Steps I will make to build an email list (FINALLY)

by Riich
16 replies
Hey guys,

So, I've been lurking WF for some time and have finally come to that cross road where I've decided to get off my butt, put my fears behind me and get to work!

I've will make a product and will be giving it away to build my email list. The steps I will take to do this look like this so far...

  • Add content to website (How-to videos)
  • Make product for giveaway
  • Make a squeeze page
  • Drive traffic to squeeze page via Solo Ads
  • Drive traffic to squeeze page via social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc)

Do you think I've missed something that I could add for my opt ins?

Thanks in advance,
#build #email #finally #list #make #steps
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas W
    i think you got it right

    Established webmaster since 1998. Bought my first domain name for $70 and had to pay $1000 a month for hosting. It was the good life

    Skype: twool9
    Email me at thomasw9 ((((a)))) G mail

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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    Yes that seems pretty straight forward. Along the way you will inevitably adjust your traffic generating strategies. I think you should look into banner ads as I find them to be infinitely more targeted than solo ads, and yes, i tested it... i always test.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    What happens when they opt-in? Too many people worry about getting them onto their list, and have absolutely nothing to do once that person is subscribed.
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    • Profile picture of the author matt78
      Originally Posted by Joe Robinson View Post

      What happens when they opt-in? Too many people worry about getting them onto their list, and have absolutely nothing to do once that person is subscribed.
      That's right. You must have all your sales funnel set up first before sending in the traffic. Things like preparing your autoresponder email sequence, choosing the products to promote to your list etc..

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    • Profile picture of the author Riich
      Originally Posted by Joe Robinson View Post

      What happens when they opt-in? Too many people worry about getting them onto their list, and have absolutely nothing to do once that person is subscribed.

      Such a quick response; thanks for the input guys!

      Well Joe, that is a very good question. Perhaps once they are in, I could approach them with an upsell.

      What are your thoughts on this?

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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by Riich View Post

        What are your thoughts on this?
        You've made a very wise decision, and I wish you well with it.

        I have only one word to offer you, really (and a long-winded post to back it up! ), and that word is continuity.

        Explained here:
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        • Profile picture of the author Mohammed Hammad2
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          You've made a very wise decision, and I wish you well with it.

          I have only one word to offer you, really (and a long-winded post to back it up! ), and that word is continuity.

          Explained here:
          Just read your post in "What essential things to know about lists", it is an excellent post Alexa. Thank you for it, I really enjoyed it.

          I think you are right on all the points you stated there.
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        • Profile picture of the author bgowing
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          You've made a very wise decision, and I wish you well with it.

          I have only one word to offer you, really (and a long-winded post to back it up! ), and that word is continuity.

          Explained here:
          Hi Alexa. I read your linked post....great info and I will be making some improvements to my list building efforts for my home biz after reading this work of art. Thank you!
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        • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
          Originally Posted by Riich View Post


          Such a quick response; thanks for the input guys!

          Well Joe, that is a very good question. Perhaps once they are in, I could approach them with an up-sell.

          What are your thoughts on this?

          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          You've made a very wise decision, and I wish you well with it.

          I have only one word to offer you, really (and a long-winded post to back it up! ), and that word is continuity.

          Explained here:
          What she said. I should start logging off early in the day more often, leaving Alexa to answer any questions left behind .

          On the up-sell right after opt-in idea, you can certainly do it. I haven't personally. It can be a good way to immediately start figuring out who your buyers are though. You'll have to use that magic word: testing. It will really depend on the audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammed Hammad2
    Hey Rich,

    Sounds like a great plan, the most important thing is actually sticking to it and taking action.

    About the sales funnel, all you need is a single simple product for start.

    You don't need to care now about a WHOLE sales funnel with front-entry product followed by upsells, downsells and backend offers.

    You just need to go through your plan, create a simple product after you survey your subscribers what they want and just sell it to them, or if for example you got them by offering a free list building course, then sell them a list building product and so on.

    Last thing, I see many people are building their lists and afraid to pitch them anything. You are building this list to SELL to them. Yea nurture them first and sell them quality products that will help them overcome their problems. Don't forget your main goal from building this list.

    I wish you luck
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    Converting that list into sales.

    Like the OP said, it's one thing building the list but it's another thing profiting from it.

    James Scholes
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    Originally Posted by Riich View Post

    Hey guys,

    So, I've been lurking WF for some time and have finally come to that cross road where I've decided to get off my butt, put my fears behind me and get to work!

    I've will make a product and will be giving it away to build my email list. The steps I will take to do this look like this so far...

    • Add content to website (How-to videos)
    • Make product for giveaway
    • Make a squeeze page
    • Drive traffic to squeeze page via Solo Ads
    • Drive traffic to squeeze page via social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc)

    Do you think I've missed something that I could add for my opt ins?

    Thanks in advance,
    You are missing: add it to your sig, join more forums, create a teaser You Tube video, Free ebook with a simple working free offer, I find forums are far more effective than FB and Twitter unless you do a massive SEO type attack.

    But very good start. Keep it up you are going the right direction and more "lurkers" should follow your example.

    Oh post a WSO and get affiliates to boost your sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author andreabolder
    you are definitely on the right track. I would add that before you offer anything to get a solid email marketing campaign created with 5-7 autoresponder messages that you send out over the course of a week that supports the content in your "free product" then you'll want to email your list on average once - twice a week to being nurturing and developing a relationship with them.

    Introduce value packed emails that provide useable tips that will get your subscribers results. You can then begin to use "bait" email that contain links to paid products/affiliate products.

    You can have 10000 leads on your list put if you don't set up your sales funnel/email marketing campaign correctly driving all that traffic will be all for not!
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  • Profile picture of the author mlord10
    Good plan to some others have said, make sure your sales funnel is setup before sending traffic. If you don't do this, you are just wasting time & money.

    Another important factor is testing your squeeze page to insure you are getting maximum conversion rates...
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  • Profile picture of the author Riich
    Hey everyone, I just want to say thank you for all of the advice given. I will take into consideration and implement immediately!

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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    some good ideas to get going

    1 thing i will say is if your going to create a product just to give away then i would give away say 5 free videos and then sell the last 5, 7, 10 etc as your product

    this is a great way to build your list while having the means to make money and build your buyers list at the same time

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