now. There is absolutely a bunch of legitimate marketers on here making some decent money. Then likewise there are a TON of fakes and frauds who are too damn lazy to put the time in.

    The fact remains plenty of people are still making money, they are the ones who take massive action, who treat people right, who release quality content, who don't have a care in the world for bitter marketers like you.

    So don't tell me marketing doesn't work, YOU don't work.

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    • Profile picture of the author takis76
      -> Answer to RedShifted

      Yes all of these marketers ate my money in all of these years.
      And the same happened to you too when you was started and you are saying , is my FAULT.

      I didn't WASTE any time and I say for the first time I used my time perfectly , I exposed and I said what happend , in fact I just awaken you , these posts offended you saying I don't know how to speak.
      All here pretend that everything are ok and the money is very easy to be made , just keep purchase moron. (Some people here said stop purchase). The GURUS said keep purchase.

      I am not a native english speaker , but I speak the English nicely.
      The products they sold me was FAILED , not I.
      The mentors they coach me was FAILED , not I.

      My websites was writen by professional english speakers and copywriters. People understands what I am saying in my websites.
      And the articles I was posted in my blogs wall was original , unique and professional writen , not rerotated , stolen articles from other blogs as all marketers usually does. Includes YOU.

      I didn't mess up anything.

      The first 2 years was 70% reading and 30% taking action.
      The third year was 100% taking action , I tested a lots of products a lots of systems , a lots of domains and websites and different methods. I didn't describe everything here this was a small sample.

      In the forth year I realized , nothing is working and they just took my money and then I started complaining.

      I didn't fail the products they sold mel failed, I have to say the message went out , now many new people will see these posts and will learn what is really happening and they will not live in dream - utopia of the easy money creation.

      These posts will help me to bring the offenders on the surface and the real good people and marketers too.

      Is not necessary to be a good person or good marketer if you just making a lots of sales. Might you are a good liar.

      These posts means nothing to YOU , but a lots to ME.
      These posts means complains and insults to YOU and message to ME.

      Already nice people here gave me great advices. I thanked all great advices.

      I am not expecting to helping me and I don't want you to helping me too.
      This forum is already helped me by reading the procuct reviews in the past , before I publish this post.

      So I don't get offended by telling me , I don't know how to speak , people don't purchase my products because my language sucks in my sales pages , I need a grammar , I have screwed up my life , nobody understand me , if nobody wouldn't understood me, no one will answer these posts.

      And about the spacing of the first post , was internet browser incompatibility , old internet explorer from some computer I logged in.

      Now I passed the mark of 15 posts so , you will see me in your posts ask info about products that work , I will not complain anymore. I will look and WSO's

      In the future you will beg to incorporate with me.


      In the future I will be your mentor , I will promote your products , I will drive you traffic and I will make you sales , I will be your sponsor , you will beg me to have an appointment for $10.000 per hour and you will be happy you paid so little money to see me in Richard Branson Island.

      Takis76 will be my brand name and you are laughing now , but you will remember me with this nickname only.

      I know people counts about how much money do they have.

      I know , I know "Money Talks - B U L L S H I T walks".

      Now I am walking like the Johnny Walker.

      Thank you very very much you have participated in this so constructive thread.

      Takis76 Out.

      End of message.
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      • Profile picture of the author cjreynolds
        Originally Posted by takis76 View Post

        In the future you will beg to incorporate with me.


        In the future I will be your mentor , I will promote your products , I will drive you traffic and I will make you sales , I will be your sponsor , you will beg me to have an appointment for $10.000 per hour and you will be happy you paid so little money to see me in Richard Branson Island.

        Takis76 will be my brand name and you are laughing now , but you will remember me with this nickname only.
        "Mwahahahaha!!!! I shall rule the world, and you will all bow before me!!!"

        ROTF LMAO!!! Get a grip, dude!

        But, believe it or not, this is one of the reasons I hang out here - Takis76, please don't ever leave!! :p

        I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6618122].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
          Originally Posted by cjreynolds View Post

          "Mwahahahaha!!!! I shall rule the world, and you will all bow before me!!!"

          ROTF LMAO!!! Get a grip, dude!

          But, believe it or not, this is one of the reasons I hang out here - Takis76, please don't ever leave!! :p
          LOL ... I'm still voting for this thread to be a stickie. :p
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