Best Way To Market Physical Product?

4 replies
Hey folks,

Was wanting to get everyone's opinion on the best way to market a physical product?

I asked because earlier today, I fired up my copy of Micro Niche Finder and using the 'brainstorm' option, I stumbled upon what I believe to be a winner..

The keywords range from a daily search amount of just over 100, all the way up to about 3500...and the number of 'competing pages' falls between 47K & 1k...

My only real dilemma is how to take this physical product, which according to Micro Niche Finder, states that the online commercial intent for these 40+ keywords are in the high 80's & low 90's....(meaning those who are searching for these keywords are 'buyers' and not just tire-kickers...) and actually market it?

I did find a few partner/affiliate programs being offered by a few retailers of said products, but again, not really sure how to go about doing my marketing.

Your thoughts/opinions/insights would be greatly appreciated.


#market #physical #product
  • Profile picture of the author mikecowles
    Hi Ray,

    I'm assuming your product is some kind of information product, videos, interviews, etc.? If so, go to Kunaki -- CD/DVD manufacturing and publishing service and read up ontheir service.

    ~Mike Cowles <><
    FREE Countdown Software for warriors here. (No Opt-in Needed)
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    • Profile picture of the author Ray Erdmann

      Thanks for the reply!'s not a info/dvd product, but rather a high-priced item that folks buy online. Can't really say what it is w/out really giving it away, but for the sake of argument, let's say you find a really hot, brand new 'toaster' that folks were buying online. If you found a handful of unknown/untapped keywords that were related to that toaster folks were buying, as well as a few affiliate/partner programs, how would you go about selling it?

      I'm thinking, and correct me if I'm wrong here, about doing the following:

      1. Sign up for the few affiliate programs I've found related to this product.
      2. Put up a web site that is based around one or two keywords relating to the 'toaster' (Not the actual product of course) and install WordPress.
      3. Put up some good quality content on the web site. Might even get a few articles written and get them setup to 'auto-post' over the course of a few days to a week.
      4. Write some other additional articles relating to said product and get those uploaded to a few article sites.
      5. Toss in some social bookmarking.
      6. Grab some pictures of said products that I could then use and create a small video about it and upload to either just youtube....or TubeMongul, as this 'item' isn't one that would really go 'viral'...

      Just looking for the most logical steps to follow, as again, this is a high-priced item that my research shows people want to buy based on the keywords I've found.

      Thanks for your input.


      "Whether you think you can or'll always be 100% right!" |

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      • Profile picture of the author jan roos
        Originally Posted by Ray Erdmann View Post


        Thanks for the reply!
's not a info/dvd product, but rather a high-priced item that folks buy online. Can't really say what it is w/out really giving it away, but for the sake of argument, let's say you find a really hot, brand new 'toaster' that folks were buying online. If you found a handful of unknown/untapped keywords that were related to that toaster folks were buying, as well as a few affiliate/partner programs, how would you go about selling it?

        I'm thinking, and correct me if I'm wrong here, about doing the following:

        1. Sign up for the few affiliate programs I've found related to this product.
        2. Put up a web site that is based around one or two keywords relating to the 'toaster' (Not the actual product of course) and install WordPress.
        3. Put up some good quality content on the web site. Might even get a few articles written and get them setup to 'auto-post' over the course of a few days to a week.
        4. Write some other additional articles relating to said product and get those uploaded to a few article sites.
        5. Toss in some social bookmarking.
        6. Grab some pictures of said products that I could then use and create a small video about it and upload to either just youtube....or TubeMongul, as this 'item' isn't one that would really go 'viral'...

        Just looking for the most logical steps to follow, as again, this is a high-priced item that my research shows people want to buy based on the keywords I've found.

        Thanks for your input.

        Make squidoo lenses, hub pages, submit to ezinearticles, youtube ontop of your website and blog. Link everything together. You'll do just fine.


        I'll teach you how to make money like a Mamba.

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  • Profile picture of the author BizBoost

    Let me know if that's of any interest to you...
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