11 replies
Hi some clickbank question.

Do you need to have a website first when applying for clickbank affliate program?

Second, how do you usually promote clickbank products? Is it the same as Amazon's products. I've heard some of their products are infoproducts so how can I promote this. Is it okay to approach it in a blog style promotion in my site. Also a good example of clickbank affiliate website is appreciated so I can sort some of my questions by looking at it.

Thanks. :-)
#clickbank #question
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by tantivy View Post

    Do you need to have a website first when applying for clickbank affliate program?
    No, you don't.

    Originally Posted by tantivy View Post

    Second, how do you usually promote clickbank products?
    There are many different ways. But the methods of all the people who are successful with it, who are making a living from it, have some basic, inescapable, fundamental features in common, and here they are: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ml#post5210243

    Originally Posted by tantivy View Post

    Is it the same as Amazon's products.
    The affiliate cookie mechanism is similar (but ClickBank cookies last for much longer on prospective customers' PC's).

    There are similarities and differences.

    With Amazon, you have the "recognition and trust" factor in your favor, so the sales are easier, and the conversion-rates generally higher. But the commission payments are typically far lower.

    Originally Posted by tantivy View Post

    I've heard some of their products are infoproducts
    Most are.

    If it helps you, either now or later, the links in this post explain how I make a living from it (other people will have slightly different ways): http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ml#post5721774
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    • Profile picture of the author tantivy
      Thanks Alexa for the response. Great help :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author kalikot15
      hi alexa im new to clickbank i want to learn it hope i can learn it from you. can u teach me
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  • Profile picture of the author SlfMastery
    Originally Posted by tantivy View Post

    Hi some clickbank question.

    Do you need to have a website first when applying for clickbank affliate program?

    Second, how do you usually promote clickbank products? Is it the same as Amazon's products. I've heard some of their products are infoproducts so how can I promote this. Is it okay to approach it in a blog style promotion in my site. Also a good example of clickbank affiliate website is appreciated so I can sort some of my questions by looking at it.

    Thanks. :-)
    Looks like Alexa did a thorough job in answering your questions.

    In addition to Alexa's suggestions, I'll add this.

    Pick a subject you are passionate about. Build a site around that subject. You could easily write helpful content since you know the subject well. After find a product related keyword you can rank, write a review page on a particular clickbank product and how it helped someone with a problem. This whole site would be around this subject so you'll keep adding content/products and building a long term business. You would drive traffic through SEO and/or video and/or writing subject related articles on StreetArticles.com and/or whatever you dig up here.

    If you buy the product you could see if it actually helps you. If the product is not "whole," you could whip up a bonus to fill that "missing piece" (for the bonus, either write the content yourself, for find articles or videos that fill the "missing piece" and put those links in your bonus. This adds tremendous value. And, the person searching for that product related keyword should be interested in buying already so your bonus might be just enough to push them to buy.


    1) Target end of buying cycle keywords
    2) Add value with a good review and how it help you/someone. Who it's not for. Likes and dislikes. Etc.
    Add a bonus for more value.
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  • Profile picture of the author larry1113
    Do you need to have a website first when applying for clickbank affliate program?

    -No you do not.

    Second, how do you usually promote clickbank products?
    -Build an email list in your market and then promote affiliate products

    Is it the same as Amazon's products?
    -Same concept in the sense that you earn a commission on each product you sell. Different because most of Amazon's products are physical.
    -Same promotion strategies though.

    I've heard some of their products are infoproducts so how can I promote this.
    -If you're referring to Amazon's infoproducts then I do not know. Don't have experience with that. I'm going to guess that as long as your signed up to be an Amazon affiliate and you can promote an Amazon infoproduct. Don't quote me on that though.

    Is it okay to approach it in a blog style promotion in my site.
    -Yes that's good but blogging is a tough route in my opinion. Especially if you're in the make money online niche. If you do decide to go this route, then figure a way to differentiate yourself. Also viperchill.com is a great free resource if you go the blogging approach.

    Also a good example of clickbank affiliate website is appreciated so I can sort some of my questions by looking at it.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Lady Carole
    Second, how do you usually promote clickbank products? Is it the same as Amazon's products. I've heard some of their products are info-products so how can I promote this
    Since your other questions have been covered very well by others, I will respond to this question. Almost all of Clickbank's products are info products. You promote an info product just like a physical product. There will be an image which represents the product such as an eBook picture or a box which features it. You might also see images of DVDs or Cd's depending upon what is being offered. With the image, you can describe details of the digital product, review it, and generally promote it on your website. ClickBank will deliver the product in a download link.

    You can also use a video on YouTube to promote the ClickBank product. You don't even have to have a website for this. Just put the affiliate link in the video, either on each frame in a footnote or on the last screen. With videos you don't have to be aggressive, just talk about the product and maybe on the last screen tell the viewer to check it out by clicking on the link in the description. Put the link to the product in the description or put your website link there. Always start the YouTube video description with a link, that they can click to get to your offer.

    Regarding Amazon having digital products, I guess they do with music and videos. Usually they are selling a physical product and all you have to do is promote it with your affiliate link. Like ClickBank, they deliver the sale.

    Amazon's Kindle, however, is all digital products. You can sell the eBooks, games, movies, etc. for Kindle users just like you sell any other product from Amazon. Lately I've been noticing that lots of authors are promoting their Kindle eBooks on Youtube. They use a Power Point presentation to show some of the words (the description) on slides with images and read the same thing out loud for the recording. It looks easy, but I haven't tried it yet. You put your amazon affiliate link to the product in the video and start out the description with the same link. Videos are pretty easy to get on the first page of Google so that's how you would get viewers and hopefully affiliate sales.

    I wish you the best of success,
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    • Profile picture of the author tantivy
      Thanks for all the response. I really appreciate it. I've already bookmarked this for future reference as I know it will take sometime before I absorb and learn and most of all apply all the information shared here.

      Great help! :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author zigzag67
    You don't need a website.
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  • Profile picture of the author CurtisSWN
    Clickbank products are best for actual "niche" products, and NOT for internet marketing products, usually the buyers will buy through their own links trying to get a commission of their own sale. Unless you have some good bonuses to offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by tantivy View Post

    Hi some clickbank question.

    Do you need to have a website first when applying for clickbank affliate program?

    Second, how do you usually promote clickbank products? Is it the same as Amazon's products. I've heard some of their products are infoproducts so how can I promote this. Is it okay to approach it in a blog style promotion in my site. Also a good example of clickbank affiliate website is appreciated so I can sort some of my questions by looking at it.

    Thanks. :-)
    You don't need a website/blog when you first apply to Clickbank. You pretty much sign up with your basic information and can start finding products you want to promote. The ease of use is one of the advantages of Clickbank. When it comes to being an affiliate marketer -- regardless of whether you're promoting digital-info or physical products, you need to start a blog on your own domain.

    The first thing you need to do is figure out what niche you want to to be in (dating, weight loss, video games, learn Spanish, gardening...) This will dictate what kinds of products you promote. The only rules for picking a niche are that it be profitable and one you have an interest in. Your blog should include both product reviews and articles on stuff going on in your niche.

    Good luck,
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  • Profile picture of the author WEBGEEK
    Use all internet marketing techiniques and promote your clickbank product.
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